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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Enhanced Pedestrian Safety Targeted

The Delaware State Police will take a systematic look at where pedestrians cross the road and will introduce High Visibility Education and Enforcement. Pedestrian safety will encompass education and enforcement initiatives during the month of November. Office of Highway Safety, DelDOT and the Delaware State Police as well as multiple municipal agencies will participate in this pedestrian outreach initiative to educate the public about the pedestrian safety laws.

Troop 2 will be conducting high visibility education and enforcement along US Route 13 from the Route 13/40 split to I-295. This project is part of a pilot program initiated by the International Association of Police Chiefs (IACP) and funded by Office of Highway Safety. The Delaware State Police will conduct two weeks of education and outreach followed by one week of enforcement patrols, citing everyone violating pedestrian safety laws.

Officers will provide pedestrians with literature that includes safe walking tips and a small flashlight to increase pedestrians’ visibility in low-light or dark conditions.

The Delaware State Police urge everyone to look out for all traffic and any pedestrians to help change the most dangerous time of year into a safer time of year. Please help make this pedestrian safety campaign a successful one.

Anytime you are walking, please cross only in crosswalks or at intersections with traffic signals; if walking at night, carry a flashlight or wear reflective clothing; use sidewalks whenever possible; be patient – wait for cars to stop before stepping into the roadway; and finally, do not walk under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When driving, always be on the look-out for walkers and anticipate pedestrians being in the road. Be a smart defensive driver and obey the posted speeds, be watchful, attentive and never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


  1. Look both ways and live more days.

  2. It is amazing how much money this country wastes on studies and programs. Teach this in school and put a few psa's on tv and if people still won't learn to bad for them.

  3. Aaaand to you stupid people that jay-walk or walk against the lights - we should make getting hit by a vehicle in that case YOUR FAULT!

  4. let me see now we are supposed to carry a flashlight and wear reflective clothing. this will be the next law that they pass and if you go out after dark without it you will be ticketed and fined. and oh by the way if you drink don't walk. the next law will be wui which will be the next new law punishable by death

  5. 8:40 sees the future.
    A permit" for "walking". You can buy a year long pass at a discount, too.
    A fine for not wearing the proper colors when walking. A new fine for drivers who fail to give "walking people" a minimum distance.
    A surcharge on drivers to pay for the flashlights and brochures that instruct people on the "proper method of walking".
    An extra fee for walking more than once a day and a "campaign" by the Gestapo to check the "papers" and "permits" of those who have been granted the right to walk by the state.
    Don't laugh.
    When I told that the Nazi "checkpoints" that they promised would ONLY be used to look to see if, maybe, perhaps, there could possibly be some criminals under the influence, you laughed whenI said they were lying and YOU were merely opening the door they would soon come crashing through...
    Now look.
    ARMED groups of agents set up roadblocks ("checkpoints") on any and every highway, checking drivers, occupants, searching cars, taking pictures, intimidating those who wonder how in the hell does this occur in OUR country??
    Ladies and gentleman, you are witnessing the creation of another boogeyman, which WILL require more laws, more fines and fees and, of course, "enforcement campaigns".
    And you cannot stop cheering.....

  6. wow so many big words and metaphors for what this will become, a fund raiser for the police. God


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