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Monday, December 28, 2015

Poll: Most Americans Say US Is Losing the War on Terrorism

Most Americans say they are not satisfied with how the war on terror is progressing, a new CNN/ORC poll finds, and more are now saying the terrorists are winning than at any point since the 9/11 attacks.

The poll of 1,018 adults, conducted between Dec. 17-21, found that 75 percent say they're dissatisfied following the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and Paris, CNN reports, marking a high point of 61 percent in August 2007.

However, fewer than half of Americans, or 40 percent, say the terrorists are winning. But that is still 17 points above the previous high of 23 percent that was recorded in August 2005.



  1. Well, since we're funding and arming ISIS, what is the surprise? The big question is why is our President funding and arming ISIS?

  2. We also have lost the war on drugs.


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