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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Don't Cry for Me, Gun Controller

During his Tuesday press conference rolling out his over-hyped executive actions on guns, Barack Obama even shed a “tear” for the children. “Every time I think about those kids [killed at Sandy Hook Elementary], it gets me mad,” he said, wiping away a tear. “Our unalienable right to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness — those rights were stripped from college kids in Blacksburg and Santa Barbara,” Obama said. “And from high schoolers at Columbine. And from first graders in Newtown. First graders. And from every family who never imagined that their loved one would be taken by a bullet from a gun.” He continued, “We do have to feel a sense of urgency about it, because people are dying and the constant excuses for inaction no longer suffice.”

And to think, Obama once said, “Part of this job is also the theater of it” and that’s “not something that always comes naturally to me.” Please.

He then proceeded to introduce measures that would do absolutely nothing to reduce crime or so-called “gun violence.”

More here


  1. And the award for most disingenuous speech goes to......

  2. look at what happened in Baltimore once they took the guns away.

  3. He probably had a jalapeno before this press conference

  4. I cry everytime I c our king osama

  5. Every time I think about those 1st graders an their brave teachers that were slaughtered I get emotional too. Senseless gun violence needs to stop.

  6. He is crying because he just destroyed the Democrat Party for 2016...

  7. I think he just had a bad case of gas from all that hawaiin food

  8. Its PEOPLE violence, not GUN violence. How hard is that to understand?

  9. Nobody died at Sandy Hook. The school had not been used for 4 years. It was in disrepair and was not legally signed for ADA compliance. Everyone who worked on its immediate demolition (to destroy the lack of evidence) signed non-disclosure agreements. There was a drill the same day for: How to respond to a shooting at an elementary school and was run about 5 miles away on the same road as the school.

  10. Glad to see viewers are not fooled by the biggest fool himself. Those were crocodile tears if I've ever seen them.

  11. Anyone who believed that those tears were real, is a dumb ---

  12. What a fake and fraud.

  13. 4:16 anyone who supports this dreg is not only dumb but the worst of the worst. Nothing but a useless eater. He's a liar and a very evil man. But they are getting their just rewards. God is having them kill each other off one by one in the obama stronghold. They have reaped what they have sown and God is seeing to it that their neighborhoods are becoming war zones. God must take drastic measures to teach evil people their lesson.

  14. Onion juice and Cayenne pepper on your fingers causes tears really fast and very discreet, we use this in acting school.

  15. he is in acting school everyday

  16. Obama quoting the Constitution is about the same as Satan giving a lecture on the beauty of the New Testament.
    He may say it, but he sure as hell doesn't BELIEVE it.

  17. Very few Americans have seen the tear machines used in Hollywood.And no they don't drop water from over the subject down onto his/her face.That device is a well kept secret shared by actors and politicians and not the general public.Hint:it operates through the sound system remote microphone system that is affixed to the subject.

  18. Anyone can cry on demand when they want something bad enough. Haven't you ever seen a four year old in Walmart being denied a toy they wanted?


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