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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton Literally Starts Barking Like a Dog During Campaign Rally

In yet another unusual moment on the campaign trail, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton literally started barking like a dog during a stump speech in Reno, Nevada.

Clinton, while discussing her disbelief at the idea that Republicans would like to repeal Wall Street legislation known as Dodd-Frank because “they say the great recession was caused by too much regulation on Wall Street,” said she was reminded of a radio ad that ran in Arkansas during one of Bill Clinton’s races.

“One of my favorite, favorite political ads of all time was a radio ad in rural Arkansas where the announcer said, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if somebody running for office said something we could have an immediate reaction to whether it was true or not? Well, we have trained this dog and the dog, if it is not true, he is going to bark,’” Clinton recalled. “And the dog was barking on the radio, and so you know people were barking at each other for days after that.”

Clinton said she wants to do that to the Republicans.



  1. The recession was absolutely caused by too much regulation on Wall St. Unfortunately democrats are too stupid to understand. The recession started when democrats told everyone home ownership was a right and directed (regulated) lenders to lend to high risk people.

  2. Hillary is Demonic and was barking like a Ware wolf

  3. she should be oinking

  4. She sounds so natural when she's barking.

  5. Dodd Frank bill is one of the worst things to happen to this country this century. She is just explains that this bill will squeeze you so hard it will make you bark like a dog

  6. She has lost it , she has run out of fuel , can you believe that some people support this idiot.

  7. There is not one normal looking person in that bunch. They look like a bunch of Arkansas inbred Hillbillies.

  8. I remember hearing Josh Hastings barking as he walked up to my door telling a bunch of lies.

  9. If it looks like and dog and barks like a dog...........

  10. You beat me to it, 6:42 PM.

  11. Well that's what she is so she might as well bark.

  12. Hannity and Rudy Guliani were laughing about this earlier on Fox.

  13. It used to be that anyone running for President tried to get both sides to vote for them. She continues to insult republicans. I guess they have so many dead people and illegal votes they don't need the republican vote anymore.


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