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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Elderly Woman Tasered, Her Arm Broken, for Not Removing Her Earrings Fast Enough

When 60-year-old Nancy Mason was in the process of being booked into the Hamilton County, Tennessee, jail on theft charges she refused to remove her earrings quickly enough setting off a violent chain of events.

For not complying fast enough, Sheriff’s Sergeant Rodney Terrell tased her — sending the woman crashing to the ground, landing on and breaking her arm in the fall.

Before being booked, Mason is ordered to remove her jewelry but refuses to do so. “I will report you,” she says to Terrell. Terrell, can be heard saying, “Report all you want, I will not keep telling you.”

Then he fires his taser.

“You broke my arm,” Mason says in video footage, clutching her wrist in disbelief, after recovering from the fall.

“I didn’t break your arm, you broke it,” the officer retorts.

Meanwhile, despite Mason’s complaints of pain, a group of officers stands around and makes no move even to offer medical assistance.



  1. Just think Bernie is almost two decades older then her!!

  2. After this unjustifiable exchange, Mason now feels about cops the way many across the United States have unfortunately concluded after experiencing excessive force. According to Flores,
    “She fears police, she fears being around them and she fears seeing them.”

    but she's a criminal so it's all good.

  3. wonder what she stole to deserve this type of treatment. I'm sure it was billions just like all those wall street buddies of the establishment. but then since she wouldn't donate any of it to the powers that be, hence the beating!
    Welcome to amerika!

  4. Should have taken your earring off , so simple , on drugs at this age!

    1. Your a tool. You don't know that. Only say that because you can't day she's living in her mommas basement yadda yadda yadda!

  5. 5:48 which is it smallsbury? ... I saw refusal ..and I saw she did not move not fast enough for the civil servant... either way pal remember to factor in karma when it's your turn.

  6. She will hopefully learn her lesson for the next time. Well deserved.

  7. Ear rings? Give me a friggin break,no wonder the cops are hated so much.

  8. Wait a minute.. how can this be considered brutality?
    She's white.

  9. She's being arrested in a jewelry store for theft. Who's earrings were they anyway?

  10. just shoot her when she reaches for her ear lobe

  11. Not cops. Corrections.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not cops. Corrections.

    February 16, 2016 at 2:43 PM

    For not complying fast enough, Sheriff’s Sergeant Rodney Terrell tased her

    how can people be so stupid?

    1. In some states, and even some counties in Maryland, sheriffs run the jails. So even though they might be deputies, they are not necessarily police officers. That is probably what 2:43 was trying to say. The Office of Sheriff in Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset are separate entities from there jails and departments of corrections. That might, or might not be the case here, but it was not a stupid comment.

  13. Excuse me people BUT tasers are issued to law enforcement officers for the sole purpose of protection (apply threat here) and NOT as a “compliance” device. This woman was not a threat to the police. It is now clear to the 60 year old woman that, even while in custody, THE POLICE ARE THE THREAT.

    It is a fact that police have a duty to protect and CAN be held libel if they don’t. I didn’t say they WILL BE held libel because cops and courts most often turn a blind eye to abusive cops.

    It is time for all citizens to carry a taser gun to both protect themselves AGAINST police and if one has DEMANDED a police officer comply with the law and the cop refuses – TASE the COP.

    By the way, Wicomico County Sheriff officers are just as abusive as they have no problem to use a taser for compliance purposes. That’s a fact Jack! BAD DOG, BAD DOG --- ZAP

    1. Man you are nailing it! Lime a John Holmes film! Protection device! Not compliance. They didn't have enough staff to hold an 80yr ild woman down and restrain her in a chair? What if her heart was bad? Just due and comply. Remember cops, jailers etc.... These people get out. These people are sick of you. These people will get a chance to beat your arses one day after your big brother has confiscated fire arms from the people and you become boobies. Yes boobies. Not bobbies. Caught up officers? Those two words got you hub? Moving along.... Point is that one day the rabbit will have the gun. One day you'll be a glorified parking maid.

  14. It is a sad fact that as a law abiding citizen I am very leary of the police. With the exception of officers like Joe Kenda, although he does trample on peoples rights and is a litterbug, most of them seem to be mindless lower echelon soldiers. Power tripping egomaniacs that must be avoided at all cost. One could spend months watching citizen documentation of police brutality in this country. The corrections officers are probably some of the worst offenders. They are the ones that didn't even have enough education to be a cop. They are not happy about that and quite willing to take their frustration out on the next most convenient victim.

  15. empty your Piggy Bank CoppersFebruary 21, 2016 at 4:28 PM

    Big Law Suit


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