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Sunday, January 10, 2016

City to Partner with Arnett Muldrow & Associates On Branding and Marketing Initiative

Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce that Salisbury has retained Arnett Muldrow & Associates to conduct a branding and marketing initiative for the city and its historic downtown. The purpose of the effort is to create a consistent image package for the community and its partners to use to continue to build local pride, recruit investment to the community, and market Salisbury to visitors.

The marketing and branding resource visit for Salisbury will begin on Wednesday, January 20th with a series of roundtable meetings with various stakeholder groups. The public is invited to offer input on the marketing image for Salisbury at a public session to be held that Wednesday, January 20th, at Salisbury Fire Department Headquarters, 325 Cypress Street. The session will begin at 6:00 p.m., and all community members are welcome to attend. A second public input session will be held the following day, Thursday, January 21st at the same location at 12:00 p.m. The intensive process is designed to immerse the project team in the community and to provide a marketing and branding plan in a very short time frame.

The project team will then spend the following two days working on design concepts that will be presented to the Mayor and steering committee.

Arnett Muldrow & Associates, Ltd., with offices in Greenville, South Carolina; Wilmington, Delaware; & Seattle, Washington has completed branding and marketing programs for over 350 communities in thirty states.

“This is such an exciting time for the City,” said Mayor Day. “The downtown renaissance continues to gain momentum, and we’re starting to freshen up and improve the physical, outward face of our community with projects such as the construction of the Skatepark, the overhaul and modernization of the river walk, and the Main Street master plan which will break ground this year. What we haven’t had is an easily communicated sense of who we are as a group. What makes us ‘us’? Partnering with Arnett Muldrow & Associates will help us establish our brand and give us that crucial piece of the puzzle which will allow us to better market our city.”

For more information, or to participate in a roundtable, contact the Mayor’s office at 410-548-3100.


  1. "Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce that Salisbury has retained Arnett Muldrow & Associates to conduct a branding and marketing initiative for the city and its historic downtown."

    "a branding and marketing initiative for the city and it's **historic** downtown"?

    First and foremost drop "the 'bury!" It's not cute and it's not clever. It's ghetto and low class sounding.

  2. Day must be some kind of simpleton or something. It's all about jobs and income. You can brand and market until you are blue in the face and unless there is an influx of higher paying jobs which gives more people disposable incomes you aren't going to have any results. Experience is the best teacher though with these dumb dumbs and I WILL be here to tell them "told you so!"

  3. Oh please, enough money spent already and studies done on this dead horse. Pave the roads, that's what we all want and need.

  4. How much is this waste of money costing taxpayers this time????

  5. Ireton had his alleged focus on cleaning the river and reducing crime, with grander political aspirations in mind.

    Day has urban renewal in mind as his stairway to the capitals.

  6. Until you get rid of the bornhere mentality, no high paying jobs are coming here and people with educations and money aren't either. Like 5:16 and 6:15.

    1. Great post. It's true. The born here attitude is ridiculous and ignorant. These people only murk up the already putrid river waters with their entitlement network. High paying jobs, decent property values and courting companies from outside this little sect is the only way to rejuvenate Salisbury to its past glory. PR and marketing doesn't do anything to replace the issues due to years of neglect and apathy.

  7. It will take more than branding research. He needs some initiatives to reduce the riff-raff, increase jobs, improve property values, and bring back some true conservative pride...cue the Mission Impossible theme song for these liberals.

    Take a look at what the new conservative governor is doing FOR the state - follow his example - serve the people instead of yourself!

  8. Just for your information 6:56 PM, I was not born here, and wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my spouse, but I am here and I can see a deadhorse when I look at one, like downtown Salisbury.

  9. You can spray perfume on a Turd and it's still a turd. You can put a tuxedo on a pig and it's still a pig. A big waste of money won't change a thing.

  10. 6:56, I'm a come here and your arrogance is more a problem than the "born here" attitude. I'm MOR politically, so save me the redneck-conservative/pansy liberal routine.

    Fact is, this mayor and the last mayor are both "born heres" and they are both a couple of PR groupies.

    Salisbury's problems can't be fixed with PR. Chasing after "the next big thing" is why it has a "cutting edge" waste water plant that's a disaster, is little more than a cookie cutter big-box hell.

    When we came here, Salisbury was growing in more than just population and a couple of big places like the college and hospital. Now it just grows in blight.

    Just a couple more years and my man and I will be retiring out of here to an actual progressive place, not so much politically although it is diverse. A nice well-balanced place where decisions are based on common sense, not PR. We researched the facts, not the hype.

  11. Congrats, Salisbury! Your tax dollars are now going for "Next Higher Office for Jake Day" PR campaign, just like you paid for Ireton's. That's all you're getting for your money.

  12. Why doesn't the city and the police dept. just illegally use the speed camera money again. They never got caught last time, so just do it again and stop spending tax dollars that could be used to fix the crappy roads.


  13. Guess they want to bury the most recent slogan engineered and put in place by Ireton with Day's enthusiastic support.

    Investors and those looking to start or locate businesses are not neophytes...they can readily track what is attractive and what isn't!

    Could 'Charm City, Jr.' be the next slogan?

  14. historic downtown? hmm, where?

    1. Oh. There's history there but the citizens of the past never bothered to preserve it. Downtown used to be thriving. In the 60s and before. Now, it's a vast wasteland of urban blight by night, the legal community by day. Jake has no real plan only the same delusions of his predecessors.

  15. Another adjunct failure in the making. Ireton Part III. Day campaigned on making changes only to get elected. Now the ugly head of forced altruism and delusions of grandeur rears it head with an 'I have you now' candor. Jake is a democrat. Money is unimportant as long as it is not his. Jobs are unimportant unless it's his. Citizens being able to afford to live in Salisbury - unimportant. What is important is to look good. Slap a new coat of paint on it and pat oneself on the back.

    None of the directives amount to beans yet they sit back at Market Street singing their laurels over $10 martinis. Hardly a product government. I foolishly believed Day was different. Sadly, he has already proven he's the same day, different politician.

    1. PS. Only mayor since November 13, 2015 and already he's making unsound decisions like his predecessor. This must be a record or something.

  16. Thornton said...
    PS. Only mayor since November 13, 2015 and already he's making unsound decisions like his predecessor. This must be a record or something.

    January 10, 2016 at 2:46 PM

    Jake Day is a clueless loser that in his own mind believes that he is a good leader with good ideas. No wonder when you have idiot like Greg Bassett and the Daily Times writing everything they can about him like he is important. They you have the morons that gave him $25,000 for nothing. Now he is going to save that money thinking he might run for higher office. I doubt it!!


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