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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Worcester County Teachers Are Not Happy!

Facebook post below by Worcester County Teacher - so, it looks like all those benevolent private business donations spawned another NON-PROFIT!


"Don’t you think I do enough? Please don’t insult me. I have been an educator for 33 years 25 of which have been in Worcester County. I have been involved in my profession and have been an advocate for teacher rights. I have promoted that all teachers should be responsible for doing their best for each kid we teach. I have weathered the good and the bad. For the past 5 years I have worked without a pay raise that has kept up with inflation, and suffered the rising costs of living. I am tired of hearing that we are in tough economic times. This year we finally received a raise. As a senior teacher, that raise did not keep up with my costs and I take home less every month then in previous years.

Today I was given an application to the Education Foundation in the county, where I could sign up through payroll deduction. PLEASE! I am to support the same system that has said I am not worthy of a raise? I am to fund further technology and innovation in the system? I am insulted. My current economic conditions prevent me in supporting your foundation for a system who has been unable to support my labor. You have spent money on systems that are unnecessary or do not work with our undeveloped infrastructure. I am sorry to say that until such a time that my economic conditions improve I will not support a system who does not support its teachers. 

Can someone tell me what has happen to our system? Can someone explain why teachers are frustrated and overwhelmed at the end of October? It appears this year there are not enough hours in the day for PLC, PD, SIT, and reading groups. I am now in school earlier for meetings and after school for events. I am tired of how I am treated by the system and now you insult me by asking me for money to support you? I don’t think so!"


  1. Boo hoo. A lot of people in other professions haven't received raises either. Be thankful you have a JOB!!

  2. I get the gist, but it is not very well written for an educator of 30+ years

  3. Cue the "teachers get paid well for only working 9 months out of the year" crowd in 3....2....1.....

  4. I don't feel a damn bit sorry for her. She should be grateful for the job she has. I been working for the state for over 7 years without a pay raise, and I am truly grateful to still have it. If she does't like, please leave. There are plenty out there looking for work!

  5. Actually if we do the math here is how much teachers work ready:

    Average days in a month 30
    School Year calander 180 days

    180 days divided by 30 = 6 months!
    Yes Half a year
    OK let's do it another way

    30 Days times 6 months = 180 days
    Once again half a year!
    Full Retirement
    Full Medical
    8 Hour days
    No weekends

    Ok here is the final question:
    Why go to college to be an EDUCATOR ( Code Word for Teacher ) KNOWING how much the pay rate is and then once you become a teacher cry about the PAY!
    It is like a Fireman crying about Heat!

    1. Actually genius, teachers work 190! So sorry you just wasted all of your time for those calculations but they aren't correct!! Nice try though!!

    2. 6:34.... Your obviously a teacher. Break it down in common core for us.

  6. I'll play the fiddle while you cry the blues!
    Won't get any sympathy from me!!!!

  7. Suck it up my little teacher , you liberal SOBs caused this problem , so live with it you complaining Obama lover.

  8. You are all missing the point of this post. Please take time to go on the website and see all they're asking for is money. Make sure you check out the donation levels this is why the teachers have the right to be be peeved. Think of it this way if you work for a multi-million dollar company and they ask you to take money out of your paycheck to support their company to help make up for the money they've misspent would you feel free to donate.

    1. I have donated to my boss to keep working. Happily at that. Takes money to make money.

  9. That's the down side of a public sector job making a living off taxes...When the bad times come it's your raise that gets hit but at least you'll get full pay until you die ,My Social security is already spent so I'll greet you at Walmart !

  10. Common Core results. Hahahaha

  11. I am married to a school teacher. Yes they are off in the summer, but that is well deserved. They work many many nights until 9 P. M. grading papers and listening to parents that they just don't know what to do with their child. They also work on weekends and holidays. If you take their pay and divide it by hours worked they are only making about $10.00 to $12.00 per hour

    1. Boo hoo welcome to the real world!!

    2. You sir are a liar. My kids homework isn't even checked. It's verified that the kid did it and that's all. Keep on lying to yourself. Or she have your dumb butt thinking she's working that late? Hope Jody ain't around.

  12. Good for this teacher for expressing her or his concerns. From what I see, and I have no first hand knowledge, teachers are underpaid and certainly from the idiotic comments here, underappreciated.

  13. I noticed how you didn't mention what your salary was and how much the raise actually was.
    The reason you don't get raises is because you are overpaid now.
    How hard is it to babysit a couple kids and indoctrinate them into Marxist views?

    1. You are so sadly ignorant, it hurts!

  14. 3:58 Did you add in their insurance that is 100% paid and their pension, that they do not have to contribute too?

    1. Insurance is not 100% covered. They have good insurance but they still pay part of it. I believe $450 comes out of my wife's check each month for it

    2. Again. I see you speaking of the wife. Get a job and maybe your wife's money will go further.

  15. I think everyone's missing the point too. The foundation is asking the teachers for money to support the foundation. That is kind of tacky.

    1. Do they pay union dues? Same damn thing. Suck it up butter cup.

  16. 3:58 That is a complete FALSE Statement! 10 -12 dollars an hour! People are not that stupid! I am not saying they should'nt be paid a decent salary but they ALWAYS cry its not enough! CHANGE occupations! How much is enough? 20- 30 dollars and hour? 50? How much please tell us!!

  17. any teacher who has to put up with these mini thugs and little savages in classromm nowadays has my sympathy. I wouldn't do it for $60,000 a year

  18. 2:56, exactly right and 3:58 working til 9 grading papers can be done while enjoying some beverages and whatever else. WORK is different.

  19. All right, you blind clowns.
    Check out the video's of teachers getting punched, thrown to the ground, getting their skulls cracked and arms broken, teeth knocked out, and sucker punched.
    And they are FIRED if they defend themselves. 25 year career GONE because some 12th grade illiterate punk slaps you across the face and then tries to slam your head into the wall and all you did was push him away from you.
    AND you're a 5'6" FEMALE wrestling with a 6 foot black male. Who still can't read or write.
    And NONE of you would allow anyone to attack you with no recourse, but you want a teacher to do it.
    And you have the gall to say they are UNDERPAID?!
    And, 2:56, YOU are the biggest loser this week. That half-aced analysis of their hours is beyond stupid. There isn't a teacher within a hundred miles that works just 8 eight hours a day.

    1. I bet you're not a 6 foot black male BUT....it should be videos....not video's. Just thought you should know that. God bless

  20. If she is a teacher then she is probably in a union that means she is most likely a democrat. She needs to take her complaints to Obama he was supposed to make everything all better. The only sympathy I have for teachers is they can't discipline the kids and that's because of all the liberals ( democrats)and all their politically correct crap and all the rest of their nonsense. Anyone who sends their kids to a public school might just as well resign themselves to the fact they are not being educated to think for themselves,they are being brainwashed. George Orwell had it right just the wrong date. Don't you just love BIG BROTHER.

  21. 3:58 It could be worse. They could be in the military working 14 hour days or more and gone from home for more than 6 months at a time.

  22. If all of you know so much and how easy the job is then go and do it!! I give you (moron complainers) less than a month before you all quit.

    1. Yeah . your that hard core. Smdh.idk one teacher who can do my job for five minutes. Stfu. Lol

  23. Many of the uninformed and biased comments here are examples of exactly what's wrong with our public school system. Our children are out of control. They show no respect to teachers, police, or parents. And the uninformed want to blame the teachers for the poor job done raising these children. American Education Week is coming up soon. Open your minds and visit a classroom for a day. Stand in the hallways and listen to the language coming out of the mouths of these kids. (And yes, it might just be your kid, too.)

    1. Excuse me. We are all grown. From a time when teachers really taught.let me remind you of something..... Respect is earned not just given. If a teacher says no respect is given its because they don't deserve it. More to teaching than just showing up for free money. In order to teach you gotta reach. You dig?

  24. Dear Teacher....I find it funny that private schools pay way less than you public unionized teachers get yet those teachers provide,in most accredited private schools,a far superior education.Why is that?And why do so many of you public teachers send your OWN kids to private schools.You know how bad the system you work in has failed,both you and the students.

  25. It's not just teachers who don't get raises, and feel overwhelmed at work. There are lots of professions where people are working short-handed because the business wants to save money, so the employees have to take on more work. Everyone is tired and would like a raise.

  26. And Worcester County Sheriffs Offce hasn't gotten a raise either in 5-6 yrs..but we work ALL year..Weekends, Holidays, work in bad weather,don't get to stay home on snow days,work during Fog delays,face danger everyday, when bad stuff happens in the schools you call us for help...soooo your point is ?????..... Yeah we get no raise either and doesn't seem like we will get one anytime soon....especially with Joseph Metrecic in the office..Please vote him out the next election, he doesn't like cops or teachers...he could care less about your protection in the county...Elect someone else in District 7 Please!!!!!

    1. Officer ty but shut up. Police and teachers are about the same in worthlessness.

  27. How do you take home less every month? Is this common core math ? And I could've swore that Worcester just approved pay raises. So as a senior teacher you make what???? 70k + a year? If you'd u can't live of that then you need to live among your means. Get a part time job in the summer with the 2 almost 3 months of you have off. Teachers make me sick. Get a piece of paper and apply. It's so hard. I work so much. I'm a failure at teaching and its not my fault, its the thugs. Yadda yadda yadda.

  28. Try working at a job that does not offer a pension. Be thankful that the tax payers are going to be supporting you for the rest of your days.. Cry me a river

  29. Save $70 per month by dropping your useless Union. Money well saved.

  30. Don't you just love the irony?

    Teachers and their unions have been in charge of public schools for what, a hundred years??

    Look at what they've done.

    Now they want to blame the parents?

    Don't you liberal fools believe it takes a village to raise a child?

    how well has that philosophy worked?

    you communist/socialist pigs are NEVER responsible for anything???

    your union votes democrat since time immemorial and you expect things to change. Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't that the definition of insanity?

    i hope all of you democrats stay wallowed in self pity for the rest of your miserable lives.

    we've tried to offer you an out, but you pull the lever just as hard for the same thing.

    welcome to your self-imposed communal pity party.

    may your chains rest lightly upon you.

  31. Whoever wrote this ------doesn't realize
    how fortunate they are to be receiving the pay & benefits
    a teacher gets!!!! As said, someone did not
    do their math correctly when it came to "figuring" their
    hourly income !! Don't forget all the Holidays they get

    I do not believe a retired teacher is paying out $450 per
    month for Ins. , as someone has stated on here!!

    Join the "real world" where pay isn't keeping up with
    cost of living & it's getting harder to just survive , paying
    out ONLY FOR our living essentials !

  32. 7:12.....of ALL the things you could have said, the BEST you had was an apostrophe out of place???

    And NO, not all teachers are democrats. Far from it.

    Further, it IS the parent's fault. And private schools are better because they SELECT who goes there and they don't jack around with kids who smack teachers, come off with f*** you to every one in sight, or start fights every day.
    Man. Some of you are SO uninformed about how the schools work nowadays, it's unreal.
    How's my punctuation? Noun/verb agreement? Structure?

  33. No teacher was ever forced to except their job. Therefore.......quit, deal with it or band together and change it. I'm not gonna bash you about how hard you work or don't work...I haven't walked in your shoes...bu the private sector isn't an easy place to be right now either. Suck it up buttercup! Get rid of the Union and take control of your profession....and get your head outta the clouds and vote in leaders that will change what's obviously no longer working. Even still in these tougher times, when you weigh all the positives against the negatives, you folks don't have it to bad😊

  34. Response to Worcester's Deplorable & Stagnant Economic Conditions:

    So why don't the Worcester County residents recall that so called Democratic Senator - Jim Mathias. He is a big part of Worcester's chronic economic problem. Anyone who lobbies and helps to pass a residential sprinkler ordinance deserves to be booted.

    That sprinkler legislation alone helped to set-back Worcester's economy by 100 years, plus, contributed to Worcester's demise to recruit new school teachers. Why would a new teacher want to re-locate to such a hostile economic environment knowing full well that Senator Mathias took new home ownership out of the realm of about 98% of of our Worcester County population.


  35. I.M. McLain NAILED IT!

    Somebody has to teach our kids and I get so sick of the teacher bashing. You people have no idea the violence and crap teachers take, try to resolve, etc. I got to see it first hand and now I have even more respect for teachers.

  36. 11:51
    Most of the problem is the liberal agenda which the teachers have always backed. I do not feel sorry for any of the liberal teachers. They are getting what they have asked for....don't spank any child..all children get a trophy....blah blah blah. Now it is all coming back to haunt them and they want to complain about it. Sorry I have no pitty for them.

  37. To 8:45 Commenter regarding Senator Mathias - (Residential Sprinkler Ordinance)

    You are so on-point, and I do not understand why the Worcester County residents haven't caught on to his (Mathias) shenanigans.

    Case-in-point - look at how he left OC while serving as Mayor. The OC residents have become slaves to a bloated municipal infrastructure. We all have read about Ocean City salaries right here on SBYNEWS. Firemen making 100K plus, City Manager at $221k, Building officials making in excess of 100k, OC Police making close over 100k and some making 200k. And guess what - for only 9 months worth of work.

    Often I find myself questioning Worcester County residents sanity. Why have they (Worcester County residents) let things get so out of whack???? The Worcester County residents have become indentured slaves. . . no joke. The Worcester County residents have been bound to terms of municipal collective bargaining agreements - union contracts - (OC Police union) - while the City essentially burns through the wallets of Worcester County and OC residents. Just look at the pension plans for the OC municipal workers. They are so overpriced and over valuated it isn't funny. And so what do the OC council and Worcester County commissioners do . . . .just keep raising your taxes until people are starting to abandon their condos, homes, and properties. What-a-shame - Worcester County has a REAL ECONOMIC PROBLEM OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS. Very similar to Baltimore's financial dilemma.

  38. I agree with the above poster, Worcester County government at all levels is out of control. Question is, when are the residents going to initiate a counter attack. I agree, Jim Mathias needs to go, he has become a problem for our residents.

  39. Not only has Mathias screwed up Worcester, but Wicomico to. Look at how he has stalled the elected school board, yet Worcester has an elected school board. If it wasn't for Mathias, Wicomico would already have an elected school board. How he got into office is beyond me. The guy is bad news.

  40. Gosh, are the Worcester County teachers ever happy?? They cried like spoiled kids because they didn't get a raise, and walked into the school as the class actually started. They cried the blues because they had to work early or stay late, or they chose to buy class materials. So what happened, the Board and County caved in to their rants and they got raises. Now, they are still crying like spoiled brats about this new situation. If you don't like it then don't pay dues, and use your collective mouths and stand up against how dues are used. But please, stop all the crying. If you don't like your job, get the hell out and find another line of work that perhaps you could do without your constant complaining about it. Or, be grateful you have a paying job, with benefits, and are somewhat helping some students learn and become productive, and knowledgeable individuals.

  41. this year county employees did NOT get a cost of living increase. But because the teachers have a second well to dip into THEY got their raises while the rest of the county employees did not. I do not want to be a teacher today- too much politics and too little discipline and support for the kids at home. But it's a tough world out there. Over half the county budget goes to the teachers. People in other jobs see hours cut and health insurance costs going up and make half what you are making. I feel for you but the rest of us out here in the real world have the same pain. Ask the county why they let Ocean City go and take their trash to PA for burning. the county lost $$$$$$$ in tipping fees and their ego got in the way when they decided they wouldn't work with them. Ask what the starting pay is for the rest of the county jobs. Half of what teachers are.

  42. Seems like plenty of you read the title and did not read the article. The argument is they have been solicited for donations by the same foundation fighting against their raises. That is a slap in the face, how hard is that to realize. It's easy to see why our current education system is screw by reading comments on this board. You all believe teachers are miracle workers who should be able to teach kids who don't care and whose parents will not back up the teachers when push comes to shove. We complain and belittle teachers because they have it so easy????? If you believe that I want to come join you in the lala land you live in. Why should they put forth so much effort when it would be easier to bang their head against the wall? I am not a teacher and don't have any children in school, I have no horse in this race. But from an unbiased perspective, some of you simple minded people are so, so sad. The whole point of the article is about the foundation, not pay raises or insurance, or anything else you try to make it out to be. If you truly believe teachers work 6 months out of the year then you need to go back to school yourself.

    1. seems to me we all read it. don't sign up. problem solved

  43. I wish I had a dollar for every time the word "liberal" is used on this blogs comments section. I would have earned a teachers salary just two days. Learn how to use the word correctly....

  44. Lol ALL TEACHERS = DEMOCRATS????????????????????? Get a life people, truly. For all the complaining I see on here about people not working hard you have enough time to make dumb comments while at work apparently.

  45. @2:08 apparently not. I am sure it would be so simple if you were in that situation. Get a life.


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