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Sunday, February 14, 2016

County Executive Responds to Poultry Concerns

As Wicomico County Executive, I want to address the apprehension some of our citizens have expressed regarding the poultry farm that is being considered on West Road.

Many of the statements that have been made during public comments in County Council meetings along with emails that I have received personally and articles in the media have been less than accurate. I take this matter very seriously and have my own concerns about this issue. Because of these concerns, I have reached out to experts on the topic who are charged with the responsibility of protecting public health and our environment.

I have invited the Secretaries of Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Department of Agriculture and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and have asked them to conduct a public meeting locally to share the facts as they know them and to answer our citizens’ concerns.

I have also been meeting with poultry companies, the Delmarva Poultry Industry, our local Health Department and others attempting to collect factual information on an operation of the size being considered at this time.

Until all of this information can be compiled, I believe it is premature to attempt to legislate or regulate a business as important as the poultry industry is to our county and to restrict citizens’ property rights.

Publishers Notes: The following must be stated.

I came to learn that Council President John Cannon has been feeding the very people who are complaining about this project, (and others) with a load of his own CRAP.

He is trying to give FALSE HOPE that something can be done about this exact project and very frankly he is full of sh!t. As I have tried to explain to many other people who approached me on this matter, what they are planning to build IS PERFECTLY LEGAL. John Cannon is once again taking every single controversial matter and make it his own. He wants to garnish FALSE support to make it LOOK like he's trying to help people when the fact remains, he can do NOTHING about it. He is trying to run for County Executive with complete BS. 

While County Executive Culver inherited this alleged and manufactured problem, he understands every single concern here but you cannot ask him to BREAK THE LAWS already in place and that is exactly what John Cannon is filling the minds of concerned people, hoping they'll believe he's the "Good Guy" in this whole thing. 

It was just as much Rick Pollitt's problem as it is now Bob Culver's. The ONLY difference here is, NO ONE ever attempted to build so many at one time, until now. 

John Cannon is creating false hope and as Council President should know better then to abuse his position against a County Executive he knows cannot do anything. Again, nor could the former Executive, any Delegate, Senator, Congressman and yes, even the Governor. 

Can projects like this be toned down IN THE FUTURE, absolutely. But as things stand now, this group has every legal right to move forward. Cannon, how dare you go so low to mislead people with your BS. 


  1. Cannon is so disgustingly envious of Culver's position, he just can't help himself.

  2. Albero, you are on target about Cannon's reason for making this issue his issue. He wants Culver's job so bad he can taste it.

  3. Cannon is over his head in his current position...much less trying to do Culver's job.

  4. Bird waste is poisoning everyone and everything. Only because it is big business is it being swept under the rug.

  5. So tired of Cannon's game playing. He is better at poker than leadership. Council needs to "fire" him as their president.

  6. "Bird waste is poisoning everyone and everything."

    Not to worry, the State is funding your protection from this with sales tax revenues collected on furniture that ex-governors purchase from Maryland at charity prices.

  7. Is that why they clear cut the beautiful woods alongside 50 and Ed Taylor road?

  8. Wait until the indoor pot grow facilities start operating. Do not worry they will all be indoors as that is how you get the best product.

  9. And that has what to do with poultry ??????

  10. Well, the truth is Cannon can do double flips for those who are screaming the loudest but he will NEVER satisfy them. I feel for those with homes in the area but they have been used by the big environmentalists and all THEY want is for poultry gone from the sure, period. Let those with true concerns come out and question and listen to the experts. Those who have the science or will gather it to answer their questions.

  11. At this point in time it would be sheer stupidity for the person to go ahead w/building these chicken houses. The Right to Farm Act ONLY protects farmers and ranchers whose operation was in existence and has not expanded its operation after the neighbors moved into the neighborhood. He will be hit with law suit after law suit.

  12. Regulation has nothing to do with common sense
    This is not poultry industry it is industry. And it is industry in residential areas. Excuse us but our homes were here first.

  13. 713, If the property is zoned for that use and the owners want to pursue their goals, then it must be allowed, period. They have a right to "farm" that property.

  14. I heard plans are in the works for a farm across from Wor-Wic on Longeridge Rd & corner of Walston Switch Rd. It is zoned Ag and I hear its going to be a good size farm.

  15. In todays political arena , this type of crap is common. Hillary and Obama set the example of false statements to acquire backing from the ignorant.

  16. To the TREE HUGGERS out there: Funny how your LIBERAL O'Malley shoved one home for every 20+ acres down our throats and you all cheered. I guess you were asleep when he IGNORED the legislation already in place that could have been changed to have less chicken houses. Now that there's a republican Governor and Executive you all want to point the finger and act as if it's all their fault. This is why I laugh at these tree hugging liberal Idiots. I see them at face value and that isn't worth very much, unless you like crybabies and whiners. Just remember, one house per 20+ acres. This was designed to remove RURAL development and force everyone into municipal taxes and services. It should be thrown out on the Eastern Shore, in the very least.

  17. Oh, I should add. It's your LIBERAL leaders who have done NOTHING to stop the municipal waste water treatment plant leakage into the Chesapeake Bay, killing the Bay. Yet we do all the fishing, crabbing etc. down here on the Shore, not in the Baltimore Harbor or Annapolis Harbor areas. WHY, because the water is so polluted there. Isn't it amazing how those jackasses out there blame the chicken farmers for pollution, yet none of the water from here ever goes out THERE. It runs from the Shore to the Ocean. We're NOT polluting the Bay. In fact, our water is much cleaner then the western shore and beyond, hence the massive seafood industry out here.

    It's amazing how some liberal jackass can make statements that the chicken farmers are causing it, they can create groups to lobby the citizens of Maryland with nothing but LIES and people just believe it.

    It is the municipal waste water treatment plants causing most of the pollution. Another majority comes from Pennsylvania and Delaware industries. FUNNY, we don't hear them telling us WE are polluting their tributaries. WHY, because the water doesn't travel BACKWARDS! Just like OUR water doesn't from the shore to Annapolis and Baltimore.

    Do you people get it now???

  18. does anybody else wish Montgomery County would secede from MD?

  19. To the person who stated I believe all chicken house pollution goes to the Ocean and not the Bay, that is NOT what I said. First, PROVE to me that chicken houses create POLLUTION. I firmly believe Farmers have done everything in their powers to be great stewards to the land. It's a group of lying liberals that feed your mind with total crap and say it so often that now you believe them.

    What I stated was, the water here on the Shore does NOT end up in the Baltimore and Annapolis Harbor. Their water does however end up down here and ultimately into the ocean. So IF there's ANY pollution, it comes from their dirty water coming down stream. Our water is clean enough, (for now) for water men to survive, (for now).

    The fingers need to be pointed ELSEWHERE and NOT the chicken farmers.

    Call me names and your comment will be rejected. Also, my name is on my comment. Be a man and do the same. Or are you full of crap and afraid to look like a fool.

  20. This area will also have a big manure anaerobic/gasification plant. Bio-generation of electric. Sounds like it will be sweet. Poultry houses do add to pollution. Ever live near a chicken house? Ever have your eye's burning from it? Yep its ammonia. Not the best thing to be taking into your lungs.

  21. 9:07 and 9:24 you both are without any doubts unequivocally wrong. Right to Farm only applies to existing farms PERIOD end of story. If someone builds chicken houses where none existed before or expands and the operation becomes a nuisance to neighbors they can sue and as most often the case a judge will set restrictions to the farming operation.
    Most people do not understand the Right to Farm Act. It protects EXISTING farms from being unfairly shut down by NEWCOMERS moving into an area where farming is already taking place. Now please before spreading inaccurate info educate yourselves.

  22. These comments are absolutely correct. The Bay water on the Lower Shore is multiple times cleaner than the Northern Bay and the Balt. Harbor areas. The Lower Shore counties have cover crops over approx. 95% of the Ag/land, concrete pads under manure sheds and loading areas are also around 95% and municipal treatment plants on the Eastern Shore are also running near peak efficiency (excluding Salisbury). The Dems. have shoved down our throats not only the 1 dwelling in 20 Acres rule that for all intents and purposes is a constitutional "taking without just compensation" but the new BAT Septic Systems that cost $11,000 to $18,000 each just for the tank, the Critical Area Planting Rules that can drive up the cost of water front plantings to $50,000 or more, the Stormwater Management Rules that can add tens of thousands of dollars to the cost of some residential, commercial or agricultural projects, the new tiered system of regulating subdivision construction "out of business, O'Malley's Environmental Code for new Construction which adds thousands to cost of a new dwelling or business site, the Sprinkler System Rules for single family and duplex construction that can add as much as $25,000 to the cost of a new home and the infamous off shore wind turbine construction (Who in their right mind would build or advocate a power generating system that will cost 29+ cents a kwh when coal is around 3 cents. Give them H....

  23. When is someone going to address the real issue ethics in your local county city government. Culver has been affiliated with farming his whole life therefore he will favor anything to accommodate. Just like his building development of his family property on west side and now wants tax dollars to build a park in Whitehaven but he doesn't tell that he owns waterfront property in Whitehaven and a park will benefit his ability to develop that as he gas done with all of the other family land

  24. Poultry operation was proposed and reviewed under existing regulations making it legal, End of this story! The only way to stop these is to enact a moratorium (not happening in the home of Perdue)and tighten the regulations. Has anyone thought that the larger new operations are probably more environmentally safe than the poultry houses of 20 years ago?

  25. No this isn't the end Culver's true agenda is about to come forward


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