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Saturday, December 19, 2015

OC: More ‘Tyson’ heroin recovered

For the second time in a month, local law enforcement reports have indicated that “Tyson” brand heroin is being traded in large quantities in the resort area.

The narcotics’ packaging apparently features the word “Tyson” stamped in red ink, complete with a picture of a chicken. It is unlikely that the drugs are actually associated with the poultry purveyor.

In the most recent incident, Ocean City residents Adam Winter, 38, and Jessica Brown, 22, are accused by police of conducting a heroin deal in a 48th Street parking lot on the afternoon of Dec. 10.

In the arrest report, OCPD Detective Sgt. Jeff Smith wrote that he was working surveillance on known drug users in the area of 28th Street when he observed Brown texting while driving. Knowing that Brown “associates with known heroin addicts,” Smith wrote, he decided to follow her.



  1. 20 year mandatory sentence should deter individuals from selling hard drugs. Users should have to attend and complete a drug program - if not go to jail. Let everyone know the consequences. No games.

    Then we burn and bomb poppy fields the world over. Make Governments responsible for the drugs produced in their countries. It can be done. Now, who has the balls to tackle it?

    1. Guess what. Mandatory sentences for drugs has already been imposed, and it failed to make a difference.

  2. Let them OD, a generation wiped of weak pathetic individual's should make us stronger in the future.

  3. 1:32 it's no coincidence why we invaded Afghanistan in the first place is it? Before the war Afghanistan was 7% of the worlds opium supply, now 92%. Lithium and Opium the real reason for the war. Iraq, oil of course. All with side benefit of destabilizing the region and creating a reason to really continue the war.


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