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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Vandals topple graves, deface tombstones at historic Confederate cemetery

Vandals spray-painted “KKK” and “White Supremacist” on the headstones of several high-ranking Civil War officials in a Raleigh, North Carolina cemetery last week, the latest in a series of similar stunts.

“Cowardly acts like this, under the cover of darkness, late at night, aren’t perpetrated by decent and thoughtful citizens,” Oakwood Cemetery Executive Director Robin Simonton said in a statement, according to the News & Observer.

“In these modern times, conversations on divisive issues should be held in person. Midnight assassinations don’t accomplish anything positive. Mature, non-emotional dialogue more often leads to agreement, or at least compromise.”

Simonton’s view on the controversial folks resting in Oakwood Cemetery is a big reason why she hosts coffeehouse chats on morality and sunrise yoga on the grounds – to discuss important and divisive issues like race and slavery through civil discourse.



  1. I would shoot and kill every single one of them if I caught them. Hopefully they will pay in Hell for violating the dead!

  2. Thank you Obama for turning this country upside down! You are the reason the next Civil War is coming.


  3. Are you crazy? Modern times,Americans have been living the American Dream with cowardly stunts.America is a nation of COWARDS.

  4. They died. They had to be buried somewhere. They didn't let somebody else's flag govern their mood swings; they made their flag on their beliefs then fought to the death to defend those beliefs!
    What did you do with your life? Kick over a dead man's tombstone?

    What a piece of chickenship you turned out to be.

  5. If it were a black cemetery defaced with racial hatred, even if it were nothing but criminals and thieves buried there, the DOJ would be hunting down the perpetrators because they'd claim it was a "hate crime".

  6. Perhaps they should put up several of the mobile cameras that hunters use in the woods.

  7. The left and their American hatred.

  8. Anonymous said...
    If it were a black cemetery defaced with racial hatred, even if it were nothing but criminals and thieves buried there, the DOJ would be hunting down the perpetrators because they'd claim it was a "hate crime".

    January 6, 2016 at 9:33 AM

    You are exactly correct. I have never been more ashamed of this country than I have been for the last 7 years!


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