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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Black Lives Matter Protester Warns of Coming 'Race War'


  1. Go find something better to do than stand around in the street whining about your own racism.

  2. Please please please bring it on because you idiots need to be thinned out

  3. I've noticed that since Obama has been in office the racial tension around the world (and country) has gotten worse. In an effort , I assume , to ease or to make things better he has made it terrible.
    Al Sharpton was appointed the man in charge of this. Need I say more about Mr. Sharpton? We haven't heard much from Sharpton lately , I wonder why.
    The administration has made this issue worse while America has been destroyed. Was this started as something to direct the issues away from his methodology to destroy all branches of government? I think so.
    Having said this , I do believe we have entered the period of no reversal , America as we have known it is gone and can never be healed at least not in my lifetime.
    These people of entitlements think we as a working class owe them something. I just can't figure out what.
    I must say if they want a race war , so be it. Looking forward to this challenge , I will make the Westside great again.

    1. Sharpton is trying to find out which one of Hillary or Sanders will give him a tax break, I hope the next republican president prosecutes him.

  4. Okay, let's say you have your race war and win. What will you win? What will you have after that? Where will your money come from? Who will build your houses, cars, power plants, cellphones? Who will be inventing the next generation of electronics?

    Yes, you are that stupid!

    1. The fail to realize they are 13% of the population and 65% of them are in prison so I say bring it ON.

  5. Could use a little target practice. See if i still got it plucking some of the bling off their teeth from couple hundred yards out

  6. Yea they do just ask Jim Perdue

  7. PLEASE bring it on so we can do what needs to be done to (maybe) save what is left of our once great country.

  8. Please read hidden dangers of the rainbow. It will awaken you to the organzations behind these real threats we are seeing today. Even if it was written in the 80s. These endless array evil organazations international clubs are the key to this attack on our sovernity, freedom and souls. Yes!!! we are under attack daily with deception and lies. Hopefully most are able to see thru the BS. Some will fall over themselves to be first in line for thier forehead stamps

  9. I've been hearing this crap for years. Long before this racist group came along. LET'S GET IT ON BEFORE I DIE OF NATURAL CAUSES.

  10. You think with all the free health care they could keep teeth in their head.

  11. 5:55 has the right idea on this one - ever since the current POSPOTUS has been in office, they have grown uncivil, defiant towards normal customs and courtesies - all while becoming more dependent on the taxpayers they rile against for their livelihood.

    First step - drug and means testing for all welfare recipients...including alcohol, tobacco, drugs, iPhones, and 22" rims!

    Second step - multiple (3+) generations on the dole...not any more...you chose that lifestyle after knowing what it means.

    Third step - no more housing vouchers. Renters should be allowed to deny you from living there if you can't show a legitimate income. I see too many on vouchers that turn the nice places they live in to cesspools!

    Fourth step - no more money for additional children...you wanna spread your legs - get your tubes tied!

    Next, start heavily enforcing the laws these thugs have been getting away with violating...put them in jail so they can't vote for continuance any more.

    If there is still a 'Race-War' mentality - declare it open season - the remaining conservative taxpayers will take care of it quickly!

  12. Just stop welfare and the war is over.

  13. They make me sick. What like 5 of them have been "gunned down" and they say all this crap when the real problem is the way they are blowing each others brains out. Why would cops or anyone else take a chance with them when they prove daily how violent they are. With their type you have to shot first because they can't be trusted.

  14. Dear Miss Hidden Dangers,

    I don't need to read anybody else's drivel about rainbows to see that these people are complete idiots and not worth giving the time of day to. If you can't read the comments on this blog and realize that most folks are like minded to this, then you need to go read that book again and stop trying to preach to this choir.

    With that being said, just look at the time we all just saved by not needing to read a rainbow book!

    Mr. Sonny Day

    1. My promotion is to educate the ignorant like you. Since you obviously have not read the books. Otherwise you would get the jist of the rainbow reference. The underlying theme of most of the news on this site. Are battle fronts for evil men and organzations. All under the pretense of goodwill for all. You can keep your head in the sand about whats really going on. Fine with me. This article just reenforces how big this force really is. Since a class of people have been conditioned and manipulated for decades. Its hopeless for them. Never satisfied. Its all wasted breath what these useful idiots are doing. We are just reaping what has been sown. I for one am not preaching just want to open some eyes. The dangers are real. Its all around us. Or maybe your common core and cant read.

  15. Get a Job. Really get over your self. no one cares what you say or think.

  16. Seems like encouraging a race war is like sacrificing people of color for the wrong reason. Who will die, who will go to prison for crimes? However, as the coward said, the ends justifies the means.

  17. Race war is in his head! Sadly to say sasticaly speaking he will be killed by the person next to him. I don't want this to happen I'm just saying sasticaly.

  18. Inciters of rioting are usually arrested. Looks like favoritism to me. Or racial discrimination against whites.

  19. Let's do it... time to improve the future for this country

  20. Ignorance. Grow up, quit whining, pull your pants up, get a job (if you can, hopefully the employer didn't see this video) and contribute to society instead of tearing it down. Otherwise go ahead vote for Hillary and continue your race to the bottom.

  21. These wannabe rappers and celebrities, just want attention! Never worked a real job in their lives, and dependent on freebies and handouts their entire existence. The reality is that their are more black criminals in jails and prisons then whites. The problem is self inflicted and they will never admit that they are the problem with society. Thugs and clowns.

  22. This spokesperson shows just how dumbed down black youth have become. These people lack survival skills because they have lived on handouts from Democrats too long.

  23. Sounds like we really haven't come that far as a society and a lot of people are tired of hearing all the BS about blacks breaking the law and being confronted by law enforcement. If you were home and not out in the streets "what the problem is " then?? Just saying

  24. This quasi-movement is demonstrative of just how dialed back Obama's presidency has set race relations in this country. It's sad to see these people ginning up their base only to lead them into some imaginary fight. They are nothing more than ACORN VII.

    If you don't want to be incarcerated, don't commit crimes. It's really that simple. Lawmen don't have time to toil with law abiding citizens.

    While it is their right to assemble, they have notoriously committed violence on the public at large. For example, the Christmas protest in downtown Chicago. Some say it was peaceful but was it? Women and children afraid and crying, robbing shoppers, causing disruption and chaos while people are trying to shop for the holiday. This is far from peaceful protest. This is interference in commerce, assaulting the public and trying to enforce their minority will on the majority.

    This situation has no more sense than if we were to re-declare war on Germany for crimes committed against humanity in the 1930-40s. It's ridiculous. None of these people have seen the lives their very distant relatives had to endure. For the most part, they have lived the hand-out lifestyle with their high-tech toys and college entrance without SAT testing. They have only to blame themselves for their downtrodden because they have had more advantages than many whites due to all the government regulations afforded on their behalf.

  25. How ironic!! Yea black loves matter county executive Culver supports all the Korean owned poultry farm sprawl and they need the blacks to process them in the poultry plants

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Okay, let's say you have your race war and win. What will you win? What will you have after that? Where will your money come from? Who will build your houses, cars, power plants, cellphones? Who will be inventing the next generation of electronics?

    Yes, you are that stupid!

    February 19, 2016 at 6:02 AM

    Talking about stupid! Why would you make an ignorant comment like that. They are only 13% of the population so they don't have a chance in Hell to win on anything.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Yea they do just ask Jim Perdue

    February 19, 2016 at 6:52 AM

    They do what? Ask Jim What?

  28. Anonymous said...

    Second step - multiple (3+) generations on the dole...not any more...you chose that lifestyle after knowing what it means.

    Third step - no more housing vouchers. Renters should be allowed to deny you from living there if you can't show a legitimate income. I see too many on vouchers that turn the nice places they live in to cesspools!

    February 19, 2016 at 8:04 AM

    I think that welfare recipients should only have one child. After the first one implant some kind of permanent birth control device on them.

    Amen, no more housing vouchers. If they need housing then put them back in the projects away from our neighborhoods.

    Do away with the EBT cards. If they need food stamps then go back to the paper books and tear out your stamps. This include lazy white people, Mexicans and now Muslims.


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