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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Elected School Board In Wicomico County

Marc Kilmer, Wicomico County Council
Legislation is moving today in Annapolis that would allow Wicomico County residents to vote on an elected school board. Today Del. Carl Anderton introduced a bill on behalf of the county delegation to accomplish this. In the Senate, companion legislation sponsored by Sens. Mathias and Eckardt passed committee and heads to the Senate floor. I appreciate all of our senators and delegates who are working to give voters a chance to decide on this issue.


  1. Thank God and Carl Anderton! Please vote in favor of this legislation!

  2. I will say it now. The grass may not always be greener on the other side. Time will tell but I bet we won't be any better off if this happens. If elected, the people will realize that they cannot change much as he state dictates a lot of what happens.

  3. This is so true. Unfortunately unqualified people will run for the Board on their own personal agenda without a care for the students.

  4. Really? Anderton only entered the bill today? What was the holdup? This was approved months ago at a county council meeting I watched on Pac 14. Is today too late to get it passed?

  5. Be careful of what you want. You just might get it.

  6. Laura Mitchell is probably getting her papers ready to file now.

  7. Joe- From what I've read the proposal suggests three options be placed on the ballot for voting. 1) Leave it the same. 2) Change it to all elected. 3) Change it to some elected, some appointed. How slick are they?? So this can happen: 1) 40% 2)30% 3)30% Really?? So, 60% of the vote can support a change and still lose the vote. Doesn't this seem stacked for the current system, i.e. Leave it alone, against the general public opinion? Tell me I'm wrong. If I'm not, maybe Ms. Eckardt can do something about this. I think she actually wants the people to have the say on this, not another rigged system.

    1. Been stacking votes for decades with the way ballots are written. Look what they did with the sheriffs office and their collective bargaining agreement. Piled into another subject and nobody noticed what it really said. Sickening tactics done here. But when the matter is a hot topic and people are passionate they know you'll run in and quickly put your mark on it and without reading all of it. The government tricks you everyday. And the nay sayers above are teaches and people with ties to the jacked up system in place. They grumble as they type know we are sick of it and elected officials will mean their high dollar jobs are gone. Lmao. Time to make over our school system.

  8. Drew said...
    Laura Mitchell is probably getting her papers ready to file now.

    February 11, 2016 at 9:23 PM

    She can't be on the City Council and the BOE at the same time. The City Council pays a lot more as well. She goes ware da munny is.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Joe- From what I've read the proposal suggests three options be placed on the ballot for voting. 1) Leave it the same. 2) Change it to all elected. 3) Change it to some elected, some appointed. How slick are they?? So this can happen: 1) 40% 2)30% 3)30% Really?? So, 60% of the vote can support a change and still lose the vote. Doesn't this seem stacked for the current system, i.e. Leave it alone, against the general public opinion? Tell me I'm wrong. If I'm not, maybe Ms. Eckardt can do something about this. I think she actually wants the people to have the say on this, not another rigged system.

    February 11, 2016 at 9:33 PM

    It's not rigged you dumb moron.

  10. I'm a teacher and they should be elected. The boa is out of control

  11. " Anonymous said...

    I'm a teacher and they should be elected. The boa is out of control

    February 12, 2016 at 6:43 AM"

    Would that be the "Board Of Adjumication", teacher?

  12. I would be weary of anything Kilmer reports
    He is a snake in the grass

  13. Im not sure if I like this idea or not. We all know how well elections tend to work out around here.

    1. Agreed! Plain ballots with one agenda. Not multiple things on one ! Everything must be video taped and reviewed to ensure the opened counted ballot matches the tapes.


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