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Thursday, December 03, 2015

Assad: Jihadist Terrorists Among Syrian ‘Refugees’

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has confirmed the infiltration of Islamic State terrorists among the multitude of migrants flocking into Europe from Syria.

In an interview on Czech television, Assad said that Europeans have legitimate cause to fear the wave of Syrian migration, since among the masses are agents of ISIS.

“It’s a mixture,” Assad said. “The majority, they are good Syrians, they are patriots. But of course you have infiltration of terrorists among them, that is true.”

Among the Islamic State terrorists who perpetrated the November 13 attacks in Paris were at least two Syrians who entered Europe among the multitude of migrants.

More here


  1. Is it just me,or is Assad beginning to make sense?

  2. Why did Obama go after Assad to begin with? It's because Assad was fighting the ISIS and they are Obama's buddies.

  3. They're laughing in our face.. mocking us.
    Because they know what's going on in the White House.

  4. They went after Assad just to start this whole mess as an excuse for another occupation. The "rebels" that they armed to fight Assad ARE ISIS! They took the tanks and guns we gave them to start a civil war, we are fighting on both sides to keep it even. We are allowing NATO ally Turkey to fund them through the purchase of black market oil completely unchecked. We will send our troops over to "invade" ISIS all the while your tax dollars are paying to bring ISIS here!
    Now they are on the brink of starting a 3rd world war. I will protect the homeland, but I sure as hell won't go overseas to fight for these lying cheating murdering @$$holes. I hope that you morons who wanted politicians "tough on terror" remember Ron Paul speaking about blowback, because here it is.


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