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Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Viewer Said...

"I think most viewers are OK with the idea that the professional weather forecaster is going to be wrong about  two thirds of the time based on the limitation of the technology their disposal"

Would you agree with that?

Publishers Notes: I explained to this viewer, (who does not have children) that there are tens of thousands of people out there that absolutely depend on an accurate forecast, especially parents. 

When a weatherman states there will be a light dusting on the grass but nothing on the roads, parents can easily believe there will be school tomorrow. There's no need to make contact with someone to take care of the kids.

The next morning, (5 AM) you get a robocall from the school stating they are closed. Now you are pissed, your boss is pissed because you have to stay home. Businesses depend on these forecasts. 

We called out WBOC because, (like you) we're tired of these ridiculous screw ups every single year. Last year we had an almost blizzard, (by eastern shore standards) and even SBYNews called it while WBOC said, (once again) there'd be a light dusting. We have NO experience at this kind of stuff but when push comes to shove, SBYNews is more accurate?

On the day that the snow DID stick to the roads and Dan said it wouldn't, they admitted on each broadcast that "social media" was cracking on Dan, meaning Salisbury News. They all tried to make a JOKE out of Dan's screw up but I'm sure many of our readers picked up on what they were doing and got a laugh out of seeing their tails between their legs. Brian said, well you can't get it right all the time. OH YES YOU CAN, especially the day it IS snowing and you people are still saying it's not going to stick to the roads. 

By the way, is everyone now noticing the repeat commercials on WBOC, (filler commercials). Now they're advertising for sales positions to sell commercial space. Helicopter is gone, new faces on a regular basis. The ship is sinking and I'm not so sure they're going to recover this time. Businesses are sick of spending thousands of dollars on commercials that people are muting or fast forwarding through.


  1. We have DVR and we go through ALL commercials whenever possible.It's true they show the same ads constantly and most of the time its those moronic Kia ads.Yes ,to whoever owns this Kia dealership,you are pissing your money away because all your ads do is annoy me and make me NOT want to buy a car from any jackass who dresses two salesmen as turkeys or worse,have them ridicule special needs people with their lame Forrest Gump ad from the past.Enough!

  2. I am with you. I refuse to step foot in holly Kia or his Berlin ones also!

  3. It would make more sense if WBOC would watch The Weather Chanel one hour before their broadcast and report what they said.

    1. All the weather data comes from the same National Weather Service database and is available to all broadcasters. The local stations are simply too stupid to interpret it.

  4. Agreed! Joe, you should highly consider partnering up with the guy that does Delmarva Weather on Facebook. You'd have an a accurate weather forecaster (he's usypually spot on!) and no one would have a need to tune in to local tv anymore.

  5. Businesses like agriculture and construction look towards the weather forecasts when making important decisions that could make or break them. It's important to have timely, accurate and up to date forecasts. That's why I now rely more on The Weather Channel, Accu Weather and the national weather service. I feel I can no longer trust WBOC to do this for me.

  6. Until local weather forecasters understand geo engineering and how it effects weather patterns, you will continue to see these types of errant forecasts. They are making clouds constantly in this area. Look up any day before forecasted rain and you will see a grid of "clouds" being created by at least 8 or more planes in the sky

  7. Always expect the unexpected

  8. spot on 10:14. i believe with the continued government manipulation of the weather (seeding and so forth), no one can be totally precise. duh

  9. Barry Zavan the weatherman , was the best!

  10. McGee motors ads are pretty stupid too. A chubby middle aged woman with a princess lea hairdo.

  11. Hey, 10:14. I just got back from Wal-Mart, and they're running a sale on Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap! Better hurry, though!

  12. Hey Steve take your head out of the sand one day and look up! It may make you a little curious as well!

  13. The military are running the geoengineering programs and they rarely explain to the local weather people their intentions for any given day. It is a top secret program.

  14. To all,
    Vapor trails came about with the invention of the jet engine, and have been around ever since. That's why government propeller planes don't leave visible trails behind.

    ...Ans if it's such a top secret program, why wouldn't they use prop planes?

    Hurry, the tin foil is selling fast!

  15. Steve a vapor trail, or condensation trail, also known as a contrail, will dissipate over a matter of minutes. The spraying that takes place also known as geoengineering expands and greys out plenty of otherwise sunny days on the shore. You just have to pay attention and stop being so naive. I know it's hard to grasp that your loving government would never do anything to hurt you, lol
    Wake up buddy,

  16. 3:28 thank you, I guess Steve has never heard of google nor wants to educate himself.
    Geoengineering is more than well documented and is done all over the world right now.
    Just because our government controlled media doesn't cover it doesn't mean it is not happening.

    The old "tin foil hat" comment is not longer looked at as an insult. It simply makes the commenter look like an uneducated fool with their head in the sand.

  17. These stations have stunk for over 20 years... not worth 2 seconds of anyone's time.. and Kia--I wouldn't buy those hunks of Korean junk...

    Anyone that has their kids and family selling cars on TV--it's so redneck and low class...

    No wonder business avoid this area --it's embarassing

  18. Wanna learn what our government is doing to control weather? look up "HAARP"

  19. I think it is hilarious that they are wrong so many times and so often that they had to make a commercial with people saying "Dan said it would be like this!" Sooooooo funny!!! How much do you think they had to pay those idiots to do that commercial?

  20. I am tired of the push of their weather app as well.

  21. I guess Dan is calling for sunny weather the next couple of days? Probably so.


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