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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Congress Votes To Fund Nearly 300,000 Visas For Muslim Migrants In One Year

The House passed Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, negotiated with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). A majority of House Republicans voted for the measure, which fully funds Obama’s refugee resettlement operation, all Mideast immigration programs, Sanctuary Cities, Obama’s continued executive amnesty for DREAMers, and the resettlement of illegal aliens within the U.S. interior.

In perhaps a display of loyalty to Ryan, three-fifths of the Republican conference supported his legislation, and even gave him a standing ovation following the bill’s passage.

In passing this legislation, the House has approved funding for the issuance of nearly three hundred thousand visas to migrants from Muslim countries in the next year alone.

Ryan’s bill accomplishes this migrant surge by fully funding every U.S. immigration program currently in existence, as well as funding the President’s expansion of the refugee program through Syrian migrant resettlement.



  1. I've said it before and its still true.

    They (your "leaders") don't give a crap about "we, the people".

    300,000 people (in just ONE YEAR!?) from a group a that is an absolute anathema to our culture, values, politics, and religious beliefs??
    How did "your guy" vote?
    The best thing you can do?

    Buy guns and ammo.
    If they have any rope, but that, too.
    There is going to be a LOT of hanging politicians.
    I wonder how many killers they will plant in our midst the FOLLOWING year? You know, being so concerned for the welfare and safety of AMERICANS and all that.....
    Keep cheering.

  2. RINO's all

    We need to vote them out!

  3. lol he's got on a ring but don't know who the lord of the rings is

    "The worst crime against mankind was committed by him who was the first to put a ring upon his fingers" Pliney the Elder

  4. they have lost their feeble minds. thanks sjd

  5. "We the People" have unequivocally expressed our opposition to the 10,000 or so Muslim "refugees" Obama wants to transplant here in the coming months.

    So who the hell do these self-anointed meddlers think they are, doing whatever suits their agenda, despite being elected to REPRESENT the will of "we the People"? They have no right to overrule us. If they do not advocate and support "the People" they are supposed to represent, then they should be fired. Removed from office. They aren't elected into that job to inflict their own interests and opinions, they are hired by us, "the People" as our voice.

    They aren't doing that. Because "they" think they know what's best...for themselves.

  6. I've decided to become a politician so I can become an instant millionaire. I'm sure I can lie with a straight face, too...

  7. Good. My entire extended family are refugees from all sorts of places, Ireland, Germany, Israel, Spain and more. This country is the only reason I exist. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

  8. What do the republicans get out of the deal?

  9. 4:49 go ahead and house some of the refugees

  10. time to leave the republican party. this country need a true conservative party. these liars the thieves are nothing more then democrat lite!

  11. He will not be my next President.

  12. 4:49 you are the crux of the problem.

  13. i suggest everyone even registered republicans vote for the most liberal democrats they can. Since the republicans have to backbone. This will hasten the day the revolution comes! why drag it out! both parties are screwing us!

  14. 4:49... those immigrants came here to assimilate, BECOME AMERICAN, and live a better life.
    And they did.

    There's a big difference between them and the immigrants of yesteryear.
    You don't acknowledge that. YOU should be ashamed.

  15. Where do they always seem to come up with the extra funds for all this nonsense? There seems to always be a never ending supply for things like this but not for the elderly, homeless or military.

  16. Democrats and Republicans are the same, and together in a collective effort would give our country, our way of life, our children's future, everything you and I hold dear away to global religious extremists and corporate greed for avarice & power.
    "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
    Is a quote from Emma Lazarus' sonnet, New Colossus, not from any Constitutional document granting religious extremists the right to enter this country let alone have it's citizens pay them to come and live here.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Good. My entire extended family are refugees from all sorts of places, Ireland, Germany, Israel, Spain and more. This country is the only reason I exist. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

    December 18, 2015 at 4:49 PM

    This coming from a Liberal Douche Bag of course. To stupid to realize they are going to take over this country and he/she will become slaves to them. Stupid Moron!

  18. lmclain said...
    4:49... those immigrants came here to assimilate, BECOME AMERICAN, and live a better life.
    And they did.

    There's a big difference between them and the immigrants of yesteryear.
    You don't acknowledge that. YOU should be ashamed.

    December 19, 2015 at 9:40 AM

    Thank you


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