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Tuesday, December 08, 2015

McConnell's Party-money Power Play

This week, Congress will consider whether to eliminate limits on coordinated campaign spending for both major political parties. This might sound like an expansion of freedom. It is actually a crass power-grab by the establishments of both political parties.

The measure has been attached as a rider to the must-pass omnibus spending bill. It would allow the Democratic and Republican parties to legally coordinate and spend unlimited dollars on their hand-picked nominees or preferred candidates in primaries at any time.

On its face, this may sound like a reasonable extension of the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United, which allows "independent political expenditures by non-profit corporations." That decision, based on our First Amendment, made sense. But that's not what's happening here, because no other entities are being given this privilege.

This is a ham-fisted attempt by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to make himself and other party leaders the most powerful people in Washington. If this rider is enacted, the party establishment will be able to dictate to candidates and sitting senators with unlimited financial authority. They would be able to hammer anyone who ever opposed them. Worst of all, if this rider goes through, it will give the GOP establishment a massive strategic advantage to support their handpicked candidates.

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