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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

JUST IN: North Korea says it conducted successful hydrogen bomb test

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea said Wednesday it had conducted a hydrogen bomb test, a defiant and surprising move that, if confirmed, would put Pyongyang a big step closer toward improving its still-limited nuclear arsenal.

A television anchor read a typically propaganda-heavy statement on state TV that said North Korea had tested a “miniaturized” hydrogen bomb, elevating the country’s “nuclear might to the next level” and providing it with a weapon to defend against the United States and its other enemies.

The statement said the test was a “perfect success.”

The test, if confirmed by outside experts, will lead to a strong push for new, tougher sanctions at the United Nations and further worsen already abysmal relations between Pyongyang and its neighbors.



  1. if they say it, it must be true, very honest folks over there

  2. We should give them one of ours as a congratulation gift...

    The folks from the 509th at Whiteman AFB would be more than happy to deliver it via B-2...

    Paul Tibbetts would be overjoyed!

  3. Drop one in Iran.

  4. This is easy enough to prove or disprove. We dont need to take their word for it. You dont just detonate a hydrogen bomb without the world noticing.

  5. They probably got the plans off of the stolen hard drives from los Alamos back in the final days of the Clinton administration.

  6. He just rolled out of bed


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