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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Greater Cleveland CopBlock Founder Sentenced to 240 DAYS in Jail For Filming the Police

(Language warning)

Deo Odolecki, founder of Greater Cleveland CopBlock, host of CopBlock Radio and CounterCurrent News editor, was on trial the last two days at the Parma (OH) Justice Center regarding two cases where he was arrested while CopBlocking (also known as filming the police). Both cases involved First Amendment rights (like protesting unconstitutional government actions and filming the police) but instead of upholding those rights, Judge Deanna O’Donnell denied them when she sentenced him to 240 days in jail. Before discussing how Odolecki was railroaded let’s take a look at the cases that brought him to court.

The first case stems from a June 13th, 2014 (yes, over 1.5 years ago) interaction where Odolecki was “CopBlocking” a checkpoint in Parma (read the original post here). Odolecki was at the last intersection before the police checkpoint with a sign warning drivers about the upcoming police restrictions, or trap, on free travel. Parma Police officer, James Manzo, approached Odolecki and stated that informing motorist to “turn now” was obstructing police business. Of course Odolecki disagreed and refused to stop warning drivers of the checkpoint. For his refusal he was issued a charge of obstructing justice and the police confiscated his sign.

The second arrest was on July 29th, 2015 when Odolecki stumbled across several Parma Police officers at an intersection while on his way home. Curious as to what so many police officers were up too, he started to record. Once Odolecki crossed the street, and officers noticed his presence, he was verbally and physically attacked by them. Even though Odolecki complied with their commands – sure after a few choice words – to leave the immediate area they still choose to arrest him and charge him with disorderly conduct, obstruction of justice and interfering with a medical emergency. 



  1. While they are all wondering why the citizens have such a high level of mistrust of police and the justice system in general.

    You bring it upon yourselves with unlawful actions like these....they have already been declared by the supreme court as legal...these convictions and arrests should be expunged!

  2. You may have those rights granted by the Supreme Court it does not mean all judges, prosecutors and police are going to grant them. They know the average Jane/John Doe can not afford to fight them for those rights and so they take advantage of it. It cost's lots of $$ to fight city hall!

  3. I wonder if it was all worth it? Jail is the loneliest crowed violent place on earth. 90 to 100 degrees of body heat. The smell is overwhelmingly terrible. Body Oder and public toilet is all you can smell. He will be a different person IF he survives it. Nobody does the time for you!! Suicide watch is the safest place if you don't mind being naked covering your body with a paper gown. Oh yeah the lights never turn off. Again I hope it was worth it and he saved some strangers from a dwi.

  4. Yes,jail sucks badly, 659, but what if you were there for filming birds nesting while a bust was going on, and your camera went there for a few minutes.

    Wanna meet BUBBA? You are guilty of a crime, why not do your time?

  5. 6:59.....there ARE some people (obviously not YOU) who believe that our rights are GOD GIVEN. And, they ARE worth taking a stand for them, even if it means going to jail.
    The JUDGE should be marched out into the street and SHOT, as far as I'm concerned --- they are SUPPOSED to uphold the LAW, not back up the Gestapo at every turn, no matter what.
    Public masters recognize NO AUTHORITY, no rules, no limits. They do as they please, knowing the rest of the "justice" system is going to jail or execute anyone who dares challenge that scenario.
    Courts ALL OVER THE COUNTRY have ruled that police, like the serfs, can be filmed in public as long as they don't interfere or obstruct. Only the Gestapo believes that a cell phone camera being used 100 feet away is somehow "obstructing" them.
    Every day, these wanna be Nazi's piss more and more citizens off. The tipping point gets closer every day and there will no mercy.
    Two sets of laws. Right in your face.
    Stalin is cheering in hell at what we've allowed to happen to liberty, justice, and freedom.
    Jefferson and Madison are crying.
    Keep cheering.

    1. Not to mention a jury is never of ones peers. Just because they're human does not make them my peer. My peers work hard and struggle to make ends meet. We buy used vehicles and toke smoke while sipping on some shine. We smome cigarettes and get rowdy at times. The jury here is made of snooty to do people with money or is made of teachers/government employees in half the selection. Most have cop drippings still crusted on their chins from the breakfast of power trip cop bars they eat. What's the definition of peers? Not what we see in our jury selection here in good ol boy Wicomico. Where if a person of power wants you down than your headed that way. End of story.

  6. He's lucky I wasn't on duty.I would have shot him.

    1. I would have tazed first then made a Saw movie lol.

    2. On duty? See this Mike? Babs? This is what you employee! The mentality they have. I can't wait for this particular officer to violate me. If it ever happens .... Your life is mine!the vacancy in your house will be filled by the brother in blue who was banging your wife since before you died! You disgusting piece of hog spew!

  7. 8;58 awful big talk from a wussy artist. can't / don't want to go down into the ghetto to actually do what we pay you to do. you are such a Billy badass, what a freaking joke. then you wonder why the public despises you / your kind. I'm sure if some perp pulled his gun you would piss your pants and run for cover!

    1. Ghetto lol you idiot thugs like it cop free so you got cops are just watching you wipe each other out BLDM

  8. 826 " keep cheering" so original..you complain and cry all the time about propaganda then comment on what you read like you were their. Seriously?!

  9. The real reason these cops support this BS is because they know that 'Big Brother' will take care of them when it eventually conquers the people. They know a tyranny can't exist without militaristic backing and they're using that fact to their own gain. They are acting in self preservation and it makes no difference what laws they break to appease their master.

    1. When big brother accomplishes it's deeds... These slobs will be un armed like us. Those English cops get handled on a daily. Can't wait till I get my shot to knuckle up with these doinks!

  10. The entitlement generation doesn't like being told there are rules in a civilized society.

  11. He wasn't arrested for filming, he was filming as he was arrested. There is a big difference. He wanted to get locked up, and he got what he wanted.


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