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Sunday, November 08, 2015

The Future Of Salisbury Under Liberal Rule

Above is a picture of an abandoned inner city neighborhood which has been under liberal control for decades. 

Rent control will undoubtedly lead to this condition. The owners unable to collect enough rent to cover increasing taxes, vacancy rates, and repairs to damages caused by tenants, will have no incentive to maintain the buildings and keep them occupied. They will be unable to sell them due to a crappy market and they will just sit accumulating tax bills and fines for grass growing between the cracks in the sidewalks. No one wants to live in neighborhoods created by the affordable housing mindset but people who don't pay their own rent and are subsidized by the taxpayer under liberal policy. 

Yes, liberals have in fact created the neighborhoods like the one pictured above and will continue to perpetuate the degradation of our communities until every neighborhood has a section the more closely resembles a third world, battle torn country than an American neighborhood. 

Get ready Salisbury. It's almost here. Don't agree? Ride down Railroad ave., Martin st., Record st. 

Last election you had an opportunity to make a difference. It was YOUR election to lose and you blew it. Now reap the rewards or your poor decisions.


  1. I feel like Salisbury is headed towards being like sections of Baltimore, or even worse, Camden, NJ. I always remember Salisbury being a safe small town. Now, however, it's one of the most dangerous towns for its population. And the 'powers that be' just ignore it because they don't see it on a daily basis, but I do. Things are getting worse. Someone needs to hammer Jake Day and the city council about the crime in this town at every meeting and when ever possible.

    1. Why don't you hammer jake ? Armchair wrestler.

  2. I don't support rent control. What we need is enforcement of the code, not focusing on the homeowners who are "low hanging fruit" and will make the repairs and be marked as "cured," but on the most problematic properties. The ones shown in your photo are a perfect example. They have been in this condition for years. These properties are poster children for slum and blight. The owners need to be held accountable. Neither Tilghman or Ireton were willing to drive out substandard housing. Give us the addresses so that we can see who owns them.
    Don't mistake "affordable housing" for this crap. While it may have rented for a low amount it's because it's not fit to live in. Unfortunately, there are plenty of properties like this in Salisbury. Many are currently occupied at the expense of neighborhoods and the people who are living in them. Code compliance, where are you?

  3. Another contributor is housing payment vouchers....the occupant has part (or all) of his rent paid for by the government. The occupant has no feeling of ownership or responsibility and acts accordingly.

    I see the payment voucher result on a regular basis - some of the tenants where I live during the week park in front of no-parking signs, let their dogs poop in the hallways, and let their living areas run down to slum-like conditions. When you call them out, they get belligerent, and tell you to mind your own business!

  4. What do you expect with 84% of the population renting (or being subsidized to rent) their home. They will continue to vote for anyone who promises to keep rent down no matter what sort of dilapidated wreck that puts them in!

  5. I agree with 11 a.m. The streets like the ones mentioned in the post have been crap for years without rent control because many are owned by many of Salisbury finest slumlords. Rent control won't fix that, so Ireton's proposal is just another desperate act to get votes for his sinking campaign.

    Fuggedaboudit, Jimmy. The tenants from your area have been told by their landlords who to vote for, and it ain't you!

    I believe Ireton is seriously a moron. If he had just left those two women on council alone to fix the legislation he put out there, he'd be smelling sweet now. Something that would have done the job without a vendetta campaign against all landlords since the ladies were attempting to be fair instead of vindictive.

    IMHO, Salisbury, Barrie Tilghman started the sell out and Jim Ireton finished it. Done. Dunn deal. Jake Day, also IMHO, is just there for icing on the cake for the elite until he's run for a bigger office with the backing of the realtors, who are in bed with the landlords. At least, that is how I see things.

    Poor Salisbury. I knew you when.

  6. Yep, Jim Ireton and Jake Day!

    You can also blame the Republican Central Committee for doing nothing to put up Republican candidates. You can also blame the current Wicomico County Republican Club and it's leadership of Shawn Jester, Jackie Wellfonder, Muir Boda and Marc Kilmer. They have been friends with and embraced both Jim and Jake for Mayor.

    Yes folks you can blame your local Republicans for this problem that they knew about and ignored for years. Their excuse was that it was a non partisan election. How stupid can you get!! The Democrats capitalized on their stupidity.

  7. Though I might agree to some degree, all is not because of voting in the previous election, these pictures do not depict last election failures, those abandoned properties were decades in the making. And I will say as I have before it doesn't matter the policies and laws on the books, it is the actual enforcement that is at fault. We have let this city rot for decades. Correct codes that do not fit for today, make changes where needed and for God's sake enforce them all of them !!!!!

  8. Most of Cambridge looks like this already. Especially in the black sections on Washington and Pine Streets. Most of the houses are either boarded up or have been burned down. Just like Salisbury, empty warehouses and factories can be seen on 50 and Woods Road. Cambridge Tech just laid off the last of their employees and closed their building on October 30th. From what I understand, they sent the jobs to Matamoras Mexico Just like Airpax did. So how are those "free trade" deals working for you? How do you like the hope and change you voted for? How is Obama working for you?

  9. ya'll are dumber than a box of rocks, whining about your rent percentages.
    you should be asking yourselves WHY is the rental percentage so high.
    and that would be because there are very few livable wage paying jobs in the ghetto.
    until you address the bigger contributing problem you will never fix the issue.
    but keep whining and bashing 84% of your community. that'll fix the problem.

  10. Thank God they built the bypass.

  11. Funny you mention the bypass........most of the loss of business in salisbury can actually be traced to it.......

  12. 10:58...is that your attempt at a joke? A lame double entendre? I'll give you a minute so you can Google double entendre because I'm sure you have no idea what it means.


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