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Thursday, December 03, 2015

I Can't Argue This One, Can You?


  1. Aside from 9/11 I totally agree,but the video that you posted a few days ago put this Admin in serious question,at least to me.(The 9/11 video)

  2. See, I told you not to use so many apostrophes where you didn't need one, and now you've run out of them!

  3. No question at all!

    “There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

  4. I have lots of problems with Obama's leadership and there is no question what side he's on.

  5. Obama is an anti American Muslim.

  6. 4:22

    If he really is Anti-American, he is doing a terrible job at implementing his opposition. I mean, there are a hundred things he could do to hurt America, yet he doesn't do any of them. I think you just disagree with him. Just because he has a different vision for America than you do doesn't mean he hates this place.

    It's been almost 8 years; he would've blown us all up by now right?

  7. Bush worked for the interests of the Saudi government.

  8. POS is a traitor.

    It is now a requirement of the job.

  9. there is no question whose side obammy is on. he wrote it in his book and has said it publicly. he will stand with the moose limbs. and that is just what he is doing.


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