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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Beyoncé honors Black Panther Party during halftime show

Beyoncé and her bouncing bandolier of bullets stirred things up during the Super Bowl halftime show — with two dozen black beret- and Afro-topped backup dancers paying tribute to a different kind of Panther.

The 34-year-old megastar’s crew was dressed in homage to the Black Panther Party, at one point joining her in giving millions of viewers a black-power salute as she belted out her new politically charged power anthem, “Formation.”

“OK, ladies, let’s get in formation!” she sang, tweaking the 50th anniversary of the Super Bowl with a nod to the 50th anniversary of the 1966 founding of the Black Panther Party.

One admirer, Twitter user­ ­@JasFly, tweeted, “Beyoncé, backed by 50 black women with afros dressed black panthers, is telling the world that #BlackLivesMatter.”



  1. To be honest, I did not see the presentation nor do I wish to.

    1. Lady Gaga gave an outstanding performance. Unfortunately this POS with her stale message got the most BUZZ. CAN YOU SAY KANYE WEST! !!

  2. Why? Just to stir up crap. I and my friends never watch halftime anyway.

  3. Screw Beyoncé she can do something so thoughtless and inconsiderate but all the south has to di away with any confederate memorabilia. Come to my "crib" and try to take mine like saying goes property protected by God and smith & Wesson I PROMISE you'll meet them both!!!

  4. Cannot stand her or JayZ, they really do belong together. So damned racist. These are the kind of people that keep racism going and going and going.

  5. She is repulsive.

  6. Bouncy has never impressed me...

  7. Of course they're going to act this way Jay-z nothing but previous dope slinging thug wanna be that rolled his equity into all the latest garbage the youth crave.

  8. If there are white on anyone crimes, say it. Don't stand in the way of calling out black on anyone crimes though.

  9. Adele 21 changed the music industry standards for sales of records. He latest song "Hello" beat all records. She is the best music artist around.

    1. Adele mihht be best selling artist but not best music. That's based on opinion. I think The Growlers are the best musicians out right now and most people prob never heard of them.

  10. So what would happen if white country music singers came out in white pillow cases on their heads, so what's the difference? Maybe they should do that next year. I'm sure that would be a show stopper.

  11. She works for the Illuminati and does exactly what she is told to do.
    Ditto for her husband.

    Now, knowing that. Think about WHY we saw what we saw?

    1. The "Illuminati" are described as "enlightened, intellectual and educated".

      Unless "affirmative action" has infected the ranks of the Illuminati, it's safe to say neither "Beyoncé" or "Jay Z" are members.

  12. She is repulsive and the epitome of ALL that is wrong in this county. Children worshiping ghetto trash like her and that garbage she is married to. They glorify sex, drugs, gang life and violence. The inner cities have become war zones thanks to thugs like them glorifying all that is evil and bad.

  13. It was no accident that her "performance" was set in the backdrop of the superbowl. That is NOT a childrens program and it is a very racially diverse place where wealthy people drop thousands to see teams that are owned by white owners and are dominated by black players. It is all about the money. Scratching my head.

  14. I think it is time to stop half time shows. It seems that when you put minorities in charge they have to try and make a point that is always against out people that serve and protect their rights

  15. What happens when you don't "talk" about this, eventually it goes away. Sad the media won't probably let it go... plus the grammy's are next Monday night.


  16. Want to stop the media? Look up all the sponsors for the 1/2 time show and tell them you are no longer going to use/purchase their product for supporting a very controversial 1/2 time show and you will not purchase/use their product until they disapprove of the show. Done and done. OH and BTW...boycott the grammys.

  17. I didnt even notice anything to do with the Black Panthers. Maybe I was simply shocked as to how lousy the half time show was. Popular music has to be embarrassed. Only when people started talking about it did I go back and notice anything and even then it is a stretch for my mind. Black Panthers were over in the early 70s....

  18. 910 they have 22000 members and currently have a billionaire recruited for them as you see above.

  19. And what's your point?? Bring it I'd be more than happy to accommodate anything they want to start

  20. If you want an eye opener, Google "Five Percent Nation" and you'll see what a lot of hip hop artists are all about. This includes Jay-Z who was photographed wearing some 5%er bling and when asked if it meant anything to him replied, "A little bit."

  21. Doesn't CBS have some responsibility. There is an easy solution to this, boycott her concerts and furthermore boycott the NBA. Then you will see a change in attitude. Make a statement somewhere people. The Blacks boycotted the Oscars fire it back at them. No fan base no pay its simple.

  22. Science has proven that concussions damage the brain and that football players are suffering much more severely than once thought from the first head trauma on. Do you think that anyone with any sense will aspire to the NFL for anything but the money involved? This is yet again another vocation that draws minorities for fast money and the owners of the teams could care less. Even with the consequences of the head injuries.... this select group of people are just thinking lets just make as much money as possible.

    If Jay-Z and wife were really concerned about "Black Lives Matter" they would not be using the very same people to rake in the money for their lavish lifestyle.

    I think what this shows is that this couple is very self serving and will use any platform to sell their wares.

    1. Totally agree!! Produce music and clothing lines promoting street and thug mentality then complain about demise of blacks!!

  23. The article stated that this 1/2 time show was suppose to be about love. Not buying it.

  24. Didn't watch the game, or the halftime show. Have never liked this singer, and yes, I did give her music a try, not for me. I have seen her on entertainment type shows and just not impressed. She lacks morals. Not someone I would recommend as a person to look up to for any young and impressionable girl.

  25. It was all a big bust. Look at what Cam Newton said last week. White people do not want to see me succeed. Really I have been to a Panthers game there were thousands of white children and adults wearing his jersey. I can assure you none of them make what Cam makes a year. Sad this movement is coming on the heals of Ohblahblah leaving office. I do not think this is a coincidence. Wealthy Blacks want to see it happen. They will not be happy till we have another civil war. Maybe that is exactly what we need. When opinion turns to blood many will quickly rethink this stupidity. I for one think America needs to pull together this has gotten old and tired.

  26. Beyoncé WHO?
    Heard the show sucked.
    Glad I missed it.
    No Grammy for her huh?

  27. Just thought I'd chime in with the fact that she is another black who wants to be white. It's a damn shame people don't like themselves.
    Anyway , she has teamed up with the most racist blacks in history .

  28. Can we get a group of KKK members in formation with afro's and call it even. Who really care. Let be real, people are tired of Beyonce anf the kardashians clan.

  29. Most black people don't act like her but this is how the Democrats and their media want black people to behave and the stereo type the wish to create.

    1. Exactly. It keeps the divisive politics "relevant" and lucrative for the Black Grievance Industry.

  30. No this is the true mindset and mentality of the younger black generation, PERIOD. It's amazing how someone living as lavish and luxurious as she does can even try to claim she knows anything about the repression of blacks. She lived a very comfortable middle class life and now a very pampered one. Give us a break, if the blacks would stop looking in past they might actually see the blessings that might be waiting in future

  31. This was, without doubt, one of the lamest halftime shows ever. Coldplay? Are they still a band?
    Beyonce? I've been living under a rock, I guess, and after seeing and hearing this, back under the rock I go.

    The best part of this halftime show was the video montage of previous performances.

  32. no problem with me i just changed my remote batteries and blip no more .


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