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Monday, December 28, 2015

Boy finds block of wood instead of PlayStation 4 in box under tree

WASHINGTON — There’s nothing like finding everything you wished for under the tree at Christmas.

But one Massachusetts boy who got a present with what he thought was a PlayStation 4 inside, found only a block of wood scrawled with a picture and crude message .

The Target store in Saugus, Mass., where the expensive video game console was purchased, said this happens sometimes on the distribution line.

This was likely little consolation to 9-year-old Scott Lundy, who initially thought that Santa had come though on his Christmas list.



  1. This is actually pretty funny.

  2. This sounds like what happened to us, a gift was giving to my son from Mommom and Poppop. Inside was packed an old printer. The package
    was purchased from Walmart, Walmart did take it back and refund the money, but Christmas Day was very sad for a little boy. This isn't funny 11:24 PM, hope it doesn't happen to a love one of yours !


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