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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Is The Wicomico County Board Of Education Playing Russian Roulette With Your Children?

While all Schools in other states and Counties are being PROACTIVE by evacuating Students from each School receiving bomb threats, Wicomico County continues to be under fire from Parents extremely upset their children were not escorted out of their Schools.

I can tell you, even in the 1960's we did constant drills to make sure everyone exited the Schools in an orderly fashion. That being said, why the heck do they still have these drills if they aren't going to take even the most serious of threats seriously?

In the wake of all these School horrors, someone, (in my opinion) needs to be held accountable. What do you think?


  1. Totally agree, especially when you ask questions about why they aren't being evacuated and you can't get a answer.

  2. I want Fredriksons job on a Plate who the Hell does he think he is ?

  3. Our children were in that school and never evacuated. WHAT IF that was a real bomb.....two of my children go to this school along with everyone else's children. I can not believe the administrator can just decide it is ok that the children and faculty are safe in a facility that had just received a bomb threat. I am highly upset about this and I never was notified until after the fact. And my children come home clueless because they were never EVACUATED.

  4. Why are they not being fired? Where is the County Government, County Executive and County Council, on this? What is going to take Children being killed by their neglect? This reminds me of the Obama administration holding nobody responsible. The Principle and Fredericksen needs to be held accountable and fired. No one should be able to resign or retiree so they will get any form of benefits.

    1. Yeah where is Bob Culver.

    2. I was always under the impression that Superintendent in Wicomico County was Governor appointed. Perhaps Governor Hogan should be made well aware of this.

    3. Board members are appointed. Superintendent hired by board. How many of you on here complaining will be at board meeting tonight? Not too many I'm sure. If you are upset go and let your voice be heard. Don't leave it up to someone else.

    4. I also am astonished that they did not evacuate the school, I can't believe they would take that chance. That could have been all of our children'sives.

  5. What kind of parent would send their kid to a school that was trying to kill them? Homeschool your own kid and then try to figure out who to blame next.

  6. Why don't we keep our kids home and let the fabric of this country go down the tubes even more.

  7. 11:41, I'm going to be nice here ASSUMING you are not aware of what most of us have known for YEARS.

    The Board of Education is autonomous. THEY ANSWER TO NO ONE. Bob Culver nor the County Council have NO SAY in the decisions made there, unless he chooses to hold back funding during budget time.

    So STOP throwing the blame or responsibility on Culver. You need to contact the Governor.

  8. Seaside Christian Academy

  9. Makes you wonder if these bomb threats are dry runs to check for gaps in security.

    1. My very thought as well.

    2. Sad, but with everything going on that's where my mind went as well.

    3. Wow. I thought same thing as well..hope authorities are considering this

    4. This was my exact thought Wicomico County is proving that they dont really take very much action and make a good target. My kids will not be attending school tomorrow and honestly i may keep them home the rest of the week just to be safe.

  10. I rec'd an automated call yesterday at 2:41 pm as I was picking my child up from school (which let out at 2:45) saying that there was a threat this morning. I asked my child if they knew anything about it and he was totally clueless. So please tell me how the school was being proactive if no school activities were interrupted to check for threat? And kids in the school (let alone parents) knew nothing about this until the call almost at the conclusion of the school day? They can call for PTA and everything else twice a week why wasn't this made a priority?

  11. The school made an informed and rational decision. There were 6-8 "robocalls" to various schools or school districts. With no sign of a break-in, Parkside administrators made the call, rightly so, that these were false bomb threats. Panicking and causing distress does not automatically equate to the school "looking out" for the children. My kid goes to PHS and as far as I'm concerned, the call to stay safe in place was the right one. Now, could the automated call from WCBOE have come a little sooner to keep us in the loop and avoid panic. Probably.

    1. DISAGREE! ALL these schools should have been evacuated until the threat was cleared. I'm not happy that my kid was HELD INSIDE the building while the search was being conducted. I agree with not broadcasting the threat to students or parents during the search...it would have put more people at risk because they would have been near or in the building or in a panic trying to get their kid(s). I also agree with the delayed notification; the threat was cleared and notifying parents in the middle of the school day would have created chaos in the school and workplaces and on the roadways. They should have followed fire drill procedures until the building was cleared. The FD already knew what was going on. Time to get a scanner.

    2. My child knew about the incident because his teacher announced it in class, maybe all the hubbub from the kids talking about it is what prompted the school to make the call. Who knows, they may not have wanted it to be known

    3. 1:10... What search? My class room certainly wasn't searched. We were told "oh you must have missed the search if you went to the restroom." Really? Actually, I never left my room and I did NOT see a deputy or anyone doing any kind of search.

  12. 11:59, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? You come on here acting like you work or represent the BOE. If my child was in ANY of these schools and protocol was not followed, I'd sue the crap out of the BOE. YOU, nor anyone else has the right to play God with our children.

    1. Bravo Joe! Bravo!

    2. I would love to see in writing was the actual protocol is. Any way to obtain this?

  13. 12:29, Were you born yesterday? Did you not get an education or go to public school? It IS protocol. It certainly is NOT protocol to leave all the students in Ground Zero!

    1. No, I wasn't born yesterday and I am very well educated, thank you. My point was that it was written and would love to see it in writing so that they ( the BOE) can and will be held responsible legally.

    2. There are specific protocols for EVERY type of threat that could effect a school building...It's called a SAFETY PLAN and is required. If Wicomico doesn't REQUIRE it, shame on them

  14. I have emailed the principle of Parkside last night - still no response! Hmmm, guess they don't feel they have to answer to anyone! My son was at Parkside yesterday. There wasn't any EXTRA Police any where in the school! Who did the search the idiot that is in the school? You know the one that was on duty when a student was RAPED IN THE HALLWAY!!!!! Yeah I feel real safe knowing my son is in that school!

  15. "Anonymous said...

    Yeah where is Bob Culver.

    January 12, 2016 at 11:41 AM"

    Seriously you are a special kind of stupid! I am so sick and tired of you low information offering up your asinine opinions it's not even funny. County officials have very little say so in the public schools affairs. The state "took over" the schools years ago when that no good POS nothing loser liar Hughes was governor.
    11:59 if you think for one second the schools made a rational decision by not evacuation then you are one sick SOB. It's a damn shame your child is stuck with you because you obviously could careless about them. You are nauseating.
    12:35 upset people shouldn't have to go to the board meeting. This is 2016 and the board needs to get with the times or resign, get the hell out and let competent people have the seats. You look to social media for signs of displeasure now a days and act upon that.

  16. Wow 11:59! I just cannot believe something like this would come from a parent. Very disturbing to me.

  17. Call your state senators and delegates.

  18. This just in.....shots fired at a Dover area middle school.WTF?Gangs,rapes,bomb threats,drug abusing teachers and now this? Sending a child to a sub-par public school like most of the ones here on the shore is borderline child abuse!Stop supporting government-run public schools.It's bad enough they get funded by taxpayers and massive government grants and STILL can't graduate literate students and keep the places safe,yet a private school survives on way less money and churns out college ready children in a safe environment.Fools....the private sector will always do things better than the government!

  19. At the risk of seeming stupid, Delmar Elementary is a "Fallout Shelter". Would the students and teachers be there in whatever part that is of the school? Just curious, why all other schools seem to have evacuated.

  20. Why don't we as parents quit Bitching about who is right and wrong and all work together to realize something is going on in our community and schools causing all of this chaos. We need to work together to find a solution moving forward to prevent these things from happening and keep our children safe and quit pointing the fingers. I have children in the school systems that have been affected and I have to trust the proper procedures are being followed for my children s well being. Everyone is quick to complain instead use your voice for change instead of ridicule. Our world is a much different place and its a wake up call for our small town to be affected by this. Whos to say next time the treat isn't going to be real.

  21. There is a wicomico county board of education meeting tonight. Any of you planning to go make your concerns heard or will you keep complaining anonymously on a blog?

  22. I do not believe in taking chances so take the kids out to be safe, but why would someone call in a bomb if one was planted? It seems like it would defeat the purpose of someone trying to blow up people. Just saying. Has a bomb ever gone off on a bomb threat at a building when there was a warning? Did Timothy M. call in about the Oklahoma bomb or in 1992? did terrorist call in world trade center bomb in a van?

  23. Geez.
    What does a kid have to do these days to get outta' school?

  24. So let me understand this... they "delay" or close school for the slightest hint of fog or snow. Now a BOMB threat is made against the school and they choose to NOT EVACUATE! If the threat wasn't credible then why search the building with my child inside?

  25. I love how some have attempted to come on here and say, WHAT ABOUT THE COLD.

    Well, you know what. Our Grandson takes the bus to school every day. Because it is so hot in the school, most kids do not dress for the winter temps. Their big jackets take up too much room in their lockers and they just dress down.

    That being said, they arrive a good 20 minutes BEFORE the school opens their front doors and they make all students stand out in the cold, rain, snow, whatever. You can't tell me these kids can't stand being removed for a period of time while LE investigates the grounds. Let me add, it's a whole lot colder when the kids arrive at school too.

    1. The person who said something about the cold is nonsensical. If your child is in danger, I would rather him be cold than dead. Use common sense. Joe, you're spot on!

  26. 3:21 I was wondering the same thing about any threats ever turning out real and it is rare. I looked it up. With that in mind though whoever thought terrorists would use airplanes as missiles which resulted in 1000's of deaths on 9-11. At this point in time I don't think it's prudent to brush anything off anymore as just a possible idle threat.

  27. I think the call to stay safe was the right call. The automated call could very well have been a ploy to get all of the students out of the school where even worse could have happened.

    1. Then send them home. :::Palm to face. Palm to face:::;

  28. What about the cold? Almost 70% of Wi-Middle and WI-High students don't get bus service while those Parkside kids are bused from less than a mile away. Maybe a few minutes in the cold air would do them some good.

  29. There is a Board meeting tonight at 7 at the old BOE bldg next to Wi-Hi. Please attend if possible. Discipline is also going to be discussed.

  30. .....and then we wonder why kids act the way they do! Reading some of these comments answers alot of questions.Why not act like adults and address the issue and quit pointing fingers.After all is about our children.....or us it???

  31. Frederickson has allowed all students in school access to cell phones--imagine when an attack can be planned with inside information

  32. So is anyone paying attention!!!! $$$$ TALK get school vouchers on the ballot NOW...it's the only way to stop the abuse of the BOE and the obvious failed libtarded education system.

  33. This is pure democrat politics through and through. You want change start electing republicans because they're the ones who honor family and country. I swear sometimes I just want to mush my face when I read some of these insane comments. And if you're a parent, the question is not if you go to the meeting tonight, it should be to get your butts there.

  34. Yes, people are complaining about not being notified and the kids not being evacuated. But, there would have been just as much complaining if those kids had to go stand outside for any length of time or if the parents had to disrupt their schedules to go pick up heir kids at school. People aren't going to be satisfied either way.

    1. Obviously u have Zero kids.

    2. I would much rather my child stand outside while i recieve a call and given the option to "disrupt my schedule" to pick my child up. My child is my main priority and i do not take their lives/safely lightly.

  35. I am a parent of a first grader at Delmar Elementary and I can tell you I am not impressed at all. It is never okay to assume it is a false threat! Delmar Elementary made a stupid call today and put our children at risk.

    1. So what and the other parents going to do about it ?.

  36. The decision for schools to remain safe in place was a decision made by the office of safe schools and Andy Turner. Administrators were told that if an actual call came in from a live person that they are to evacuate. If it was a robo-call, they are to remain inside until police tell them otherwise. That is the truth as I saw the email from the BOE.

    1. Turner is an idiot who thinks he is still a cop. Call Kim Miles, new Asst Superintendent of Safe Schools. She just got appointed and with a nice big raise. Let's make her earn it.

    2. I can make a robocall from my home computer, so I know anyone can. What is the difference between a real voice and a computer voice? No excuses. It was a bad call.

  37. As a vice principal in the county, the blame is not on the administrators. We are just following the direction of he Safe Schools Dept.

  38. 922, I don't care if God himself came down from Heaven and issued that order, I wouldn't follow it. No way, no how.

    How does anyone know with these types of things? No one sane would do robocalls either. This is just ridiculous.

    1. So if your boss tells you to do something and you don't, you are risking your job. Bet you are willing to give away your income?

  39. What happened at the School Board meeting tonight? Anyone want to share with us?

    Amazing that 52 comments generated today, yet not one is telling the world what went down at the big hoedown tonight.

    I'll just bet 90% of the outraged didn't even take time away from Dance Moms to go there. People you're responsible for your children's well-being. If the babysitter is negligent, you have to reprimand and show up for little things like board meetings.

    So many sheep; not enough shepherds.

  40. So after attending tonight's BOE meeting it was disclosed that it was good ole Sheriff Mikey which made the call not to evacuate the student or inform parents until 6 hours afterwards. How come no one is talking about that. Once again Mikey shows his true colors. Come on people wake up this guy is only out for his self and his next interview in front of a camera. Maybe the residents of this county will start to see he is not what they think he is. He and the rest of his administration need to go!!

  41. 956, Lewis gave the order to not evacuate? LOL After Baltimore? Guess he won't be on Hannity or O'Reilly this week.

  42. 951, you bet your sweet life I would. No money is worth dying. Period.

    Sheesh, people don't even value life anymore? What's the world coming to?

  43. Superintendent of Safe Schools? Sounds like a BS title to me.

  44. Don't bother asking Turner what the protocols are. Once I asked what policies were in place to keep our children safe from predators. I wanted to know some of the details so as a parent I could make sure they were being followed. He told me he couldn't tell me because the information could fall into the wrong hands and the safety measures could be circumvented by bad people. I stated the obvious--but then no one can check up on the schools. He smiled like he was the smartest person in the room. I guess he is. Smart enough to be paid for being THAT SMART.

  45. This issue has deep roots. The Principal at Delmar Elementary has instructed staff not to call 911 in an emergency. Only the office is allowed to make that decision. God help anyone in need of medical attention, as precious minutes tick away while the office takes its sweet time to look into why an ambulance or police are needed.

    The second issue is why did the office try to cover-up the bomb threat call? When the call came in the Principal tried to keep it quiet! Told staff not to repeat what had just happened. It was only after the cat was out of the bag action was taken. Judy even ordered staff to pursue and tell anyone who had just left the office to keep quiet. It was too late and word got out, then and only then, that she made the decision to make an announcement. Telling staff to shelter in place or safe in place and started making calls. When was a call placed to 911, should be easy to figure out if this took place. If no call was placed, why was the decision made when any other school district would call and have an immediate response of fire,ems,police and state fire Marshall. At the end of the day staff was questioned to determine who, if anyone new about the threat before she had to make the announcement. Guess that was an attempt to reprimand someone for letting the cat out of the bag.

    The search was conducted by two Wicomico County Sheriff's assigned to the school system. One officer drove from Mardela's school to assist in the search. Their search was going room to room and asking if anyone had seen any suspicious items or packages. School full of backpack's and not searched. No dog to search, per one of the deputies, because the dog retired.

    What if the threat was outside the building? What resources took care of securing around the building? Searching for suspicious cars or even a car bomb.

    When the staff asked what emergency color code they were operating under, yellow, orange, red etc. They were informed, we don't use that anymore and the new policy will be distributed.

    This was all handled in a very lackadaisical manner, a bomb threat a Walmart would have gotten a better response!

    These are the people we entrust our children and spouses to on a daily basis!

    1. This principal needs to be FIRED.

    2. JOE where is the story on sherriff lewis on having control of evacuations? What the hell is going on with the BOE this needs to be Answered.

  46. Sounds like Mayberry to me. Was Barney there with Gomer?

    Sheesh. That's no way to clear and area. I'm a layman and even I know that. For Pete's sake.

  47. 7:37, WHAT, someone challenge the almighty Sheriff Lewis? IF in fact Sheriff Lewis instructed the BOE to keep the children inside the building, the guy is a complete Idiot.

    However, I have to wonder if Fredericksen is using Lewis to soften the Idiotic decision to leave the children indoors.

    No matter what or who made the decision, it was wrong.

    Let me say this as well. ALL of us make mistakes. Mike Lewis is not a perfect man, none of us are.

  48. 9:51--sure- I'm gonna sit there and possible explode because someone might fire me.

    I'm not trying to sound offensive, but you are a brainwashed weak little sheep. I'm sorry that's not nice but it's the truth. I'm truly sorry for you and everyone like you.

  49. Everyone just calm down and take a deep breath.And quit being so Godless.Contact your childs' school and tell them you will be available to pick up your child in the event of another bomb threat.Your job should be on the same page and gladly give you the day off in a moments notice,or are they anti children as well? Didn't your parents teach you a lick of common sense? If you want them out of the school and off of the school property while searches are taking place step up to the plate.

  50. If and when the culprit is caught they need to make financial restitution to the agencies involved. This is done on a court level. All the charging officer has to do is tell the State's Attorney's Office they want it. Restitution is above and beyond the fines that are imposed. I can assure you if these kids have to pay back thousands and or their parents it will stop. If they can not pay they need to work community service for the lead agency. There are plenty of floors that need waxing and general cleaning. They can also wash and wax cars or clean the grounds. It could be split between the B.O.E. and Police agency.

  51. As a police officer, we do our best and at the same time try to subdue panic and disruption. Your alternative is to home -school your youngster. Hopefully, you have confidence in law officials and school administration. Thank you.


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