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Sunday, February 14, 2016

JUST IN: Senate Votes To Override Hogan Veto On Felon Voting Rights

For the sixth time this year, the Maryland Senate has again overridden one of Governor Larry Hogan's vetoes.

The Senate voted 29-18 today to override the governor's veto of a bill that would restore the voting rights of convicted felons once they leave prison, but before they complete their probation.

The Senate was sponsored by Baltimore City Senator Joan Carter Conway, who said the bill would help felons re-enter society.

Baltimore County Senator Delores Kelley said voting is a responsibility, and she says a felon out of prison is showing that he or she wants to be a responsible member of society, by voting.

All 14 Republicans in the Senate voted to sustain the override along with four Democrats.

Those Democrats were Jim Mathias, Kathy Klausmeier, Ed DeGrange and Jim Brochin.



  1. Dumbocrats already had the votes, Jim didnt need to vote, YES

  2. Sounds like some folks need to be ousted in the MD Senate and House.

  3. 99% of them wont vote anyways....they can probably barely spell the word.

  4. Thugs for dem votes.

  5. How come our Senate won't veto Obama's vetoes? ?

  6. Of course the Democrats would vote to override the governor's veto...the Republicans should be ashamed of themselves!

  7. Gov Hogan make it law Obama. Does.

  8. Mathias looking for a way to keep his seat. Not sure it helps him. Most felons would see through him.

  9. Probation means that they have NOT finished serving their debt to society. It is a trial period for that responsibility. So you give them a vote that has repercussions past their probation, including if they break it and go back to jail?

  10. This is all about the Democrats getting more votes. They need felons and bums to keep them in office.
    It's time for people to go to Annapolis and ask, "Why does a felon still serving his sentence have the same voting privileges as law abiding citizens?

  11. Jim, I'm still not voting for you to replace Babs., you frighten me.

  12. WTF is the matter with Republicans? Something in the air or water? Geesh, unbelieveable.

  13. What a bunch of crap! just what we need, more criminals running our country with their opinions.

  14. 1:51
    You want felons to vote? I know the wording is confusing but Hogan doesn't want felons to vote until they have served all their time so he vetoed the bill the Democrats sent to him......they have now in turn vetoed his veto.

    "Baltimore County Senator Delores Kelley said voting is a responsibility, and she says a felon out of prison is showing that he or she wants to be a responsible member of society, by voting"

    It says No such thing. IT says I want to vote for the person that will give me the most free stuff and make it illegal to punish a criminal for their behavior.

  15. Time for an Executive Order

  16. Well, Democrats override a Republican Governor's veto of felon voting "rights." I guess we all know who the Democrats expect the convicted felons to vote for.

  17. Time for a Obama Executive Order? ?? Lol.

  18. Felons voting, why not give 12 year olds the keys to the car? Felons did not become felons overnight. You cannot changes the spots on a leopard.

  19. I would expect nothing less from Jim Mathias, all he cares about are his votes.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    99% of them wont vote anyways....they can probably barely spell the word.

    February 9, 2016 at 1:06 PM

    you watch too much tv. keep being divided into classes of people. that has worked out so well for us hasn't it?

  21. 1:06 Yes they will vote. The push was made in Baltimore where they pay voters.

  22. Gotta get rid of those nutjob senators! Vote for somebody with some sense. When everything starts going sour because of their actions, they'll be the first to blame the governor. When, in fact, THEY are to blame.

  23. Hey democratics in the assembly why don't you get off your butts and do some work beneficial for Marylanders instead of be like this!


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