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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Delusional or Stupid?


  1. Neither.
    Just a liar.

  2. Sharia law says it all. A religious-political doctrine.

  3. Another delusional Muslim

  4. This guy needs to go. Sooner more than later

  5. Put Him behind Bars forever !

  6. This statement coming from a Moon Cricket.

  7. Yeah, and they showed their faces, on Sept 11, 2001

  8. Yeah, they were the pirates of Tripoli!

  9. Delusional, stupid and a lying, cowardly traitor!

  10. both...9:09 Bryan Kilmede's new book tells it all...

  11. they are good at building road side bombs and suicide vest.

  12. wishfull thinking !

  13. I think that he was confusing his nation with his carpets.

  14. Why isn't he already behind bars, forever?

  15. What do you expect his parents where Muslim this is why he sypathizes 2+2 in my book is 4.

  16. The thing is a lot of obama supporters believe this nonsense. He appeals only to other dishonest immoral liars or those who have the lowest of IQ's. The fact is muslims had NOTHING to do with the building of America's fabric. It was built by Christians and Christians alone. Anyone who says otherwise should not ever be taken seriously. This country only survives (though now appears to be on life support thanks to the mess obama made) because of it's founding on Christian principles. One needs to look no further than all the "great" muslim countries of the world. They are nothing more than 3rd World rat holes with the only wealth concentrated by a few oil sheiks and some religious fanatics. The people overall live in dirt. obams's an idiot, but those who are in touch with reality, well informed and are good honest moral people already know that.

  17. Stupid...like a fox.His senior advisor is Iranian and his cabinet appointments are Muslim; we should expect nothing less. Another good book is Michael Savage "Government Zero"; it'll make you "mad as hell" when you read it.

  18. Clint Eastwood was absolutely right...this man was a plant to destroy the US....

  19. Hopefully, this country can survive the next 378 days!

    Stay alert America, based on reports, the HildaBeast will be indicted soon - this POSPOTUS will figure out how to throw the election out the window...prepare for Martial-Law!

    1. Its going to be a Long Year of obamas treasonous ways.

  20. 1. The quote is wrong. 2. The inaccurate quote is out of context. 3. This is the problem when people forgo original thought and get their information from, and base their world view on, memes and their ilk. I'm not criticizing opinions (there's no point; most opinions are fossilized, and rarely is a mind changed), but I am criticizing intellectual laziness.

    "Muslims built the very fabric of our nation" (the meme) and, in wider context, "In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy" (the actual quote) are undeniably different sentences with completely different meanings (switching "built" for "to building," "Muslim" for "Muslim-Americans" and conveniently leaving out the word "contributions" are calculated subterfuges on the part of the meme maker).

    Facts matter, they aren't left or right, and safeguarding facts from abuse should be a concern, and a concerted mission, for everyone.

  21. It is the devil talking.

  22. My God this guy is out of his mind.

  23. True because he has imbedded them in our government and they are re-writing laws etc. to be sympathetic to Muslims. Were screwed.

  24. Neither. This statement proves without doubt where his allegiance lies. People should have been paying attention over the last two presidential elections. Instead, they were bedazzled by Beyounce and the star status of his unique qualification - the race card.

    Voters: You really need to start educating yourselves and using common sense. A person can say anything, the real proof is what they DO. Actions are clear indications of what lurks within, not words and mindless sentiments. He knew all too well his public and their capacity for ferreting out the truth.

  25. I don't see where any of the founders were Muslim or the signers of the declaration of independence. The first colonist were of British and then later German and northern European decent. It seems Muslim immigration to Americana didn't start until at least 100 years ago and high numbers in the last 40 years. By working with them and talking to them, they are not here to be a part of western culture. They are here to change it. A college professor from Pakistan once told me, they are taught by the Koran to be kind to your enemy and then destroy them while their guard is down. I believe that is what they are here to do.


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