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Sunday, January 10, 2016

County backs bill to ease sprinkler regs

The fight over requiring fire suppression sprinklers in single- and two-family residences isn’t over, even though it has been the law since 2012, when Gov. Martin O’Malley signed HB366 requiring the systems to be installed in new homes.

In addition, the measure prohibited local jurisdictions from exempting their towns and counties from the law, as had been previously permitted.

But now Delegate Chris Adams (R-37B), representing the mid-shore area, and others would change all that, and he now has the support of the Worcester County Commissioners.

Adams has prefiled HB19, which would return some control to local government, for the upcoming session of the General Assembly. He emphasized that his measure is not about opposing firefighters, who endorse the sprinkler law, but about restoring local control of an issue that affects not only his constituents, but also himself as a builder.



  1. Many of us have already built elsewhere and sure aren't coming back even if they do away with sprinkler regs.

  2. How about getting rid of the requirement for the septic system mounds that make every piece of property worth half of what it was before?!

    Building elsewhere may be the answer - thanks 11:17!

  3. Keep the sprinkler regs across the bay including Mathias

  4. I wonder if Jim M. will have to pay his kickbacks to his boss if it is repealed .

  5. Hogan has one big mess to clean up

  6. Why doesn't Mathis have them in his home???

  7. Welcome to being a DummcRAT in 2016 you voted for her you deal with her.

  8. Any data on the amount of damage done when one of these malfunctions? How about the extensive mold problem that occurs after they go off and flood the place. Either way it is a lose-lose for the homeowner, a battle to restore the home to a non toxic environment and fight with the insurance company on what they are not going to cover due to the water damage.

  9. Also, Mathis is employed by the largest restoration company for water damage HELLO!!!!!! If it's crooked, he's attached to it!

  10. This law his stifled single family home construction in Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset Counties. The issue needs to be decided locally.

  11. I wonder if Mathias has sprinklers installed in his home in OC. Or in his children's homes. I have been told No.

  12. How good are they going work on a home with no city water.

  13. Anonymous said...
    I wonder if Jim M. will have to pay his kickbacks to his boss if it is repealed .

    January 8, 2016 at 12:16 PM

    Who is his boss?

  14. Rick Hoppes since you want them so bad why aren't they in your house?

  15. Anonymous said...
    Also, Mathis is employed by the largest restoration company for water damage HELLO!!!!!! If it's crooked, he's attached to it!

    January 8, 2016 at 3:27 PM

    Who is he employed with?

  16. Anonymous said...
    How good are they going work on a home with no city water.

    January 8, 2016 at 6:10 PM

    If you have a $15,000 holding tank and pump. And then if it doesn't freeze.

  17. Mathias explained he’s seen sprinkler systems contain house fires in 30 seconds, and seen homes engulfed in flame in about two minutes. Mathias also said he’s seen cases in Maryland of Good Samaritans — people who rush in to help in an emergency — become casualties themselves.

    Mathias is a F****ng Liar! Mathias has never bee a real firefighter, he has never been anything more than a lawn ornament on fire scenes if he even showed up. Jim, please tell us where you saw the house fires that were contained in 30 seconds? Jim, please tell us where you saw the homes engulfed in 2 minutes? Were you standing there with a time clock? No because you are full of crap! Jim, please tell us where you personally saw cases where the good Samaritans became victims in Maryland??? Please tell us since you were a firemen in Ocean City. Did you just happen to go to other departments and spend the night to catch some calls? NOT! Who ever runs against Jim Mathias should use this because he just got caught in a big lie! The closest Jim Mathias got to riding on Fire Truck was riding on top of them waving like a beauty queen during parades in Ocean City.


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