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Sunday, December 20, 2015

And People Wonder Why No One Wants To Be Affiliated With The Republican Central Committee, Or Party


Now WHY would any politician post something so suggestive on Social Media.

I have a friend who told me they refuse to run for the Central Committee because they don't want their name affiliated with some of the elected people on it now. I have to agree. Thank God for Photoshop though, eh. 

The Liberals on the Eastern Shore are laughing their butts off and again, I can't blame them. In fact, I'm ready to change my party to Independent. 


  1. I totally agree. Very narcissistic.

  2. Brewington needs to stop getting drunk and doing such foolish things on the internet.

  3. Everytime she gets around me at places like the J.Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake and tries to talk to me her breath is kicking. It smells like my dogs breath after he gets done licking his balls.

  4. When the girls go out together for a girls night out in Ocean City guess who gets "Lucky?"

  5. Just not only so unprofessional but quite crude and vulgar. Low class is the phrase.
    If you go to her page you can see the post was edited at 3:45AM after being posted at 11:29 so I would imagine alcohol has to be involved. And while I'm certain she thinks she looks cute in these pictures the reality is she looks absolutely horrid. Those who said on her FB that she looks beautiful, adorable, striking, pretty, etc must have butt ugly women in their lives is all I can say.

  6. I thought Halloween had already passed

  7. Good Lord she is ugly.

  8. Some kind woman needs to take her aside and help her with that eye makeup.

  9. I would date her before I went out with Caitlyn Jenner.

  10. She and her good friend Jackie think very highly of themselves I have never seen so many selfies of anyone. Neither one of them miss an opportunity to pose with politicians to make them feel important. These two birds of a feather need to seek psychiatric help.

  11. this is actually why i won't get involved with this organization. is there anyway we could start a Republican organization with younger, true conservative, common sense, has integrity people? i know my grammar is not good in this comment, but i think you get my drift. thanks

  12. Better hope you don't run into Mike anytime soon; he will surely kick your pathetic ass.

  13. This is wrong.

    "I found somebodies balls" is not appropriate.

    First, she is holding a single ball, and there are no other balls visible in the picture. It should not be stated as a plural, when she is clearly in possession of a single ball.

    Second, "somebodies" is incorrect. Referring to a possessive pronoun, "somebody's" would be acceptable, although "someone's" ball would be preferable. "Somebodies" is akin to "nobodies", but of dubious validity.

    Don't even get me started on the totally jacked Photoshopping of her face...

  14. 3:44, Isn't that scary. Actually, didn't he just get out of jail for assault?

  15. " Anonymous said...

    Better hope you don't run into Mike anytime soon; he will surely kick your pathetic ass.

    December 18, 2015 at 3:44 PM"

    Who is Mike? Her husband. They both sound like prize winners. Instead of kicking anyone's "pathetic ass" he needs to tell his wife that her behavior is low class, crude and vulgar. White trash comes to mind and if she is a mother than the ONLY one who is pathetic is her. And her own mother's head needs to be dragging the ground in shame over the low class tasteless and vulgar daughter she raised. She's not being cute, she's not being clever she's being gross.

  16. 4:47 You are still a Julie follower, I see.

  17. I don't see this as narcissistic at all. It's the actions of an immature insecure person who is showing off in order to get a reaction. Instead of Mike worrying about kicking butt he needs to pay attention to his attention seeking and starved wife.

  18. Can you really consider her a politician? I think she ran for some office in the past, but she lost, so that's not a politician to me.

  19. Hell I changed to independent voter several yrs. ago. Loving it.

  20. You do know this photo is not Julie, it's her pic, but it's been photo shopped like crazy. Someone went crazy with the eye enhancement, made her more bug eyed then she already is.

  21. 6:51 I would love to register Independent, but then I'm not able to vote in the 'general' election, ever. Not Good...

    1. 9:50 you can vote in the general election you can't vote in the primary election.

  22. 9:50, independents can't vote in PRIMARIES in most stars. EVERYONE registered can vote in the general.

  23. States not stars. Damn you, Auto incorrect!!

  24. Woof.

    Looks like you found the inspiration of Seuss's Grinch!

  25. Thanks, I have been looking for them. Been shooting blanks for weeks.


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