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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Old Dixie Changed To President Barack Obama Highway In Riviera Beach

RIVIERA BEACH (CBS12) -- It's official. Old Dixie Highway is now officially President Barack Obama Highway within the city limits of Riviera Beach.

For the residents of Riviera Beach, it has been a long time coming.

Mary Brabham has been a resident of Riviera Beach for years. She says the change is welcome.

"It's time to let the past be the past. We are moving forward and do things not for one, but for all."

According to Riviera Beach Mayor Thomas Masters, Old Dixie Highway served as a reminder that this city was once heavily segregated.



  1. Away, away, away down South in Kenya......

    Having trouble fitting the lyrics....

  2. 1 less place for me to go to.

  3. That's just how we tell where the bad areas in town are, Any "Martin Lurher King" or "Rosa Parks" street is to be avoided, Same thing with "Obama" named roads...set the GPS te avoid those places.

  4. it intersects with al Sharpton st, and jesse Jackson dr

  5. The new USA where whiners rule.

  6. Just for some irony, it should be a toll road.

  7. I used t live in that area. Believe me, Riviera Beach is the armpit of southeast Florida.

  8. If I lived there, that sign would stay shot up.

  9. To bad that once something is named after someone they don't have to pay for the upkeep of it!

  10. I heard they r gonna rename DC to HC in honor of the next pres

  11. This was done to piss off the white southerners.


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