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Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Viewer Believes Sheriff Mike Lewis Has Gone Too Far

I saw the official comment from Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis regarding the tragic deaths of two Harford County Sheriff's Deputies. In light of this comment, I would respectfully request the following:

Mike, please stay out of this. This matter does not pertain to you. Allow the families, the Harford County Community, and the Sheriff's Department to grieve and mourn their losses. You do not need to get involved, nor should you. More importantly, this is not the time to make an unsolicited political statement. Your political views are already well documented and known. My humble advice is to place the political vendetta on hold and get back to the job you are paid to do.


A Resident of Wicomico County

Tonight, I sit here in disbelief over the senseless executions of two MD Sheriff's Deputies earlier today. These deputies, both veterans of the Harford County Sheriff's Office, were gunned down by a convicted felon, armed with a handgun, and wanted on warrants in two states. Please pray for these brave men and their families as Sheriff Jeff Gahler prepares to bury these husbands, brothers, sonsand daddies. Please continue to pray for them.

Yes, each law enforcement officer volunteered for this job. Yes, we knew the dangers of this job. But, what we didn't know is that the left-leaning liberal lawmakers in Annapolis would turn their backs on the very ones who are sworn to protect them and their families. Serving as co-chair of our legislative committee, I've had a front row seat to proposed legislation being introduced this year which severely limits our ability to do our jobs. To add insult to injury, earlier this week, Maryland's democratically controlled legislature voted to override Governor Hogan's veto restoring convicted felons' immediate voting rights, even before they've successfully completed their parole and probation. Why? So the democrats will have the desired results in both local and state elections. As a result, It is now predicted that in just a few weeks, at least twenty thousand of those convicted felons will vote for a new Baltimore Mayor.

God Bless the United States of America!!!!


  1. I could not agree more with your viewer Joe and it takes a lot of courage for you to run this! Now is not the time to place blame - our hearts are broken -let us all pray and mourn these two hero's. Stay out of it Mike Lewis!

  2. Amen,
    I don't mind Lewis issuing his condolences from himself and the people of Wicomico County to the Hartford County Sheriff Department, but to attach a political statement onto it was low class. He's just trying to get some attention so some news organization will have him on-air.
    If we had a federal prosecutor with a backbone, they would investigate how many times he's actually "on-duty" and not doing "training" across the country, on us, The Wicomico Taxpayer

  3. You can kiss any loosening of gun laws in Maryland away. Hogan won't touch it with a ten foot pole.

  4. He so craves attention. While all the other police agencies, fire departments, media outlets and everyone else are offering words of sympathy, condolences and prayers Lewis is trying to gain his own attention.

    Someone NEEDS to limit your ability to do your job. You and your deputies have abused your power numerous times. People are wising up to the abuse.

    You seem to single out the people that you "think" have the money to pay a fine. You pull people over for no reason and try to justify your wrong doing.

    Everyone says "if you aren't doing anything wrong". I used to think the same thing until I saw people being targeted for NOTHING. Instead of just getting a $50 dollar ticket because you were speeding by mistake you are charged with all types of made up charges to make you pay a larger fine. Fine so high that people lose their license because they can't pay hundreds of dollars. Now they can't work. They can't feed their faimly or pay their bills. All because your deputies thought it would be fun to "sock it to the working man". You have now added someone to unemployment and probably welfare, but you got to pound your chest because you have the "power". Pathetic is what I think you and your deputies are!

    1. Speeding by mistake? Apparently your car is not equipped with a speedometer? Must be because you couldn't afford because of all the trumped up tickets you got in the past? Sounds like a bitter bitter soul to me!

    2. I agree that Sheriff Lewis should not have made this a political issue. But the facts remain the same, a deputy sat down beside a distraught man and tried to defuse the situation so innocent people, maybe people all your hypocrites knew would not be harmed!! That same distraught man raised his gun and shot that deputy in the head! A man who served in his local volunteer fire dept for 37 years and also served and protected his community within the Harford County Sheriff's office. I would like to know how many of you law enforcement gurus and know it alls sitting behind your computer would habe done the same? If you would have, you would be a police officer. So sit your sorry excuse for human beings behind your laptop and shut up!! You are the same people that will want a cop when something is wrong and then give them a hard time. I will continue to support Sheriff Lewis and his deputies because I don't want to live in a city like Baltimore where someone is shot everyday, because say what you want Salisbury may be bad but we don't have MURDERS everyday!

    3. 1:26 you have never just gone with the flow of traffic and suddenly realize you are doing 70! I know it has happened to me I then slow back down but that is all it takes to 'speed by mistake'.

  5. 1:10pm
    You should run for the office of Sheriff. You obviously have a vast wealth of police training and knowledge. Im certain, after reading your comments I feel confident in your abilities.

  6. Mike is obviously running for a higher office. Just wait and see.

  7. Dear 1:10 pm you are crazy did you read what you sent? People speed by mistake, really!, Made up charges really?, Fines cause people to loose their license really?, can't work or feed family really? People who speed their not stopped for just a little over the speed limit, they are breaking the law, causing accidents maiming and killing others, in other words you don't comprehend breaking the law. And I guess all inmates are innocent too. You are what is wrong with this country today. always blame first responders, and the keepers of this free world.

  8. This affects all law enforcement officers!

  9. 1:24 and others, people DO speed by mistake. You can't tell me you've not followed the flow of traffic and looked down and realized you were doing 70. It happens a lot, even to me. Once I see I'm speeding I immediately slow down.

    As for my opinion on Lewis' statement, I have to agree with the original message that Lewis is sensationalizing his message for political reasons. Do I believe Mike will be running for political office, absolutely. While that is his absolute right, he needs to save his opinions for the campaign trail and NOT conveniently over the deaths of two Officers.

    He seems to excel in tragedies. "Never let a tragedy go to waste" they say.

    1. He should have kept the political opinion to himself no doubt. As far as speeding goes, I agree with getting caught up in the flow of traffic but if you get stopped you also knew your were breaking the law, yes?

  10. Mike Lewis is part of the problem

  11. 1:40, I absolutely agree. If by chance I had been caught, (which I have) speeding, it is absolutely my fault. However, you can't say it wasn't by accident.

  12. It's okay if Obama uses a tragedy to further push his political agenda though.

  13. 1:24
    Are you going to sit there and say you have never sped while driving? There are some people that don't mean to speed. As Joe said you go with the flow of traffic and realise you are going to fast. You are on a road you don't normally travel and there is no speed limit sign. It happens by mistake. You don't look at a speed limit sign and say hey let me go 20 mph over the speed limit. The fact that they rack up hundreds of dollars in fine for simply going over the speed limit is the real issue. They want to bring that money in to try to justify how important they think they are.

    Listen to the online scanner early in the morning when people are trying to go to work. They are targeting these people because they are working and they think they can pay the fine. No use trying to solve any crimes in the county, that doesn't make any money! God help you if you drive a Honda while in Salisbury. From the way they are pulled over you would think 90% of the people in Salisbury drive a Honda.

    How many press releases have you seen about cars being pulled over and they actually find something?

    1. They are not targeting them because they think they can pay the fine, they are running radar that time of day because people can't leave their house on time and the speed to work on "purpose" and sometimes they injure or kill people because they can't get their butts out of bed in time in the morning so they choose to make up for their laziness by speeding and putting others at risk! EXCUSES is all I hear from this statement! Just like everything else wrong in this country people can't man up and admit they made a mistake, it's always someone else's fault!

    2. I have cruise control on my American Ford, I set it to 62mph when I get out on the highway, shockingly enough I don't really get stopped, though I am still breaking the law, I am not flying up and down the highway at 75-80 miles an hour! People can pass me that's fine, I drive in the slow lane like I am supposed to.

  14. 1:54, Good to know someone else noticed the majority of vehicles they call in are Honda's. Very interesting!

  15. The RESIDENT OF WICOMICO COUNTY needs to familiarize himself with what is known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH...

  16. The problem with SPEED LAWS (and all statutory law)

    It is not constitutional. Our Forefathers rebelled against statutory law (law by edict). The government cannot simply dictate a law to sovereigns legally.

    Let me break it down:

    You are speeding (your digits are too big).

    You do not hit another auto.

    You do not hit or harm another person.

    Under COMMON LAW: There is no crime. Nobody was hurt and no property was damaged. You got lucky.

    Get it?

    There is no need for the police. The "sovereigns" do not require their public service because nobody was hurt and no property was damaged.

    Americans live under COMMON LAW, not statutory law.

    Police enforce statutory law - which is designed to create cash flow for an illegitimate government.

    Thank you Joe for posting this.

  17. If Donald Trump can use the press and not spend a dime on advertising because he has learned the art of capturing their attention by diarrhea of the mouth than maybe it is catching on. The spotlight is addictive they tell me.

    1. Go back to your nursing home liberal.

  18. 3:32, your comment is only semi-worthy of a response, but I cannot resist. No one is saying that Mike Lewis is violating the First Amendment or any other law protecting “FREEDOM OF SPEECH. . .” He has a First Amendment right to express his viewpoint, whether in public or in private. By making my initial comment, I do not intend to take that away from him. That being said, freedom of speech does not mean you SHOULD say whatever you want, whenever you want. Sheriff Lewis’ comments, which take advantage of a tragedy to promote a personal, political viewpoint are simply inappropriate. At best, they are amateurish, at worst, they are manipulative and calculated to promote the Mike Lewis brand, a brand largely financed by Wicomico County taxpayers, unfortunately. Lewis’ comments are protected under the First Amendment; they are not illegal, nor should they be punished. They are just foolish and befitting of a Napoleonic man with arguably similar delusions of grandeur.

    3:32, if I am missing anything on “what is known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH. . . “ please elaborate. I am confident you are well-versed in this subject matter.

  19. These comments, somehow, got away with the original statement. Lewis was slamming the Democrat elected officials on allowing criminals to vote. I agree with him and think most common sense people will agree. We already have too many crooked politicians in office now so allowing lawbreakers to vote just adds to the problem. Democrats are just people" "on the take" from working people. Democrats are Socialists.

  20. 4:33
    Well said! To make such a comment as he did about this tragedy and try to turn it political is sickening!

  21. 4:39, I highly doubt you'll find anyone here who disagrees with Mike's feeling on criminals being allowed to vote.

    The POINT here, however, is that Mike USED two deceased/fallen officers to pursue his political platform and is a scumbag for turning on his own BROTHERS.

    Mike is no longer a leader, he's now a politician.

    1. Everyone I know on the job hates him Joe.

  22. I was just wondering if Mike sent this to Salisbury news as the sheriff or as a citizen. To those of you who think that he is wasting the county's money and is not doing what he is paid to do. As the Sheriff is an elected official, I think he pretty much decides what his job is other than those duties specified in law. You can always vote him out of office.

    To those of you who think that the deputies are writing tickets just to raise money. The last I knew all the proceeds of "State" tickets go to the district court of Md. At one time (a long time ago) they went to the MSP but that was changed because it was considered a conflict of interest. Apparently it is not a conflict of interest for the District Court of Md. Makes one wonder. Only the Judge can find someone guilty and you don't have to pay a fine unless you are found guilty or elect to pay the fine in lieu of standing trail.

    1. You and I know writing the most tickets gets you promoted, I got a ticket last month and went to court in Cambridge and a short trooper named Baldwin was bragging to another trooper how many tickets he wrote for the month absolute disgrace and unprofessional and he made sure us women heard him.

  23. You'd think Mike would like this so his landscaping best friend could finally vote for him.

  24. I am glad Mike is doing the job he is
    Easy for armchair cops to judge
    It is the left that has put targets on officers
    Someone has to speak up
    Good job Mike . keep up the good work.

  25. 4:39, I highly doubt you'll find anyone here who disagrees with Mike's feeling on criminals being allowed to vote.

    The POINT here, however, is that Mike USED two deceased/fallen officers to pursue his political platform and is a scumbag for turning on his own BROTHERS.

    Mike is no longer a leader, he's now a politician.

    February 11, 2016 at 5:05 PM

    well you're wrong joe. anyone who wants to vote should be allowed to do so. personally, I feel voting is just an illusion anyway. regardless, people should be more concerned with the criminals they "elect" than if any criminal is allowed to vote. just more smoke and mirrors and people fall for it over and over again.

    no one cares who votes or does not vote. they get who they want in office no matter what. you should be the first to realize that.

  26. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 11, 2016 at 8:58 PM

    I have no problem with Sherriff Mike Lewis nor with his statement. Look, he might get bit political in the last paragraph and rightfully so. Are we really gonna be nitpicking about what he said and when he said it? Aren't we more frustrated about those Liberal Clowns and Crooked Politicians in Annapolis, who decided to give voting right to incarcareted felons?! Ask yourself the question - Why Would They Do That?! Is That What We Call - For The Best of the Citizens of Maryland?! Bull $#/& & more Bull=%€£. Sorry Mr.Viewer, I'm upset about killings of 2 police officers and Slimey Democrat Politicians of Murderland making it better for themselves, while we, the People suffer. That upsets me more than statement of Sherriff Lewis.

  27. 8:58, You are absolutely clueless. There's an old saying, choose your battles. Sheriff Lewis is the top cop and should have sent his condolences, PERIOD. Nope, LOOK AT MEEEE! The man has no class.

  28. Think about LEOs under attack.

    Then maybe give Lewis a break.

    Too many knee jerk reactions from everyone, but wait...no one is trying to kill me just because I wear blue!

  29. Keep doing your job as a decent sheriff and keep you right wing views to yourself. You were not elected to use your office as a podium.

  30. This is useless unless the Hater is going to have the balls to sign his name.

  31. 2:35, Not true at all. Besides, my name is on my comments. I'll bet you are one of those people that believe I write all of the comments here and hide behind anonymous. Com,e sit with us for a few hours while we moderate comments and your opinion will change in an instant. If only Mike knew just how many comments we've rejected on this post alone so far. I actually feel sorry for the guy because I highly doubt he has any clue how many people are disappointed in him any more. If he runs again he will certainly learn very quickly though.

  32. lol, I run rt 50 everyday and all you have to do is wait, patiently until you find those troopers who blow by everyone doing 80 or better.
    It is a money racket don't think otherwise. Why would maryland up the fines and lower the points? only one reason, keep you on the road and increase their opportunities for more money from you.
    Policing is a thing of the past. several years ago when the state agencies where looking at budget shortfalls every agency took a hit except the MSP, they generated enough to keep themselves and their buddies fully employed!

  33. Whoooaa, Look out Delmarva, BIG BAD ALBERO is a TOUGH GUY.

  34. 6:58, Is that you EBT Blogger?

    At least my name is attached to my comments, unlike you. Can you say coward?

    Nevertheless, I do not threaten Mike Lewis, so I do not believe I'm a big bad tough guy. I simply state how I feel and clearly the majority out there agree with me.

  35. I'm sure I will get some harsh remarks on this comment, but every problem this country suffers can be laid at the feet of the Democrat party. Perhaps Mike's comments offend some but they are hardly bad enough for this kind of push back. There is nothing in his remarks that is false nor unlikely to be stated by many in this audience at one time or other. Apparently the chief problem is one of timing. I personally am so upset about the status of this state and the USA that I personally believe one should take every opportunity to put down the Dumbocrats. He did a service despite the timing. Let's give him a break.

  36. 7:37, Obviously you didn't read all the comments here. I stated earlier that I doubt anyone visiting this Site have a problem with where Mike stands politically. HOWEVER, there's a time and a place for such remarks and doing so while two of his Brothers had been killed is NOT the place to make such remarks. Granted, I believe it was a serious mistake, NOT that he is wrong with his opinion.

    1. Wow you called the sheriff a SCUMBAG lol I hope you don't get pulled over in wicomico I am sure they will find something wrong with you or your vehicle you know how the mighty midget is.

  37. I don't know what I could say that would not add fuel to this fire so I will keep my thoughts limited. I agree with what Sheriff Lewis said, on both parts, and I do agree that maybe this is not the right time to inject a political viewpoint but that is his prerogative. It may have been uncouth but it is his right.

    Continuing on with the second part of his statement; I feel that he was giving warning of the things to come. What he should have stated (and I said this in another posting) was that if a responsibly armed citizen had been in the establishment that maybe we would only be mourning the loss of one deputy.

    I feel as many of you do, that being that Sheriff Lewis has aspirations for higher office but I do not feel that his deputies target certain types of vehicles based on what would appear to be the drivers ability to pay a fine. I speed all the time, wait . . . . . maybe that's why I don't get pulled over since I drive a KIA Soul. OK - never mind that last part, I have no opinion whatsoever.

    Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

  38. 10:21, It is my opinion, (and many agree) Mike should have stated his condolences, period.

    While Mike asked OTHERS to support him when he ran for Sheriff, Mike should have endorsed Congressman Harris or Governor Hogan with his second statement.

    Instead, Mike thinks he's too big to return the favors they provide for him and continue to do so to this date.

    As I stated, there's a TIME and a PLACE. Mike screwed up and that's all there is to it. So we'll agree to disagree.

    Hey Mike, "NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM". Just a reminder.

  39. This is 7:37 again. Joe, you commented 9 times in this exercise. Is this actually worth it? I'm sure that you will respond in the affirmative. 'You agree with Mike's position I think, but this is not the right time.' This State and Country are in such a mess that those of Mike's mind should take every opportunity to lay this problem and the rest that we face on the Dumocrats in Annapolis. The best part in all of this is "Never Forget Where You Came From". I've said that one for years-especially directed to those in a position of authority.

  40. Why the heck is it strictly a democratic problem? Are republicans just old rich white men? Seems to me George W Bush shouldn't have had the right to vote because he was a cocaine abuser. Oh but he was never "caught" and incarcerated!
    The worry with allowing felons to vote is that the majority of felons are minorities not part of the old white boys club and those people will not be voting with those old white men who get a free pass on illegal activities as compared to their white counterparts!
    So say it like it is, the targeted people are not going to vote for the privileged people! If you've done your time you should be able to vote just like the people who got a free pass!

  41. 11:29 the reason you don't let felons vote is because they are corrupt individuals and those are not the people who should help shape America. You are nothing but a whiney white hating racist loser.

  42. 11:29 is still mad Denver won the Superbowl with a white QB.

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "The worry with allowing felons to vote is that the majority of felons are minorities" A disproportionate number of minorities are criminals, so a disproportionate number are felons. Seems fairly straightforward to me, 11:29.

    February 14, 2016 at 10:47 PM

    lol omg. and I bet people like him believe that crap. never mind the felons in congress and others these 'upstanding citizens' vote into office. this country is doomed.

  44. Truth spoken, truth heard and truth taken. Don't we all need to hear the truth no mater how/who is giving it. So many wrongly spoken words ring in our minds, that we don't know all the details. Someone needs to speak the voice of the American people, we get silenced way too much for truth.

  45. He needs to spend less time trying to be on "CAMERA" and more time controlling the DRUG EPIDEMIC in Wicomico County!!!!! His paycheck comes from this county TaxPayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do your JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We need to start investigation on how much time he ACTUALLY SPENDS HERE OR IS HE STEALING FROM WICOMICO COUNTY TAXPAYERS!!! (dOES HE ACTUALLY work the hours he is getting paid for)! Need some accountability!!!!!!!!

  46. What entitles him to think he has a "God complex" and "higher than thou" attitude!!!!!!!!!!

    what the heck is wrong with these ego attention people. Get the mental help you need! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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