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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Did Hillary Clinton pay a young boy to ask THIS question?


  1. And yet young man I surround myself with these awful guns to protect my self. Now this is why I'm a liberal.

  2. My bet is that most of those that succumb to gun "violence" are suicides.

  3. No she didn't pay him to ask that question. I had a career in education. At least two of my students eventually killed themselves with guns before they left high school.Maybe more because mum is the word when people kill themselves with a gun. Gun violence is a serious problem.

  4. 9:37. Wrong. Those guns did not walk off a shelf and shoot anyone. Mental Illness is the reason people kill themselves.

  5. 10:03 Depression is the reason people kill themselves. Life is full of ifs but if those guns had been smart guns maybe they would not have been seen as as the means to complete the deed.

    10:12 A little thoughtless smart mouth apparently. These students both had many teachers before and after me before killing themselves. They both had two loving parents and I have no reason to think either one was in an unstable home.


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