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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Md. Lawmakers Override Veto Of Marijuana Paraphernalia Bill

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — The Maryland General Assembly has overridden Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto of a bill decriminalizing the possession of marijuana paraphernalia.

Both the Senate and the House also voted Thursday to override the Republican governor’s veto of a measure to ensure that third-party travel websites pay all of the state’s sales tax.

Democrats control both chambers, which had the three-fifths majority needed to override the vetoes.



  1. Good common sense votes. What was the governor thinking? Or was this supposed to be a gift to some special interests?

  2. A pipe is a pipe. Is it not?

  3. Did the governor make pipes legal?
    Or, did he make them illegal?

  4. Is it now OK to have marijuana, but not OK to have a way to smoke it?

  5. I agree with this, sorry larry.

  6. He is a republican and an amateur politician. He is just doing what all the other politicians do. He will eventually let us all down. He will end up being the next Chris Christie.

  7. This is NOT common sense. The Governor wanted a bill that prohibited smoking pot while driving and no smoking in public as a compromise. But keep cheering until a kid smoking pot in his car takes out a family behind the wheel.

    1. 421 if your high and get pulled over it is dwi. Doesn't have to be booze!! Read the laws before you comment silly person.

  8. Kids smoking pot? Take a look around you, if they drug tested school teachers there would be few left showing up for class.

  9. 421 you are not to sharp are you?

  10. 4:21
    That was a silly statement.

    Eventually a person who is wearing a yellow shirt will take out a family behind the wheel.

    I don't think anyone will propose outlawing yellow shirts.

  11. Keep dumbing down the herd.

  12. Possession of ten grams or less will net you a ticket for $100 if you're caught with it in public. Possession of a smoking device (a glass pipe, a brass pipe, a wooden pipe, a tinfoil pipe, a Coke can with a dent and some holes in it, a bong, and a cigarette paper, just to name a few) will get you arrested and charged with a misdemeanor and a permanent criminal record? There's nothing fair about that.

  13. The posters who are after 4:21 all need to learn spelling or grammar. Good grief - are you supposed to be the "smart" ones? You must have attended school in Wicomico County!

  14. I bet they are so proud of themselves. Why to go Maryland for allowing us to become the laughing stock of the US. AGAIN.

  15. And people wonder why Hogan grapples to get things done. These two Houses with their veto packing mafia needs to stop stonewalling the efforts of Hogan's administration. The fact is, Marylanders are not thrilled with what's been going on. If they were, they wouldn't have elected a Republican to clean up the mess O'Malley and these democrats have reeked on the state.

  16. If you can drive high on weed then why can I not drive drunk. Both have the same effect on your mind and reactions. I know I lived through the first era of drugs and these drugs today are 10x the strength. So all of you that knows it all tell me why I cannot drink and drive They do not have a "Field Sobriety Test" for weed and drugs. So with your logic I will be profiled and discriminated against because I drink and don't do weed / drugs.

  17. 548 you have no idea what internet short hand is. Always with the grammer comments. Smh. Blog mch

  18. 743 police will call on drug recognition expert and take your blood sample. You will be charged with dwi. Not alcohol.


  19. You can't drive with an open container even if you have not sipped from it. It creates a presumption of intent.

    Why should you have your weed supply and the means to use it and not face the same presumption?

    O'Malley was happy to sign the bill his Dem herd passed because they wanted to curry favor with the potheads. Public safety considerations never had a chance for consideration.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you can drive high on weed then why can I not drive drunk. Both have the same effect on your mind and reactions.

    No they don't. Two different drugs. You have more of a chance of being in a collision being drunk than being high.

  21. Hogan is right on this.

  22. 5:16 PM - I can tell you are one of the very few with any intelligence here. You are right on.

    Hey people, having a new - never used smoking device is not illegal. When it gets the first use, then it is unlawful to have it.

  23. Dang all those of years of getting drunk, and now I could high and drive. How freaking lame is that ? No , I'm not going to start hitting the reefer . Heck it was hard enough giving up booze .i was allergic to booze and broke out in handcuffs!

  24. Pipes were illegal. That's why I started mainlining my Marijuana.

  25. OK I can't bust you for your pot but I can arrest you for your pipe. How stupid, glad to see it overturned.

  26. Let me out this in terms most you drunkard cop lovers can understand.....
    Is it right that you can drink alcohol but the bottle its in will get you arrested? Or the cup you hide your booze/wine in as you drive your kids to yuppie practice?


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