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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Jesse Jackson: Nation’s urban centers in crisis

BALTIMORE (AP) — Rev. Jesse Jackson says the nation’s urban centers are in a crisis created by structural injustice.

Jackson spoke at a commencement ceremony at Morgan State University, a historically black school, on Friday, two days after a mistrial in the case of one of six Baltimore police officers charged in Freddie Gray’s death.

Jackson calls the city “a metaphor for abandoned urban America, not protected by laws, not corrected by investment.” He calls Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died after he was injured in police custody, a symbol of too many youth in urban zones “profiled, arrested and killed in police custody without deterrents for misconduct.”

Jackson says people should be marching, not only because Gray is dead “but because of reduced life options and the way he died.”



  1. Do something constructive instead of whining about how terrible it all is. Self-examination does not appear to be high on the list of virtues of the people he describes.

  2. When I saw him say he 'went over the list', I thought to myself 'what a liar. He wouldn't have time or any reason to look at the list himself.'

    But then it occurred to me.. that list probably isn't very big.

    Maybe he did have time after all.

  3. Instead of collecting endless amounts of money to inject yourself into conflict, how about putting up your TAX FREE money to "invest" in these urban areas? His own son is a cheat, which he learned all too well in that house. GTFOH

  4. Hahaha! ! Do you think??? Well if you would give back once in a while instead of take,take,take you might get somewhere. Stop blaming the world for something that happened 200 years ago. Start acting as if you give a damn about yourselves.

  5. "because of reduced life options"? What is so wrong with these people that they fail to accept that sometimes you make your own bed.
    How about doing what those who are civilized have figured out and before you have a child make sure you yourself have moved out of poverty? Why are they not able to understand this extremely simple concept? I'm beginning to think there is some substantial inherent intellectual inferiority going on. There is no other explanation as the solution isn't rocket science.

  6. Until the community takes an interest in self-improvement, nothing will change.

  7. The circumstances will not change with more redistribution of wealth, a practice largely responsible for the destruction of normal family life in the inner cities. Nearly 3 of 4 Afro-American births are illegitimate meaning the great majority of black children are raised by single women, most of whom have little education or ability to support children. Liberals say to send them more money and give them better houses, but that will not change society until the people take charge of their own lives , make better decisions, and form complete families with a married couple raising kids together.

  8. Until individuals respect themselves, they will not be respected by others.

  9. his iq cant be more than 12

  10. Oh yeah, Don't forget the decades of piss poor management and unqualified elected leadership.

  11. Yep 4:04. When Bernie Sanders visited Baltimore a few weeks ago and said it looked like a Third World country he should have taken a bow. Each and every single problem the inner cities are facing are due exclusively to the democrat control they have been under for decades and nothing will change until those people living their decide to vote smart. Until that change occurs they will just have to continue wallowing in their filth of their own creation.

  12. Liberal democratic policies and governance are, without ANY question, responsible for the state of these cities.
    They want more of the same.
    Their detachment from reality is unbelievable.
    Keep cheering.

  13. when Bernie said balt looked like a third world country he was being very nice. he must have missed the bad areas

  14. Yet these same "urban centers" are almost exclusively run by, and staffed by, blacks. If they are "in crisis" it's their own fault.


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