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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

'Global Warming' is a Crock of Sh*t


  1. Mr Albero,
    Myself and my wfe and children just moved here from Damascus and are muslim i find your language quite disturbing and where i come from would not be tolerated please stop tje foul unprofessional language.

    1. Hey Muslim Jerk...it's Joe's site and this is America. We have this thing called freedom of speech here. So how about you take your self and your family back to the rats nest you crawled out if. We didn't ask you to come here.

  2. 4:52 Sorry but you are now in the USA and we have a thing called free speech.

  3. I really wish these nuts would put as much emphasis on the ISIS problem. and Mr. 4:52 if you don't like this blog there is an X in the upper right hand of your screen - hit it and you will go away or better yet go back to where you came from.

  4. 4:52 Then why in the Hell did you move here? We don't care or give a shi% what you think. As far as I am concerned, you can shove your opinions up your Muslim butt. And on another thought, in our Country, we capitalize muslim and i.

  5. Meanwhile back at the global warming debate, I agree. What a crock!


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