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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Not Only Were Kids Not Evacuated, Wicomico County Never Brought In Bomb Dogs Either

Yesterday we challenged local officials of playing Russian Roulette with your children by not evacuating students from two Wicomico County Schools.

Today we have learned that bomb dogs were not brought in to School to assure there were in fact no bombs present.

Some of you are challenging me because I have challenged local officials on behalf of the MAJORITY of Parents who are scared to death that this has happened to their children. 

For 11 years I've been sitting here listening to Liberal Board of Education people constantly saying, "IT'S ABOUT THE CHILDREN". Actions like this PROVE these people are completely full of BS. It's about the children when they want something and that includes the Sheriff's Department. Speed Cameras are a perfect example. County Resource Officers being hired to protect the schools. They are bought and sold and not removing the children from the schools proves just that. It's all about the money. 

This Eastern Shore is just a joke. I wonder if Parents will actually stand up and actually protect their own children?


  1. Whenever I hear "It's about the children"...I literally get nauseated. Mr. Willey and Mr. Frederickson has used this over the years at pawns!!

    Literally, reading this ...made me nauseated. How can no one see their amount of BS it's unbelievable.

    I would like to get more involved but NOT under their leadership. It's so embarassing. I will say Governor Hogan is staying informed.

  2. Sherriff lewis whats your answer to this and shame on parents for NOT getting involved until a situation happens THEN they want to get mad and upset.

    1. You got that right. Until the PARENTS stand up and fight for their kids, NOTHING will ever change.

  3. Crazy. They spend all kinds of money obtaining and training these bomb sniffing dogs and when they are needed, which is rarely they are no where in sight. They ought to just stop training them for this type of thing if they aren't going to put the training to use.


  4. I've been involved. I push myself to go to Board Meetings which end up being a "popularity contest". It's people trying to gain attention instead of being PRODUCTIVE.

    If anyone goes and start expressing their ideas, they are shunned! We just need to clean house!

  5. By not having an appropriate response, we are inviting these criminal terrorist to do the unthinkable. Although very expensive, manpower and resource consuming, we must respond because our lack of our lack of response is being monitored by those who want to do us harm. What will be our answer if an act of violence is initiated against any school and we had warning and did nothing???? This is a price that we cannot afford and must openly respond way in a way that illustrates our deterrent.

  6. How can you act on something when you aren't even told until the end of the day!!? I'm talking about Parkside. That's the part that rankles me the most. If I'd have known, I'd have gone and gotten my child even though they didn't evacuate. They may want to play games with my kid, but I'm not. They CLEARLY dropped the ball on this. I was shocked when I got home after school and had a robocall in my voicemail.

    1. So what are you planning on doing about this ?.

  7. Cooler heads prevailed and as a result everyone is fine.Argue that everyone is fine and no one is injured.Second guessing God will cause consequences.

  8. So very thankful I have no children or grandchildren in the school system in Wicomico County.

  9. It's obvious these are hoaxes and not credible threats. Schools are locked down and secure these days, who's going to be able to get a bomb into the school first off? Who around here is even smart enough to build a bomb small enough to carry, sneak it into the school, then why would they call and give warning first before detonating it?

    It's obviously someone wanting attention, don't give them attention by shutting down the schools, that's just stupid. For all you know the parent's houses could have bombs in them and detonate the moment the kids get home. I'm telling you the Communists are smart enough to do it. Er, I mean the Black Panthers, no I mean the Libyans, no I mean Al-Qaeda, yes, definitely Al-Qaeda is whose behind all of this.

    Grow up!

    1. right made no sense what they just said

    2. Who could get a bomb into schools? Teachers, students, janitors, any disgruntled employee, delivery people, visitors and that's just during school hours. Then there are those that can and will get in long after everyone has left the building to plant a device. Bomb building isn't rocket science, well maybe it is, on a much smaller scale. Stop being an ostrich, get your head out of the sand and stop believing the hype that this is a safe country. It has not been safe for years.

    3. I can't believe u even just said that!!! Anyone can get a bomb into a school. Wasn't there a gun fired in a school yesterday right after the bomb threat? If they can get a gun in, they can get a bomb in. Not to mention, a bomb doesn't necessarily have to be IN the school to cause damage and injure or kill children. It can be planted in an outside trash can or outside right under a class room window in a bush. That comment was just rediculous!!!

    4. Anyone attending an after school sports event could easily bring in and plant something.

  10. I am getting ready to call and email the Governor's Office. I am positive that if the same threats were made at any other schools, gov. office buildings, etc. evacuating would begin immediately. If the BOE received the same threat, does anyone think they would just sit there and blow it off and not evacuate.

    Not evacuating our children is a gross negligence against them. I instructed my children to leave immediately and call me. I also feel that teachers not standing up for themselves is crazy. Are they brainwashed or what? Who seriously in their right mind would remain in a building that has had a threat made on it? That's like hearing a fire alarm and because you don't smell smoke you just blow it off and go back to sleep. Who does that? NOBODY. I just don't understand what is wrong with all of these people.

    1. We teachers DO stand up for ourselves but, unlike you obviously, we NEED our jobs and have to follow the protocol set! You are ridiculous and totally unimformed!

    2. Sure..I obviously dont need my job because I refuse to let my boss keep me in a building that has had a bomb threat. So you are telling me its protocol to stay in a building with a threat. Funny all other government office evacuate. All other counties have evacuated their school. Wicomico is the only county that doesnt evacuate for a threat. BS. And whos ridiculous...your at work on the internet when you ahould be working. Pretty sure my taxes dont pay you to troll.

    3. Parkside teachers were not told of the 10am bomb threat until 3pm at a staff meeting. We did NOT see a search happening. Be informed before you judge.

    4. So the school wasnt searched properly either. Cool

    5. And this is why our students are so out of control. If a parent reacts like this in such a disrespectful manner, no wonder our halls, classrooms, and offices are filled with violence, fights, and profanity.

  11. Wicomico needs to allow parents the hybrid or online public school option. Our children will still receive all the benefits of public school including :socialization, specials, trips, food program, sports and so on. Our children will have smaller class size, individual attention, reduced bullying. No worries about sick or snow days. Most importantly IT'S SAFE!!

    Other states offer it so why not Wicomico! Makes me SICK how easily WBOE takes risks with our children.

  12. When I asked my children about the incident. My 2nd grader had no clue anything was happening and my third graders reply was some stupid man said he had a bomb but nothing blew up. I was trying to be supportive that my children s safety was being properly handled until I came to discover the school nor the perimeter was inspected. I understand most bombers will not give you a heads up when they plan an attack but this should have been handled better. Now thanks to the media these psychos know our children are an easy target due to the county's negligence.

  13. Same reason they attempt to make homeschooling more difficult than other counties... They want the money for those kids. It has nothing to do with the children; it has everything to do with the money.

  14. What is the excuse from his Honor sherriff lewis ? When is he up for re election I have people in his department ready to run against the mighty midget.

  15. 9:09 What an ignorant comment, this blog is informing people so they can warn their school kids and be prepared to respond to the BOE and local Sheriff's department with their concerns and comments as an informed and concerned citizen. What are you planning to do besides make negative comments? I was looking for any news about this on 47 or 16 last night. Only 16, on the second local news broadcast gave it about 8 seconds. I did however learn it was going to be cold today five times.

  16. This is the first I have heard of wicomico!? So until parents are told there was a bomb threat last I looked we aren't mind readers. Which schools had bomb threats in wicomico?

    1. Delmar elementary for one where my grand daughter goes and they weren't evacuated. I think it's disgusting. There are so many things wrong with public schools these days that's why I pulled my youngest daughter out and homeschool her the last few years

  17. This is on Mike Lewis, not the BOE. Once this happens, law enforcement has sole jurisdiction. Quit blaming the schools.

  18. What gets me is everyone is asking parents what are problem is ? Well let me tell you there is no way to raise hell over something we weren't told about. It was never mentioned bomb threats were called into wicomico schools so unless we all are mind readers ?? Wth? What schools had bomb threats in wicomico county?

  19. How many bomb dogs does Wicomico County have?? The answer is 0

  20. I can't wait until tomorrow and all you have moved on the next non event that has you all up in arms because you don't have anything else going on in your life to deal with!

  21. Doesn't the BOE have to actually make the call if they want the WCSO involved?

  22. @10:04 there are protocols in place that state they are to call 911 and then evacuate the building! They were not followed! That is not on Mike Lewis that is on the Principle of PARKSIDE!!!!! Not bringing in the bomb sniffing dogs is on Mike Lewis! There are NUMEROUS people at fault here!

  23. Mike Lewis is on FOX news worrying about Baltimore

  24. 9:02: Cooler heads my arse! Everyone is fine...THIS TIME! They did not respond in a manner that was SAFEST for our children and the staff. According to some students the classrooms weren't even searched! They were only asked if they had seen any suspicious people or bags. I don't give a rat's behind that it was a hoax....or that it had happened at different locations on the same day. What if all BUT one were fake? Ever heard of decoys? 9-11? Even the local WAL-MART was evacuated when they got a threat. I am not an alarmist or a conspiracy theorist....what I am is a parent who is pi**ed off that my child was considered "expendable" all because the school didn't want the headaches or disruption.

  25. A bit off subject but Stephen Decatur has been evacuated this morning.

  26. 9:30AM - Children have to learn to deal with bullying and other social nuances because, when they reach adulthood, the behaviors in some do not change. Suggesting that they be held in their homes in order to protect them is nonsensical. Being in a school environment - for better or worse - helps to learn coping skills that will no doubt-ably be used later in life.

    IMHO, many parents over compensate when it comes to protecting their children by screaming at school officials (including on the university level) rather than letting their children 'fail.' Thus, they deprive them the learning that comes with said experiences. Everyone fails at one part or another; however, thinking that it shows love, parents tend to go overboard and the child suffers.

    While with the COMMON CORE, I believe home schooling is the best outlet if you cannot afford a good private institution, socialization - good and bad - has to be a part of the educational experience.

  27. "Anonymous said...

    How many bomb dogs does Wicomico County have?? The answer is 0

    January 13, 2016 at 10:08 AM"

    Oh really 10:08? Well what about this copied from the Wic Co sheriff's website?

    "Bomb detection dogs - The sheriff's office currently has one bomb detection dog. This dog is specially trained to search buildings and areas for explosive devices."

    Maybe's it's outdated and info and should be removed but the fact stands that other nearby agencies including the state and feds have bomb detecting dogs that should have been utilized. We have them, we pay for them in some way or another, use them!

  28. My son (4th grade) came home from Delmar Elementary and asked why I didn't pick him up from school like half of the kids were. I responded that I felt it was a hoax. I made that call. I didn't feel he was in danger therefore I didn't pick him up.
    He went on to tell me that they were not told what was going on because they didn't want to "freak some kids out" but because he had seen the previous days news cast, he knew it was probably a bomb threat AND he knew the middle and high school didn't get one because they already had a half day.
    He said the police n swat teams were at the school searching and they were there a long time.
    He also said he didn't think it made sense to lock down the school if they think a bomb is in there...they would all die.
    These are the thoughts of a 9 year old....just sayin ��

  29. This is completely on the WCBOE and not law enforcement. It's all up to the board of Ed and they have the jurisdiction. I have a daughter in school and my mom is a teacher both in Wicomico county. Neither of their schools have been affected but I would be outraged. I discussed this with my mom last night and she said that the board of ed who she is employed by is at fault and it starts with Fredrickson. He is a complete joke. They have protocol for these exact situations that are to be followed and the BOE makes the decisions and have failed completely.

  30. It's not their children so of course they do not care as much as they would love the public eye to think. Gotta pray for the protection of the children in the community

    1. Liberal teachers protect our kids LOL

    2. I'm a teacher and would jump in front of anyone of my students or any student in the school as would ANY of my fellow teachers, to protect them!!! DON'T LUMP US ALL TOGETHER! IT'S WRONG!

    3. Would you go against the boss and take your class out of the buiding if your school received a threat. Prob not im guessing. None of your fellow teachers chose to do so either. So get outta here with all that id give my life crap. Guess what..ITS WRONG

    4. Again, most teachers weren't informed until the end of the school day. They didn't know.

    5. So what if the teachers took the students outside, against their boss' instructions, and there was a gunman waiting? Teachers are literally the last ones to know anything. Research before you speak.


  31. The comment on "Mike Lewis on news about Baltimore". hahaha....so true...

    Give him air time locally or anywhere else in the world, He will show up then for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Joe does mike lewis children go to a public school ?

  33. As a WCBOE employe ALL of this is understandable but as a teacher we do the best we can within protocols! I would defend ANY STUDENT in my school! I WOULD PUT MY LIFE in front of any student to protect them! DON'T blame us!

  34. How about Sbynews start a collection for a Bomb dog to embaress Lewis ? Go fund me ?.

  35. There are two white dodge suv that have known bomb detection unit lettered in themy with Wicomico Sheriff on doors

  36. So what happens if someone calls in a bomb threat, as students and staff are evacuated immediately and someone starts shooting up the place. The times we live in now are scary. The area always need to be made secure. Immediate evacuations may not be the answer either. I am curious too see what the rationale is though.

  37. I am a teacher at one of the schools that did not evacuate. Not only did they not take proper precautions but they didn't even notify the teachers after school. We did not see anyone looking through the school or the rooms. It was a mess. I do believe that it was not a credible threat but them saying they did something was a lie.

    1. I am also a teacher at one of those schools. My school was not searched. More lies.

  38. And as far as parents only being involved when something happens has absolutely nothing to do with nothing. Them children are the responsibility of Wicomico county when they are there,point blank!Just total disregard for life!!!

  39. Ocean City Elementary was evacuated yesterday because of a bomb threat, and Stephen Decatur H.S. was evacuated today for the same reason. Robocalls were made to parents as soon as the students were safe in the evaluation location. How is it that two counties have such different "protocols"? I realize that many feel these bomb threats are pranks, but you can never be sure! Why take a chance with the lives of our precious children?

  40. I am confused, Worcester news release say they have two dogs that searched Ocean City and Steven Decautur on there face book site, Delaware has several dogs at a bunch of schools and Accomac says they used bomb dogs to clearr there schools on Monday, so why didnt we see them in Wicomico? I thought all the agences shared the resources, i remember few years ago you had bomb dogs from all over searching the mall, i am sure all you got to do is pick up the phone?.

  41. The sheriff's department did in fact bring in K9's, because I saw the with my own eye's. If they were trained bomb sniffing dogs is an entirely different matter.

  42. We have a limited number of dogs and other emergencies exist in the state of Maryland. We do the best we can.

  43. The children!! Yeah right!! There are a lot of other things going on that affect the children that the school board doesn't address. For example
    Mr. Larry Collins an administrator at Glen Ave Elementary has been charged with domestic violence ( case # 0203sp006212015) in Wicomico Co against his soon to be ex wife on 7/24/15
    He is also due in court tomorrow at 1pm ( 01/19/16) in Somerset Co for a DUI from 10/24/15 for negligent driving and for failure to obey lane directions.
    So as you can see they don't even care about the morals of who teaches your children much less their safety!! Let that sink in.


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