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Monday, December 28, 2015


********PLEASE SHARE*********

We have just been notified that there is a couple in a black pick up truck riding around the Bishopville area trying to steal dogs. Please keep your dogs in sight and do not leave them outside unattended. Please notify the police immediately if you are to notice anything suspicious.

This truck could be in any town. Stay alert!


  1. what is their motive?

  2. 12:44
    There could be many things. Some use them for bait dogs to train dogs to fight. Others will steal a pure bred and sell it elsewhere. I'm sure there are other reasons that I don't want to even think about.

  3. Most likely they're what are known as "bunchers."

    They have contracts to fill with large suppliers for animal research facilities. If they have an order for 150 dogs, they collect them until they have enough for the order, then pack them in trucks and ship them off to the research labs for medical experiments.

    This is why you should NEVER advertise your pet "free to good home". That's free merchandise for them, all profit.

    It is particularly common in Pennsylvania, where there are thousands of "surplus" animals from the puppy mills. The Amish are notorious for trafficking in "recycled pets" as suppliers to the medical lab industry.

  4. Thank you for making the public aware!!!! So glad you mentioned never to advertise free to a good home!

  5. Thx for posting such valuable info.

  6. Need to get color, make, model and tag number, they need to be stopped!


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