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Sunday, February 21, 2016

It's Time To Settle Rumors About The Pocomoke River Bridge

For the past two years one section of the Pocomoke River Bridge has been closed. A contractor was hired to resurface the bridge and was very close to completion. However, one phase of the job was to also go under the bridge and sand blast the iron structure below. 

Once they started sand blasting they immediately noticed they were blowing right through the steel and the project came to an immediate halt. 

At this point you can expect the bridge to be closed for almost another two years. I was told they expect to reopen it in October of 2017. 

While I have received numerous calls and e-mail messages about this bridge, what I am telling you is factual and all other rumors need to stop. The contractor did nothing wrong, (as most people had stated). They did the job they were contracted to do. 

All that being said, it's no wonder the state is desperately working to come up with the funds along Rt. 13. Blasting holes right through the steel proves past Governors ignored maintaining infrastructures. 


  1. The bridge and its substructure/frame should have been inspected and prep/repaired long before resurfacing, the contractor and project manager should know this about ANY project. Wastefulness and ignorance.
    Would you rebuild a house/building on top of a dilapidated foundation?!?!? ....I guess our goberment would...

  2. This is why Donald Trump is the only choice for people who are intelligent and have high standards. Read about Donald Trump and the ice skating rink in NY. In short government bureaucracy was holding up the completion of the rink and Donald offered to intervene and when he did the rink was complete in record time. This happened years ago and Donald Trump has only gotten better at managing and other positive traits this country is so lacking in.

  3. And what is the current Governor doing to pay for infrastructure repairs?

  4. Joe, Thank you for posting this information. I work nearby to the bridge and it was obvious something was wrong as it appears complete, yet has not been reopened. My question would be "Do you build a new house on a rotten foundation?" Looks like someone should have inspected the steel understructure before the decking was replaced!

  5. Just read the contract , then you will know who is responsible.
    I believe the contractor is innocent of anything , however the city government has a lot to be desired.

  6. I had my building inspected for completion about 6 years ago , the inspector never got out of his vehicle much less do any inspection.
    Wicomico county .

  7. Another state of MD failure.

  8. Anyone notice the steel on the Bay Bridge. Its a might bit rusty too.

  9. "My question would be "Do you build a new house on a rotten foundation?" Looks like someone should have inspected the steel understructure before the decking was replaced!"

    Jack the answer is yes when you are using someone else's money and there is no accountability.

  10. Sorry. Everything now must be reviewed by Busch's new committee.

  11. 9;29 Don't attack the current Governor because of state inspectors not doing their jobs years ago. It would seem to me that with 8 years under O'Malley a competent inspector would have found the problem.

  12. 11:04. That certainly wasn't an attack on current Governor. Just a simple question. I'm sure this bridge is just one of many around Maryland that are crumbling .

  13. Tear down the bay bridge and use the parts to fix Pocomoke.

  14. " Anonymous said...

    Just read the contract , then you will know who is responsible.
    I believe the contractor is innocent of anything , however the city government has a lot to be desired.

    February 20, 2016 at 10:08 AM"

    Huh? Please explain how this has anything to do with the "city government?" FYI-It doesn't. This is a state issue and the city has not one thing to do with it so to try and place any blame on them only goes to show you either didn't really read the contract or you did and it's above your intellect level or you are telling an out and out lie. So which one is it?

  15. Does anyone know, is that the original span or were they done at the same time? I may start using the drawbridge!

  16. 7:21 has raised the right question...what about the other span? They were both built at the same time...exposed to the same conditions...so it is hard to believe that it does not suffer a similar condition. I live in town and will not be using the big span.

    As for the draw span...as many will recall the draw bridge fell into the river under the Schaefer administration in the early 90's...and the state quickly rebuilt the iconic draw bridge. I believe it is the safe alternative at this point.

    Thanks for the update Joe...it is more than we receive anywhere else.

    BTW...up until now all of us in town thought it was the result of Jonathan Taylor crossing over more than twice in a single month...but we knew that was probably a myth because he has never stepped foot in our great town.


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