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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Surprise: Obamacare Premiums To Spike 20.3% Overall

Where’s the “affordable” part?

(Daily Caller) Obamacare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase claimed by federal officials, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The discrepancy is because the government excluded price data for three of the four Obamacare health insurance plans when the officialsissued their recent forecast claiming enrollees would face only a 7.5 percent average rate increase in 2016.



  1. Not a conspiracy if it is reality...

    Some of you STUPID people need to learn...

  2. NO Regime in history, can ever accomplish anything without out the will of the people PERIOD!!!!

    So if all this stuff that is bad going on, and you don't like it, well you are just as much of the cause as the people who are doing it...

  3. 8:59 The " will of the people" is different with someone who is working for a living and someone addicted to government handouts. PERIOD.

  4. 8:59
    The will of the people is lost when democrats steal elections


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