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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Clinton meets with Trayvon Martin's family

Chicago (CNN)Hillary Clinton met Monday with a collection of parents whose African-American children have died in shootings at a local Chicago cafe, discussing their loss and outlining her criminal justice reform and gun control plans.
The two-hour gathering included the mothers of Trayvon MartinJordan Davis, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice. All African-American women who lost their young children in shootings, the group formed a "motherhood" in the wake of their losses.


  1. Hillsrer who's next the Benghazi victims families?

  2. What they need to do is form a group to figure out where they went wrong and how to keep others from making the same mistake.

  3. Funny that they don't mention or show pictures of Hillary being procted by a dozen armed agents during this compassion!!!

  4. Hillary is so fake. All she wants is to get the votes.

  5. Probably the first time he's seen Trayvon's mother since 9 months before Trayvon was born.He owes some serious child support.

  6. Maybe she'll visit the families of the cops ambushed and killed.

  7. Yeah, Hil, that'll put a dent in Chicago's black on black killings. We'll check the numbers after you leave.

  8. The motherhood of criminals , ain't you proud ? They are just like hillary

  9. I don't know who Hildabeast thinks she's fooling. I don't give a rats butt if she visit every black American in the country. She haven't done it before. So why now? I'm a women. I'm black. I'm a registered Democrat. And, a veteran. But guess what, Hildabeast. It will be a cold day in hell before I cast a vote for you to be the President of this here United States of America. Come on people. Don't be fooled by this faking the freaking funk person I will always call Hildabeast Clinton. She really don't care about us. If she really want your vote, tell her to send you a certified check first. That's the only thing she can do for me. BuyMyVote!

  10. I'm sure she's connecting by telling them all how well she understands, being a mother, like Chelsea ever had any risk in her life except when going from the hotel to the limo.

  11. You've all got it wrong. I'm sure she has an accurate accounting of how much they've all won in their settlements.

  12. She meets with the parents of children, (since when is 17 a child), but she meets with the parents of criminals! These kids were all killed doing criminal things, the investigations proved these brats were criminals!
    I guess since she is a criminal, birds of a feather flock together.


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