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Thursday, November 05, 2015

What Happens When You Donate Your Body to Science

You know that it's possible to donate many of your organs after you've died. But did you know that you can actually donate your entire body to science? It's an option that's becoming a lot more mainstream, says Tim Christy, director of marketing at MedCure, an accredited whole-body donation program in the U.S. The most popular means of donating your body is by registering with an organization like MedCure or Science Care, both of which partner with medical schools, hospitals, and other research organizations to match donor bodies with research needs. While these organizations can’t guarantee placement with one specific cause or hospital, there are some pretty crazy places your corpse can go after you’ve moved on to greener pastures.



  1. We, as a family decided to donate our Grandmother's brain. She's at the end stage of Alz, and if any good can come out of her suffering from this terrible malady, it'll because of the donation.

  2. I'm on the list for donation to Johns Hopkins. I'm going to ride it hard before giving it up, Hopkins, so give me some advanced students that can appreciate it.

  3. In medical school we had a jar of penises in embalming fluid. A lot of us were very disrespectful to the cadavers. I feel bad about it now, 50 years later.

  4. At John Hopkins in the 60's we had a student that got kicked out of school for having sex with one of the bodies.


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