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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages


  1. This is an awesome speech and so true.

    I researched Lipitor and Pravastatin and found a NYtimes article published on the research comparing the two drugs side by side. It was eluded in the article that the same dosages were compared. Lipitor won .. or so you thought until you read the tiny tiny print correction at the bottom of the page.

    The research was finance by Lipitor (although the researcher claimed it did not influence him). The next side note was that, what was actually compared was 40mg of Lipitor to 20mg of Pravastatin. Hmmm well I guess that would skew the research a tad now wouldnt it.

    Funny thing was, EVERYONE, every page had copied the same exact article WITHOUT the foot notes. So anyone researching this would easily be duped and logically think that Lipitor was better, when in fact it is not and has bigger side effects, one being... sending people into diabetes.

    What an F'ed up world we live in.

  2. Very well done piece! She has gone above the MSM and deserves an audience.

  3. Wow , like the Jewish people have said all along , Don't trust anyone.


  4. We as consumers have been conditioned to accept our media as the speakers of the truth, people have been told they should love something,hate something,use something,this is good,this is bad you get my point.All have been dupped and the reason I feel we continue to slide down this mountain is you like being controlled.


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