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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Swedes find weapons stash at migrant center

Law enforcement agents in Krokum, Sweden, went on high alert after security staffers at the local migrant center reported uncovering a stash of weapons hidden in the heating room.

Gateway Pundit reported the story, translated from the Swedish Avpixlat: “A weapon cache was found last week at an asylum accommodation in Krokom … inside the property’s heating chamber. … The weapons were seized.”

Officials found the firearms when staffers with a local energy company arrived at the facility to read the boiler meters.



  1. There you go. All a plot and Europe fell for it. TROJAN HORSE! !! OBAMAS REAL ARMY.

  2. Let me show you my shocked face....

  3. Oh what a surprise. I am sure Obama, Hillary and Holder planted the guns there.

  4. Criminals will take advantage of any situation. Just remember you cannot help where you were born. I hope those of you who are so against helping a refugee are never in the same situation. Be thankful you are safe

  5. You racists.
    They need guns in case of, well, uh, okay they don't need them.

    Unless the "refugees" were really an army sent to kill more people who aren't muslim.
    And obama just authorized the entry of .......15,000 of them into OUR country.
    Is he HOPING that they will start something that will allow some martial law?
    The religion of peace, my arse.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 5, 2015 at 10:43 AM

    Oh, what a surprise! Religion of Peace, right? Please tell me, where did these "poor muslim refugees" get those guns? Would it supprise anyone if those guns had a stamp Made In USA ???


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