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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

O'Malley unveils health care plan

WASHINGTON — Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley unveiled his health care plan Tuesday, Nov. 24, aiming to improve on the Affordable Care Act and expand health coverage.

The Democrat, whose presidential campaign has released several policy proposals with ambitious goals but has struggled to rise in the polls, wants to ensure health coverage for 95 percent of Americans by 2020. The health coverage rate in 2014 was just below 90 percent.

“For too many Americans, quality and affordable health care remains out of reach,” O’Malley’s plan says. “Even as the Affordable Care Act has brought access to millions of Americans, there are others who have yet to benefit.”

The 10-page plan calls for cracking down on pharmaceutical company mergers like the recent Pfizer-Allergan deal. It also would tackle price-gauging, and aim to prevent drug companies from hiking prices as Turing Pharmaceuticals did with the drug Diaphrim, raising the price of a pill from $13.50 to $750.



  1. He will need a lot of rain taxes to pay for that.

  2. When will this fool just go away?

  3. The rest of America better wise up about this fool and quick. Otaxie is only trying out all these so called "policies" on the public to see which policies the public MAY BE interested in. I certainly believe he is "floating" all this foolishness for Killary's sake. I believe a behind the door deal between Killary and otaxie has been struck. She'll take the nomination and in return for him pimping himself, otaxie and his wife will be gifted with token positions.

    Frick & Frack are birds of the same lying feathers!

  4. Does no one know how bad he screwed up MD in this Obamacare trash. He had MD as the worst transition and cost so much they gave up on it. I would call him a "CLOWN" but I don't want to disrespect the clowns that severe They at least serve a useful purpose in life.

  5. A legend in his own mind and the mind of that goofy thing he's married to.

  6. 538 you got it half right! It'll be a Biden/Otakie ticket. Hillary will be left out.

  7. Price-gauging? He wants to save us from pharmaceutical companies? What about saving us from price-gauging from hospitals and med centers. PRMC rapes us when we have to go to the hospital.

  8. I think O'Malley will end up sneaking his way to the top. He did it in Maryland twice and no one seemed to mind.

  9. That's to funny. He screwed up Maryland's ObammyCare and now he has a better plan! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  10. 5:37-Because he's like something else that's easy to get and hard to get rid of.

  11. Martin: you sound ridiculous and look foolish during the debates. Your poll numbers are so anemic a transfusion won't help. Take a hint and a hike.


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