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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Md. Senate president calls for civility after veto override

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland’s Senate president is calling for civility after Democratic senators have received what he called “the most vicious hate mail you can possibly imagine” in the aftermath of a veto override vote.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, a Democrat, made the appeal from the Senate rostrum Friday. He called on Republican Gov. Larry Hogan to stop his supporters from singling out senators after the legislature’s veto override of legislation allowing felons to vote when they are on parole and probation.

Miller says one person called a senator’s office and said he hoped the senator’s wife would be raped as a result of his vote.

Doug Mayer, Hogan’s spokesman, says if lawmakers don’t want their constituents to be upset with them, they shouldn’t vote for items their constituents “absolutely despise.” 



  1. Hope thats exactly what should happen to all of these loser Md Dems. Preferably however. They should be raped in prison while their famlies are raped shot abused and victim of crimes. Useful idiots do deserve justice too

  2. The liberals have been raping our state for years .I am a strong advocate of restoring a persons ...But only after they have completed their parole/probation .personal attacks on the wives of the senators is bush league.The liberals can't get over losing the Gubernatorial race .It reminds me of Cam Newton after his loss in the super bowl .

  3. typical shameless tactic by the ruling cabal

  4. Doesn't he understand that Marylanders are tired of this liberal crap and that's why Hogan won. Taxes on taxes, gun control and anti 2nd Amendment gun laws, in state tuition for non-citizens, bathroom rights for mentally ill people who can't decide what sex they are, mandatory sprinkler systems in new homes adding $8,000.00 in construction costs, etc. etc. Mr. Miller, frankly, we are sick of it. If it wasn't for all the Democrats getting handouts you wouldn't get re elected.

  5. You guys deserve it! Absolute idiots! But I am a bigger one for not moving out of this liberal waste land.

  6. Like there is anything civil about any democrat. They approve of killing babies, they promote lawlessness and they are all liars and deceivers. The list of their uncivilized behaviors is endless. Respect is earned and when actions prove you have never evolved into civilized human beings you are to be treated and will be treated uncivilized.

  7. And they are so stupid to realize they are the only ones that want these laws O'Mally is gone. And soon shall they

  8. The Federal Got needs decentralization for MD politics to became sane

  9. Have to agree with all.

  10. As Gov. Hogan said they brought on themselves and the Governor has no control over an individual and his right to address their representatives when they pass unfavorable laws!

  11. What I find interesting is that these Democrats actually think that Governor Hogan could or even would make something like this happen. That somehow it's his fault for constituents lashing out against 'representatives' that vote exactly opposite of what they want. For endangering their safety and pandering criminals.
    The mindset of "I'm here now and I'll vote any damned way I please" seems so entrenched into the Maryland Democrat's psyche that they've completely lost touch with the real world.

  12. Some of the retaliation emotions expressed to the Politian(s) are somewhat extreme. This should show them, Miller, Busch and all these DemocRTS, Local, State and Federal, that the tax payers in Maryland are tired of them not representing us. They are in it for the money and benefits. Maryland needs a recall system since they keep being voted in by a few counties, 4 counties and Baltimore City, where the money is and the lower income that get all the freebies.

  13. Nothing uncivil about it. You talk to people on their level. When you haven't evolved morally, culturally and socially, when you are vulgar, uncouth, course and crude this it is all you understand so that is the way you will be addressed. Don't expect to be talked to civilly until you become a civilized person yourself. The bottom line is people can talk to whomever any way they please so suck it up or move to where people aren't free to express themselves.

  14. LOL I hope so too!

    "Miller says one person called a senator’s office and said he hoped the senator’s wife would be raped as a result of his vote."

    Experience is the best teacher for these nasty democrats.

  15. Mr. Miller doesn't know that Maryland taxpayers are pissed off with tax increases and over regulation of almost everything. The whole Country feels the same way when you have outsiders like Trump and a Socialist leading the presidential polls. He's got his head so buried up the special interest groups because they throw money at him. Our Country and State can not survive when people like Miller vote for the money and not the wishes of those who elected him. I'll never vote for another Democrat as long as I live.

  16. 1:29 When it comes to the presidential election, don't take Joe Biden off your redial. That's haw bad the Democrats are doing. The party leaders know they have no chance with Clinton or Sanders who has proposed a 50% tax increase and is a confessed Socialist. The corruption is finally catching up with the Democrats with the help of independent news sources like SBY News. And, this is just one of the thousands of independent sources across the Country.

  17. Communist Mike Miller, you reap what you sow...Stop voting against the will of the people. You are there to represent us. We don't work for you.

  18. This is more proof that Democrats do not care about Maryland citizens. Their purpose is to represent Maryland voters, yet they do the opposite.

  19. I moved out. Just can't sell my house. The word is out. The people in Maryland and Salisbury SUCK!!!!


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