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Sunday, November 01, 2015


When Jim Ireton was initially elected as Mayor of Salisbury, I was optimistic that he would bring a new and dynamic perspective to a city needing change. When Mr. Ireton was re-elected, I remained optimistic that whatever personal agendas that consumed his first term would be behind him, and we could move forward and finally improve our city. Now, as his second term ends, I realize my optimism was misplaced.

For six years of the Ireton Administration, it has been defined by two dominant themes: 1) grow government; and 2) personal attacks. Under this Administration, the solution to any problem (real or perceived) has been more rules, more regulations, more oversight, and more ordinary, day-to-day life, business and activity prohibited or banned. Run afoul of the Administration, and you will be fined, jailed, suspended or shut down. Likewise, if the administration was questioned or criticized, Mr. Ireton’s response was not to address or rebut the critique, but to personally attack its source. Personal vendettas do not make for good government. In Salisbury, we should be able to debate policy and issues without being publicly labeled thieves, liars, hustlers and the like.

Should Mr. Ireton be elected to Salisbury City Council, it is undeniable that he will strive to increase the power of government, and his power in government. By his own admission, he intends to expand departmental and regulatory authority. Those who stand to benefit under these policies will be those favored by Mr. Ireton. Those at risk, and who stand to lose, are those who for whatever reason have fallen out of favor with Mr. Ireton. Those close and connected to the government will win; those disliked or unknown to the government do not stand a chance. We do not need this type of government in Salisbury, now or ever.

I urge everyone to vote on November 5. Please give consideration to the last six years. Is our City better? Do you have confidence in the direction it is going? When you travel, are you proud to call Salisbury home? Is this a good place to live, work and raise a family? Answering “yes” these questions cannot be forced or regulated by government. It must be natural, and come from within. I encourage all those who vote to change the direction of this City’s leadership and to elect Roger Mazullo to City Council for District 4.


  1. Agree wholeheartedly with this. I was traveling and met a young man who had moved recently from the Eastern Shore. When I mentioned being from Salisbury, his response was "I'm sorry."

    Spoke volumes to me about this city's reputation under Ireton. Now he can't let go by wanting a lower seat on the city council because he knew he couldn't beat the Chicago-PAC-backed Jake Day.

  2. Much more important -- reelect Tim Spies! He cares and will do the right thing.

    Heath would be a yes-man for Day.

  3. just elect Joe Albero and get salisbry back to being productive and not being a crime riddled ghetto like ireton has gotten us into.

  4. Dear Letter Writer,

    It will be worse under Day -- just like Barrie Tilghman he will be the puppet for the "Good Old Boys". That's SAPOA/slumlords, the business/Chamber of Commerce crowd, Gillis gang, etc.

  5. You can't be serious. Mr Mayor Rainbow McDumbass has been nothing more than a net negative to this city. He is a loser and has pushed his loser agenda on this town.


  6. Election date is November 3rd.
    everything else seems accurate

  7. I'm not a city resident but work in town and love this place. Please wake up and shuffle the deck with anybody but this guy! He's done nothing except allowed our city to become another example of what not to do in America today. If wish nobody ill will but this guy is testing my resolve.

  8. Coward = Dru Bragg worked at the fire department as an assistant chief. Gets fired by new fire chief. Goes crying to his drinking buddy Jimbeau. Jimbeau begs Chief Simpson to hire his drinking buddy Dru Bragg back. Drinking buddy gets hired back with a demotion. Jimbeau is a coward and didn't have the balls to make Simpson give him his job back to full rank. Now he is hired back but demoted to captain instead of assistant chief.

    66-2/3rds = Drinking buddy "hurts" arm on the job pretending he was lifting parking stops. Jimbeau and Jeanie Lloyd help him get state medical retirement with sixty six and two thirds.

    Double Dipping = Jimbeau creates a new position in Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance and hires his drinking buddy who "injured" his arm on the job at the fire department. Now he is collecting 66 2/3rds. Now that is double dipping.

    Corruption - Jim Ireton and his 6 years as the Mayor of Salisbury Maryland. This is a fact so don't be a coward and not post it.

    1. So what?? That's how the game is played. Have you been under a rock?? I know. Your a firefighter who didn't like drew because he fid his job well that you helped the new chief get rid of him. HAHA. You firefighters are the biggest back stabbing people. Go ride on the boat and get some fresh air.

  9. "I urge everyone to vote on November 5."

    Um...I have a better idea. I urge everyone to vote on Tuesday November 3!!

    Joe police correct that mistake before unsuspecting people try to vote on the wrong day.

  10. He could not hack the council the first time and quit. Send this guy packing and back to teaching. He has played office long enough.

  11. You guys elected a school teacher for mayor , the very worse thing you could have done , you will elect this same person for council. Why? Because you guys in the bury are nothing more than government led trash , your bleeding hearts amaze me , like the rest of the liberal trash in this country. Suffer in silence !

  12. Whoever wrote the article, hit the nail on the head.....Grew government and increased more regs....

  13. I've been amazed at many very respected professionals in the community comments regarding Mr. Ireton. They all consider him a screaming child that needs more discipline from someone who has authority. He is makes a great butt to jokes.

  14. I do feel better about where the city is heading. With a few more taxes, we can accomplish so much. Who thought we would have bike lanes...by 2015? What about that trolley? Who thought we would have people swimming in the Wicomico River by 2015? Sure, one was evading other criminals, and the other was trying to kill himself (Could have succeeded, if it wasn't for meddling officers), but they still jumped in. Under Day's leadership, I have no doubt we will continue our current path... how great is that?

  15. I'm writing in my vote. Refuse to vote for Day!

  16. Who is Jeannie Lloyd? Not heard her name mentioned previously. Realtor?

    1. City employees who does what she is told by her boss. THE MAYOR. Why do you people enjoy bringing up names who have nothing to do with things. Must be one of her employees trying to throw the boss under the bus. Yeah we ALL know how the employee's of the city play.

  17. 6:53 I cant support a gay candidate. Not because of the gayness but gay people are liberal and look at issues from a whole different perspective than a conservative straight person. Nobody wants to talk about that but its true and everyone knows it.

  18. 10:12 Same goes for women. Use emotion rather than logic. Women, gays and the socialist left are equal in that they make horrible decisions and do not belong in politics or upper management.

  19. Salisbury will not change. They will put the same people back in power and that's the end of it. Hope they will re-elect

    Spies but I do not think that will happen. Happy I am not part of that.

  20. I can't support a gay candidate either , it's against my religion , it's against my ethics , it used to be against the law.
    I can't imagine this idiot in school teaching youngsters anything.
    hey 10:52 , well said!!

    1. And the world is flat. You sad, sorry, small minded fool.

  21. 10:52 and 12:03 - in business and leadership, you couldn't hold a candle to me - a mere woman. Go back to your playpens.

  22. Someone has overestimated the local voting IQ.Jim will be elected.

    1. If he is i will be verbally blasting him at council meetings.

  23. This guy sucks, for real.

  24. Can't walk my dog in the evenings.

  25. No worries on my part of voting for Jim. He is history in my eyes and hope and prayer he is not voted in on the City Council. I work too hard to pay even more taxes, which is what he will push for!

    Also, I don't plan on voting for Fake Day either so guess I will leave that vote blank! Saw him prancing around Giant earlier today and he always has a fake smile on his face and waving to people in the store like he is King Day! Seems he enjoys knowing that people are looking at him and how important he is - with his fake military hair cut.

  26. That's the thing 4"03 P.M. Day is fake on the outside AND the inside. This so-called mayor job, is just a rung on the ladder that daddy is pushing him on so that Perdue can get a great deal more benefits from the taxpayers. Fake Day just doesn't have the mental metal to do a decent or even fairly decent job. He has to be led around. If only he could see how completely foolish and childish his actions and behaviors are. I question his competency.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Coward = Dru Bragg worked at the fire department as an assistant chief. Gets fired by new fire chief. Goes crying to his drinking buddy Jimbeau. Jimbeau begs Chief Simpson to hire his drinking buddy Dru Bragg back. Drinking buddy gets hired back with a demotion. Jimbeau is a coward and didn't have the balls to make Simpson give him his job back to full rank. Now he is hired back but demoted to captain instead of assistant chief.

    66-2/3rds = Drinking buddy "hurts" arm on the job pretending he was lifting parking stops. Jimbeau and Jeanie Lloyd help him get state medical retirement with sixty six and two thirds.

    Double Dipping = Jimbeau creates a new position in Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance and hires his drinking buddy who "injured" his arm on the job at the fire department. Now he is collecting 66 2/3rds. Now that is double dipping.

    Corruption - Jim Ireton and his 6 years as the Mayor of Salisbury Maryland. This is a fact so don't be a coward and not post it.

    October 31, 2015 at 2:10 AM

    "There Will Be A New Day" So New Day Jake Day did you read this? Oh wait, that's right you already knew about it. Oh that's right. Dru Bragg has become buddies with you and you are going to do nothing about this. Absolutely NOTHING!! A new day my ASS!!

  28. Anonymous said...
    I do feel better about where the city is heading. With a few more taxes, we can accomplish so much. Who thought we would have bike lanes...by 2015? What about that trolley? Who thought we would have people swimming in the Wicomico River by 2015? Sure, one was evading other criminals, and the other was trying to kill himself (Could have succeeded, if it wasn't for meddling officers), but they still jumped in. Under Day's leadership, I have no doubt we will continue our current path... how great is that?

    October 31, 2015 at 7:50 AM


  29. Anonymous said...
    Who is Jeannie Lloyd? Not heard her name mentioned previously. Realtor?

    October 31, 2015 at 8:47 AM

    No the worthless HR director who vapes e-cigs in her office all day.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    City employees who does what she is told by her boss. THE MAYOR. Why do you people enjoy bringing up names who have nothing to do with things. Must be one of her employees trying to throw the boss under the bus. Yeah we ALL know how the employee's of the city play.

    October 31, 2015 at 10:10 AM

    It's none of your business Douche, now crawl back under your rock. She has thrown enough employees under the bus her self.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And the world is flat. You sad, sorry, small minded fool.

    October 31, 2015 at 7:01 PM

    I think you are the sad, sorry, small minded fool. You ignorant, radical, liberal bastard. Go smoke a white owl.

  32. With the horrid mentality of most people around here, they DESERVE people like Ireton.

  33. Ireton planned a long time ago to run for city council a become president so he can block everything and anything Day wants to do and continue his own itinerary


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