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Tuesday, December 08, 2015

AG Lynch: 'We Have Concerns' About People 'Who Have Large Stockpiles of Weapons'

(CNSNews) - "[D]ealing with guns is one way to handle the violent crime issues that we have in this country," Attorney General Loretta Lynch told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday.

She also said "people come on the FBI's radar screen for a variety of reasons," and the accumulation of guns and bullets may be one of those reasons:

"You know, obviously we have concerns whenever we see people who have large stockpiles of weapons or appear to be in the process of accumulating weapons and ammunition. At this point, we do not have any evidence that they (Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik) were part of either a larger group or cell or that they were planning anything else. That's at this time.

"Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd asked Lynch on Sunday, "Is this a time for a gun control conversation?"

"We're in the middle of that conversation. We always are," Lynch responded.



  1. She/They doesn't/don't seem to be to worried about the large stockpiles of guns her predicessor Eric Holder and Obama sent to the Mexican Cartel, Syrian Rebels, Benghazi, ISIL, etc. Now do they!!

  2. Lock and load people, here it comes... They are worried you have a stockpile of food and guns bc of what they are doing to us...

    IF you fall for the false flag operation in California you deserve to have bad things happen to you by our govt... Plain and simple...

  3. Okay, how much is too much?

  4. Always pay cash for for your ammo
    They can't trace it.

  5. 1:27am uhhmmm, how about filing out the paperwork is too much. You end up on a list that the State of MD all but says they keep. So there is you answer.

  6. didnt know the California couple had a weapon stockpile

  7. Next up?
    Freedom of Speech.

    Keep cheering.

  8. Why because we invested well? Have a hobby? Exercised our second? This here proves what the government thinks of us. We are the enemy that needs to monitored. Why cops are para military.

  9. So what?! Even if someone has a million guns they can only shoot 2 at a time.

  10. Maybe she should be looking into the Social security Administration and the Post Office.
    They have stockpiled MIILIONS of rounds of ammo. The f'ing Social Security Admin???
    That's a red flag if I ever saw one.
    I'm getting the feeling that there isn't going to be any "investigation" in to THAT.


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