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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sniper kills ISIS executioner during beheading class

An Islamic State executioner’s head exploded during a class on beheading after a well-aimed shot by a British Special Air Service sniper.

Military sources told the Express that a recent mission into northern Syria involved killing an ISIS recruiter with a Dan.338 rifle as the terrorist was instructing 21 new recruits.

“One minute he was standing there and the next his head had exploded. The commander remained standing upright for a couple of seconds before collapsing and that’s when panic set in,” a source told the newspaper on Monday. “We later heard most of the recruits deserted. We got rid of 21 terrorists with one bullet. He was an extremely sadistic and ruthless individual, feared by the locals and the jihadis alike.”



  1. Great news. Love it!

  2. Exhale, Hold it, Squeeze the Trigger. One Shot One Kill

  3. Where is the video?

  4. We love stories like this. I have a tingly feeling all over.

  5. What?!?!?! No Video?

  6. Amen 3:20 well said

  7. Obama would give up 5 hostages, and ten hugs, and the first lady before s tactic this strong. Trump, reload and strike a dozen students to.

  8. 3:20
    it's actually...
    take a deep breath, let it out, take another, let it half out, hold on target, squeeze trigger

  9. thank God we have the British to protect us

  10. "What do you feel when you shoot someone from that distance? A little recoil."

    I wish that I could remember the reporter and the sniper that she interviewed but that was classic. I think that it was a CNN reporter a few years ago. Anyway, I do love a happy ending!

  11. America should show the video of his execution very time ISIS shows a beheading video. Counter propaganda to the max.

  12. Now that's my Hero!!!!!!!

  13. 427 320. We all can shoot a weapon but zero on here are trained snipers. So stop it.

  14. Nice shot, Limey! The next pint is on us!

  15. Never heard of that caliper pistol?

  16. That's a rifle 540 PM! You can shoot that far with a pistol.

  17. Great shot with a great rifle. Thank the Israelis for inventing it.

  18. Aloha Snackbar - yep I'll drink to that!

  19. Good shot, but my question is this --- when will we get SERIOUS about killing these animals?
    If he could see them, no air strike? No cruise missile? A SNIPER???!
    One killed and 21 got away.
    And we are supposed to cheer THAT?
    The rest "deserted". Uh huh. Right. Sure they did. They went straight home, apologized to their sex slaves, and converted to Christianity.
    You're getting played by a finely tuned propaganda machine and all you can do is talk about how great we're doing by blowing ONE guy's head off.....THEY kill us by the dozens, sometimes hundreds, and once in a while, by the thousands. We get ONE at a time and are told how wonderfully heroic and special that is.....
    "Most" of the recruits "deserted", then "we got rid of 21 terrorists".
    Which one is it and how exactly did they "get rid of them"? More accurate would be "we moved them around some..."
    Finely tuned, but still half-assed.
    Start thinking about what you are told and WHY.
    Or, continue cheering.
    Another great idea? Disperse them all over the western world. Which could also be called "getting rid of them", in an Orwellian, liberal,
    government-logic type thought process.

  20. 1036 he we go again making your assumptions and fantasy come to life. Let me guess " keep cheering" ?! Stop it!

  21. February 16, 2016 at 5:40 PM
    The .338 caliber has been used for a long time by competition shooters. I won't get into specifics but, it's a great choice for 1000 yard competition and IMHO a better choice then the .308s we have deployed. Bully to the Brits.

  22. 12:50....here we go again.
    Can't argue the FACTS, or refute what I say, so until then, keep up your cheering.

  23. 10:36--
    Agreed. Some don't seem to realize that taking the head off the snake simply isn't enough. Unfortunately, these people have become very adept in picking up where their deceased leader left off.
    How about shutting your yap until someone buys you a clue?


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