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Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Navy's Stealth Destroyer Begins Sea Trials

The Navy's next generation stealth destroyer headed out for its very first tests at sea on Monday, according to media reports.

The destroyer Zumwalt, built by Bath Iron Works, is the first of the Navy's newest class of DDG 1000 destroyers. The ship sailed through the Kennebec River to the open ocean, where it will undergo sea trials.

Construction began on the futuristic-looking ship in 2009. The shape of the ship's tumblehome hull as well as the arrangement of its antennas make the ship less visible on radar, the Navy said.

"We are absolutely fired up to see Zumwalt get underway," said Capt. James Kirk, the ship's commanding officer, according to the Associated Press. "For the crew and all those involved in designing, building and readying this fantastic ship, this is a huge milestone."

More here


  1. Capt. James Kirk? Really? Would it be Capt. James T KirK? Of the Starship Enterprise?

  2. Will Scotty and Spock be going along, too?


  3. Shame to think one well aimed missile from the enemy destroys $4.4 billion instantly. Destroyers are sitting ducks in modern warfare, stealth or no stealth. The money would have been better spent on several stealthy nuclear submarines.

    1. You should have said something before they finished it.

    2. I'm sure they have implemented ways to counteract a missle being lay chef at them. You really think that didn't pop in someone's head during the planing/design phase? And whens the last time an american battleship was lost in conflict? These things stay pretty far out of range if the enemy.

  4. 4:11 you not the fastest boat in the pond are you?

  5. 8:19 your IQ is not much higher than the temperature is it?

  6. Ahh, such intellectual discourse displayed by the natives.


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