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Saturday, December 19, 2015

New Orleans Will Finally Tear Down Its Monuments to American Traitors

The city's statues honoring Robert E. Lee and other figures of the Confederacy will be removed.

Early last summer, I spent some time in New Orleans. While my brief at the time was to write about the 10th anniversary of the storm, my trip coincided with the national backlash against a century-and-a-half of memorializing American sedition in the public square. At particular issue in the city were four of said monuments that Mayor Mitch Landrieu wanted removed, including the gigantic pillar atop which was a statue of Robert E. Lee—facing north, it was said, so as to face "the enemy." The enemy he was facing, of course, was the United States of America. An informal poll taken at the famous Circle Inn, which sits in the shadow of the pillar, was that Marse Robert should be replaced by Louis Armstrong—or my personal choice, Professor Longhair.

The fight ended Thursday when the New Orleans City Council voted to remove four statues honoring famous American traitors. Marse Robert's coming down at last.

Besides Gen. Robert E. Lee, statues of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard at the entrance of City Park and Confederate president Jefferson Davis in Mid-City and the obelisk dedicated to the Battle of Liberty Place at the foot of Iberville Street will all come down.The time surely comes when (justice) must and will be heard," Mayor Mitch Landrieu told the council as he called for the statues to be put in a museum or a Civil War park. "Members of the council, that day is today. The Confederacy, you see, was on the wrong side of history and humanity."



  1. They can always erect a new statue of their mayor who is in prison or to those who looted during Katrina

  2. when is barack's statue going up?

  3. Erasing culture and history is is part of the progressive movement. We now have a president who in earlier times would be put in prison for treason.

  4. 1054-Those southern generals and soldier's that didn't die after being destroyed by the North should've been put in prison for treason. Instead, the south erected statues and memorial's for those treasonous mf'ers.

    1. Those soldiers of the south served their cause with their lives and deserved recognition for that sacrifice. The treasonous progressive cowards of today disgust me. Erasing our heritage of struggle to form "a more perfect Union" is truly un American.

  5. They were NOT traitors. It's a shame to destroy our reliques of our past history. After all this was our culture at the time. Good, bad or ugly; it happened.

  6. Maybe we should forbid our nations hero’s from being buried in Arlington National Cemetery since the land was donated by the Lee family!!

  7. The blacks have ruined NO like they do everything else. They can have it. Nothing more than another welfare druggist and drunks. Let's all drest up like woman and throw a party. NO THANKS! !

  8. "Instead, the south erected statues and memorial's for those treasonous mf'ers." Exactly the sentiment I would expect from an ignorant, petulant child.

  9. well i guess the alamo is next might as well start tearing it down now. Then we can start working on destroying rushmore! any others I've overlooked?

  10. Those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it!!...And if you think the civil war was just about slavery ...Then you dont know your History .I would ask you to just read some of Honest Abe Lincoln,s letters. People should have pride for standing up for what they beleive in their hearts and minds.And it took incredible courage to die for those beliefs.The removal of these statues are not about these historic people being traitor,s to their country.We have traitor,s running the country!!!Americans cant agree to disagree any more...someones feelings might get hurt..they cant even look at something they dont like...Hope you can tolerate looking at America in the future!...You might not like what you see!

  11. traitors? well hell, the English could say the same thing about our so call founding fathers. and would have hanged them if we did not win.

    people are just ignorant of what the civil war was about. the issue of slavery came into being later in the war and only because ole abe thought the newly freed slaves would join his union forces who were losing. some did, some joined the south.

    it mostly started over the extortion money the south refused to continue to pay the north.

    Every race on this planet have been in slavery at one time or another, and most don't realize that slavery still goes on today. But a certain group just will not give up their crutch that they used ever since to reap benefits.

    Anyway, we could use some of these 'traitors' today. At least they had backbone and would do something about the things they didn't like and thought were wrong.

    Much different than the girly men we have now.


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