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Thursday, December 03, 2015

Ted Cruz: ‘Overwhelming Majority of Violent Criminals are Democrats’

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt that “the simple and undeniable fact is the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats” during an interview on Monday.

The Republican presidential candidate was discussing the shooting in Colorado Springs at a Planned Parenthood building where three people were killed.

According to Politico, “The suspect’s reported mention of ‘baby parts’ at the time of the shooting —as well as the location of the shooting — has linked the incident to the nation’s ongoing debate on abortion. It also led some people to blame the incident on the ugly rhetoric surrounding Planned Parenthood.”



  1. Of course he is right. And drug dealers, and people on "entitlement" programs, and rapists, and baby daddies, and unwed mothers and on and on. Which brings me to an easy conclusion - Democrats are bad for our country.

    What would happen if we got rid of all Democrats? We would have a country full of hard working, happy people. There would be money to burn because we would have far fewer drains on our society sucking us dry. We wouldn't have to be so f-ing PC about everything. Free speech would be allowed again and all would be well.

    Now I have to go back to work so others can sit around doing nothing. Bye

  2. OATH KEEPER on the ShoreDecember 3, 2015 at 1:55 PM

    We have one in the White House on Golf Trips all the time!!!

  3. the TRUTH hurts - Trust Ted!

  4. 1:38, thank you! You just put it all in a nutshell!

  5. Right on Ted Cruz for telling it like it is!!!

  6. Stupid is as Stupid does...the most ridiculous statements are being made this election and I would rather have Forrest Gump for president, who had a heart of gold, than the majority of Cruz's who are illegal aliens, right? Oh, wait a minute, the majority of Cruz's are US citizens, right? Maybe not, Ted was born in Canada and shows no papers that his mother filled out appropriate papers for US citizenship. Sorry, for my ignorance, but I think the majority of Cruz's are Latino, right? But, Ted is the exception, because his immediate family was Cuban...hope I got this right...anyway, Life is Like a Box of Chocolates, You Never Know What You Are Going To Get...


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