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Sunday, February 14, 2016

During Super Bowl Weekend Sweep, State Police Arrest Off-Duty State Trooper

Among the arrested by Maryland State Police for suspected driving under the influence was one of their own.

Just before 11 p.m. Saturday, troopers from the Princess Anne Barrack were called to a single-vehicle crash in Marion. They arrived to find a pickup that had gone off the road and into a field. There they found the driver, Trooper First Class John Dize Jr., who was not on duty at the time. He was injured and taken to a nearby hospital.

An investigation led him to be charged with failing to obey designated lane directions and driving under the influence. He is suspended without pay, according to state police.

Statewide over the weekend, state police stopped 4,700 vehicles and issued more than 2,900 citations and more than 2,900 warnings, in addition to the arrests.



  1. Well damn....the right lawyer will get him off.

  2. If he had just been pulled over he would not have even been charged by his fellow officers. Since he had an accident and was injured they had no choice but to charge him. I agree with 4:59, he will get a slap on the wrist and be back to work in no time at all. The public doesn't even expect equal justice anymore, it's a sad time in America.

  3. 5:11 clearly you do not understand policing in 2016. there is NO brotherhood anymore.

  4. Hope he enjoys 26 week drunk class.

  5. What a shame John was a decent cop

  6. Trooper brotherhood? They are backstabbers.

  7. Sorry 6:11...you're NOT a good cop if you DON'T follow the laws you are suppose to enforce!

  8. He's a good guy cutm a break!

  9. Somerset sheriffs welcome deputy Johnny.

  10. Didn't we lose one trooper by that same name from that same barrack?

  11. Does the regular "good guy" get a break for a DUI? No! I believe police officers should be held to a higher standard than that of a "good guy"! He broke the law, he should suffer the consequences that any other non police officer would get! I also believe he should lose his job! How can he be trusted! What if he had hit someone and hurt or God forbid killed someone, especially simeon you know or love! Would he still be a "good guy"? This is a big problem in our world today...lack of accountability! Yes, people make mistakes but his was more than a mistake! He broke the law, a law he gets paid to enforce!

  12. 830 blah blah ok Mr Sharpton

  13. He will get a slap on the wrist and a new car. Believe me.

  14. ha ha HA! Terminate. Lose license (cdl) Fines, dui classes, interlock on vehicle when he gets license back, alcohol testing at probation office, um what else. did I mention terminate

  15. Not long ago a trooper shot an unarmed disabled man in the head and he is still on the force. No way this one is going to get fired.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not long ago a trooper shot an unarmed disabled man in the head and he is still on the force. No way this one is going to get fired.

    February 8, 2016 at 10:52 PM

    they want cops to shoot people but they don't want cops to make them look bad.

  17. yes he made a mistake but for him to lose his whole life career is a little harsh. Jon, hire the best lawyer you can and fight it.

  18. Nothing will happen tom this cop...

  19. Police shot an unarmed man in the head? The same one who was smoking crack and fled on a high speed chase and tried to run over a Trooper? Facts.....All about facts and not just what serves you in the moment.

  20. There is just no justification for a disabled man sitting in a wrecked car to be shot in the head. He wasn't posing any threat at the time he was shot. I agree 9:09, it is all about facts and not cover-ups. Are you suggesting that we shoot all crack heads that flee from the cops?

  21. 909 what trooper? Did he get run over?

  22. If they can trace his family tree back at least 2 generations he will be fine that's how the good old boy system works.

  23. Put a Blow & Go in his cruiser, like they do to the rest of the drunk drivers.

  24. How is he going to drive if he loses his license? There is no way that cop should be driving for atleast 6 mo and he shouldn't be given a desk job. If he isn't fired then atleast given 6 mo leave WITHOUT PAY.

  25. I'm a great guy at work, fine, upstanding, and excelling in all aspects.
    Still, dui is dui. Punishment should not differ from what I would experiecs

  26. He may have been charged but it IS NOT showing up on Maryland Judiciary Case Search. He should LOSE HIS JOB AND GO TO JAIL. This case already has the smell of "squash". They NEVER do each other in when they commit crimes. Lock the bastard up, tell him to report to the unemployment line on Monday and throw away the key when he goes to jail for 3 to 5 years. OMG ----almost forgot---make sure all his vehicles be required to be equipped with the drunk driver ignition interlock device. After all this happens I will feel he is being treated like an average Joe Citizen.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    yes he made a mistake but for him to lose his whole life career is a little harsh. Jon, hire the best lawyer you can and fight it.

    February 9, 2016 at 7:25 AM

    why not? cops don't mind ruining other people's lives. why should his be more important?


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